Design of Configuration Software based on Filedbus Control System
学 院(系): 电子与信息工程学院
专 业: 计算机科学与技术
学 生 姓 名: 刘国强
上位机软件开发培训学 号: 200591109
指 导 教 师: 仲崇权
评 阅 教 师:
完 成 日 期: 2009年6月
Dalian University of Technology
摘 要
本文研究了IEC61131标准中关于功能块编程的技术内容,给出了指令规约和编程方法,研究了功能块程序的可视化编辑和编译技术,设计和实现可编程控制器编程软件——PLC_Config。该程序是在Microsoft Visual Studio 2003环境平台下,使用C++编程语言,基于MFC程序框架开发完成的。该软件可对现场网络上的所有设备和资源进行配置和规划,使现场网络中的设备成为一个有机整体,协同工作完成控制功能。该软件应用了模块化设计思想,将整个软件分解成现场设备管理模块、可视化组态模块、现场设备监控模块、文件管理模块、通信服务模块及信息报告模块。可视化功能块编程模块实现了操作方便功能强大的用
Design of Configuration Software based on Filedbus Control System
IEC61131 standard for industrial automation and control system programming language standardized international standards, has been widespread concern and attention. At prese
nt, there are a number of automation equipment manufacturers with the introduction of the standards-based control system. Research based on the standard IEC61131 control system of great significance.
In this paper, the technical content on function block programming in IEC61131 standard is studied. Command and programming are provided. Visual programming and compiler technology of function block programming are researched. Programming software of Programmable Logic Controller(PLC_Config) is designed and implemented. This software uses C++ programming language under Microsoft visual studio 2003 development platform and based on the MFC Framework. This software configurates and plans the filed devices and resources, makes the filed devices implement control function as an organic whole. The software app the modular design concept. It includes Device Manage Module, Visual Configure Module, Watching Module, Files Manage Module, Communication Module and Report Module. Visual Configure Module implement useful and powerful user interface. It implement save and read function by the change between XML files and visual programming elements. Compiler Module implement the change of mode between in comp
uter and in PLC. User can configurate and upload the program conveniently.