[旁白:Long long ago, in a beautiful mountain, there is a deer with nine-colour fur, double antlers are as white as snow, its beautiful and magical.在一片景秀丽的山林中,有一只鹿,它双角洁白如雪,身上有九种鲜艳的毛,漂亮极了,人们都称它九鹿。]
九鹿:(在河边悠闲地散步)Ah,how fresh the air is!How nice the flowers are!啊,空气多清新哪!花儿多娇艳啊!(闭眼闻花香,很陶醉)
九鹿:(朝声音传来的方向稍做凝望马上跳入河中)Don’t worry!I’m coming!别害怕,我来救你!
调达:(扑通跪倒在地,连连叩头,一幅感激不尽的子。)Thank you so much!My beautiful deer!It’s you who gives me a second life!How can I ever repay you? You are my owner now!Let me serve you with all my life.谢谢您啊,美丽的鹿。是您给了我第二次生命,我该如何报答您呢?就让我做您的奴仆吧,一辈子让您使唤,为您效劳,您就是我的主人,我……
九鹿:You needn’t to be my servant.I live a free life,and you also have your family and friens.Go home now,my friend.But remember:don’t let anyone know my place!Keeping the secret for me is the best repayment!我救你,并不是想要你成为我的奴仆,我一个人生活的自由自在,而你,也有自己的家和朋友,快回家吧。但请你千万记住,不要让任何人知道了我的住处,为我保密,就是你对我最好的报答了!
调达:(举手起誓,一脸诚恳)My pretty deer,I’m a man of promise.I swear that I would never tell anyone including the flowers , the grass and the birds in the sky.Thank you again!美丽的鹿啊,我调达是一个遵守诺言的人,我对天发誓,决不会把你的住处告诉给任何人,甚至是地上的花草,天上的飞鸟,也不会。让我再一次谢谢您的大恩大德吧!(又叩头)美丽的鹿啊,美丽的鹿……
[旁白:这个国家的国王有个娇小美丽的妃子。The king of this country has a charming concubine.One day,she made a mysterious dream.有一天,这个妃子做了一个神奇的梦。]
王妃:(九鹿出现在王妃的梦里)Oh,my god!What’s this? It’s so charming!The antlers are as white as snow.How can the fur has nine colors!Oh,if I have a clothes made of the fur,I will become the most beautiful woman in the world!Oh,deer,where are you?where do you live?Tell me ,please.天啊,这是什么?它多么迷人呀!这双角像雪一样白,这身毛皮怎么有九种颜?噢!如果用这身毛皮为我做一件华丽的衣服,那么这个世界上最美丽的女人就是我了,谁也不会超过我!噢,美丽的鹿呀!你住在哪里,快告诉我,你的家在哪里?……(九鹿慢慢走远,王妃从梦中惊醒)Ask the king to come here.You just say I’m ill.来人哪,去把国王请来就说我……说我身体不适。
国王:(急急忙忙走上)Oh,my dear,what’s the matter with you?爱妃,你哪里不舒服?怎么不传太医呀?来人哪,快传太医……
王妃:(急忙拉住国王)My majesty,I made a dream last night.陛下,慢着,我不需要太医,你听我说,我昨天晚上做了一个神奇的梦(对国王耳语)Promise me to catch this magical and beautiful deer,please…陛下,你就答应我吧,去捉那只神奇的美丽的鹿吧!陛下……
卫士甲:Listen to me ,please.There’s a beautiful and magical deer in the forest.大家听好了,在山林里有一只美丽的神奇的鹿,谁知道那只鹿住在哪里?If you knows where does the deer live,you will get a lot of money!报告国王将重重有赏啦!大家听好了……
调达:(调达挤出人,眼珠溜溜地转)Haha,I’ll be a rich man!哈哈,发财的机会来了,我调达要发财了!(哼“我要发财了……”下场)
[旁白:国王听了调达的话,立即调集军队,在调达的带领下,大队人马浩浩荡荡地向着山林,向着九鹿的住地进发了。] The king mobilized the troop immediately when he knew the place.The army is heading to the forest under the lead of Diaoda.
九鹿:Wow,what a fine day!The sunshine is so warm!I’ll take a nap.啊,今天的天气多好啊!太阳晒在身上暖洋洋的,让我美美地睡上一觉吧!
[旁白:九鹿在开满鲜花的草地上睡得正香,突然,一只乌鸦飞来了。]When  the deer is sleeping,a crow is flying to him.
乌鸦: Wake up,deer.The king’s army is coming for you!wake up!九鹿,九鹿,快醒一醒吧!国王的军队捉你来了,快醒醒!
[旁白:九鹿猛地从梦中惊醒,他发现自己已经被刀箭斧包围了。他定眼一看,一脸媚的调达正站在国王的身边,九鹿生气极了。]The deer woke up in the dream and found himself surrounded by the weapons.And he saw Diaoda standing by the king flatteringly.The deer was so angry.
九鹿:(气愤的,用手指着调达)亲爱的陛下,您知道吗?您身边的这个人,在快要淹死的时候,我救了他,他曾经发誓永远也不向任何人透露我的住地。没想到这样一个见利忘义的小人,您竟然把他当成朋友。您难道就不怕天下人笑话吗?您难道愿意和他一起来残害无辜吗?My majesty!Do you know? I saved the man beside you when he was nearly drowned.And he swore that he won’t tell anyone my residence.I wonder why you treat this bad guy as your friend!
国王:Oh,my beautiful deer!I’m so ashamed. Diaoda,you’re such an ungrateful person.Soldier,put this man into the prison! Attention,please.The deer is my best fried.Anybody who does harm to her will be killed!美丽的鹿啊!我感到惭愧。调达,没想到你竟然是一个背信弃义、恩将仇报的小人。来人哪,将这个小人押入大牢,等候我的发落。传我的命令,九鹿是国王最好的朋友,任何人不得伤害它,违令者重重责罚!
九鹿:Thank you,my majesty.I’ll be your friend forever!谢谢您,亲爱的陛下,我将是您和您的臣民永远的朋友,再见。
