1. 她总是穿着时尚的衣服。
  She always wears fashionable clothes.
2. 这是一家时尚的餐厅,提供各种美食。
  This is a fashionable restaurant that offers a variety of cuisines.
3. 他是一个时尚达人,经常关注最新的时装潮流。
  He is a fashionable guru who frequently follows the latest fashion trends.
4. 这个品牌的产品设计时尚且具有功能性。
  The products of this brand are fashionable and functional in design.
5. 这本杂志每月发布时尚新闻和时装秀报道。
  This magazine publishes fashion news and runway coverage on a monthly basis.
6. 他的时尚风格深受年轻人的欢迎。
  His fashionable style is highly appreciated by young people.
7. 这是一条时尚的购物街,有许多时尚品牌的商店。
  This is a fashionable shopping street with many stores of trendy brands.
8. 她的穿着总是时尚而精致。
  Her attire is always fashionable and exquisite.
9. 时尚是一种表达个人风格的方式。clothes中文
  Fashion is a way to express personal style.
10. 这个品牌的时尚设计吸引了许多顾客。
    The brand's fashionable designs have attracted many customers.
