一、课题说明 本课题选自 PEP 第一册第一单元,本单元的话题为 Hello,本课题选自 Part A Let's learn,Let's do 教学内容为关于学具的词汇pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon。该课是学生接触英语词汇学习的开篇。学生在此之前,未接触英语,但已经有了扎实的汉语拼音学习基础。因此,在本堂课中,教师应注意运用学生的已有语言储备,利用知识的正迁移,落实教学。 二、学生情况分析 本课的教学对象是实验小学三年级学生,大多数学生在这之前未接触过英语。在语言运用和表达上可能会出现一定的困难。但孩子们思维上的活跃和对英语课的好奇,还有三年级学生所特有的积极热情和喜欢挑战,喜欢表现的特点都是有共性的。教师需要根据学生特点,激活学生原有的知识经验及语言能力,为学生提供孩子们能够表达并乐于表达的语言平台。 三、教学详案 教学目标 知识目标: 1. 学生能听、说、读、五个词汇。能用 pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon。 2. 能运用所学的汉语拼音知识,能根据听到、看到的语言信息猜出学具,并发挥想象力自己创作图画并作简单介绍。 情感目标: 1. 学生能分小组进行讨论、乐于与他人合作,在合作过程中积极发挥各自所长,分工完成学习任务。 2. 学生能发挥观察力,积极思考,并能运用所学知识提取及摘录信息,提高运用语言的积极性,增强学习英语的信心。 教学重难点 重点:学生能听、说、读、五个词汇 pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon。 难点:如何利用学生以有经验,利用知识正迁移,进入一门新语言的学习。 课前准备 相关单词教学卡片 相关教具 四、教学步骤及说明 Teaching Plan 1. Teaching context:Book 1, Unit 1 Part A Let's learn 2. Difficult Point: eraser, crayon 4. Teaching aids: school things, tape record, pictures, cards, slide. 教学过程 | 设计说明 | ↘热身(Warm-up) | | ① Song Hello! ② Greeting What's Your name? My name's __ __. T: Hello, my name's Tina. What's your name, Please? | 用歌曲来调动学生的情绪,让学生在轻松的氛围中进入最佳的学习状态,同时为新课导入做铺垫。 | ↘呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice) | | ① Lead in T: Well, Class. I have a question for you.(T draws a line on the Bb.) Look! What can you see here? Please imagine. Ss: I see a ...\我看到…… (由于这课属于第一课时,学生尚无语言积累,所以可用中文表达。) ② pen T: Look at the school things. Which one is pen? 实物投影 各种单词及图片 T: Please show me. Ss 很快出,”在这,在这”课堂沸腾。 T: This is my pen. The pen is black. This is my pen, too. The pen is blue and gray. Could you say this in English? Ss follow the teacher.
③ pencil T: Well, I'll draw a picture for you. Where's my pencil? Here's my pencil. The pencil is too long. (T takes up a long pencil.) This pencil is OK. T draws and asks: A pencil? No. A pen. I need an eraser. I'll make it straight. Where's the ruler? Long ruler, short ruler. Could you say this in English? A. Ss follow the teacher. b. T checks. c. Show me your pen. Show me your pencil.
④ ruler T: Well, could you make it into a ruler? a. Ss follow the teacher. b. Game What's missing? (T→ Ss Ss →crayon读音 Ss )
⑤ crayon T: Shall we color the ruler. Here're some crayons. Which one do you like? Red crayon. yellow crayon, blue crayon. OK, please color it. Could you make it a crayon? a. Ss follow the teacher. b. Game: Warm and cold c. What's new? ( T→ Ss Ss→ Ss) ⑥ eraser T: Please close your eyes. I'll play magic. What's this? → eraser a. Ss learn the pronunciation. b. T checks. c. Listen and draw. | 利用直线的未知性既可以为新课导入做情感上的铺垫又可培养学生的发散性思维。 美术课作为切入点。 pen 一词在读音上和拼写上和汉语拼写有相似之处。 利用知识的正迁移,引导学生利用所学的汉语拼音知识,根据听到的读音,结合词的拼写出新单词.从而加深了对新词的认识。 语言的输出必须是在大量输入的基础之上,并且使这种输入在句中呈现有助于学生理解。 在教 pencil 时同时渗透 ruler。 让学生画尺子来检测反馈。 简简单单一幅画将教学内容贯穿到底。 | ↘拓展/巩固(Extension/Consolidation) | | 活动 1 ① Let's do a. T: It's your turn to draw the picture. Have you got everything ready? Please show me your pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon, pen. Please check in pairs. b. Let's do c. T changes the order Ss do. ② Guessing game What do you get? (Ss use body language to help him.) 通过在身体背后画图,凭感觉猜单词。 学生玩得兴趣盎然。 ③ Listen, say and point. a. T shows the abstract pictures, Ss guess what it is. b. Ss listen and point. ④ Look, find and match. Ss find the pictures of school things. ⑤ Ss draw and guess. T: well, take out your school thing let's draw. 我有一幅不完整的图形,请你试着把我补充完整,变成你今天学的五样东西,并取上英语名字。 | 借助情景检测学生是否带了美术工具来,听听做做来操练 Let's do。 通过抽象图片来辩物,既可培养学生的抽象思维能力,又可创设信息沟。 改进了活动手册的活动,让学生读读来完成单词认读。 给学生五个新词图片的相同部分,发挥想象力完成美术课的最后创作部分。 | | |