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仅供交流学习  禁止商用盈利  总监    苏葵
女孩孤儿院  梅休因之家
You should have seen yourself.  你真该看看自己
Up on that stool, floating around up there,  站在凳上  目光迷离
Deardorff just hollering at you.  迪尔多夫不停地喊你
It felt funny.  感觉很奇妙
Shit.  可不嘛
I bet it felt good.  肯定感觉好
What you gonna do at night?  你今晚干什么
I'm gonna stay awake as long as I can, reading my book,  打算尽可能熬夜  看书
learning the Sicilian Defense.  学习西西里防御
There's 57 pages about it in the book,  这个开局书里写了57页
with 170 lines stemming from P to QB4.  光是兵移到后翼象线第四格就有170多种变化
I'm gonna memorize them and play through them all in my mind.  我要全部记住  然后在脑子里下一边
Poor mind.  可怜的小脑袋
Ladies, don't run!  姑娘们  别跑
No shoving!  别推推搡搡
Mr. Shaibel?  夏贝先生
They won't let me play anymore.  他们不让我下棋了
I'm being punished.  我被惩罚了
can you help me?  你能帮我吗
I wish I could play more with you.  我希望能跟你多下下棋
For crying out loud, what you still doing in bed?  见了鬼了  你们还在床上干什么
You're gonna miss breakfast.  要错过早餐了
Morning, cracker.  早上好  小姑娘
You don't wanna miss another delicious breakfast, do you?  你不会想再错过美味的早餐  对吧
Been dreaming about it.  我都梦了一夜了
Wonder who they're here for.  不知道他们要接走谁
第二集  后翼弃兵
Hi, Beth.  贝丝
- Are you trying to piss her off? - I had to take a shower.  -你要惹她生气吗  -我得先洗澡
Go on in, then.  赶紧进去
Hold up.  等等
They seem like nice people.  他们看起来像好人
I'm told, Elizabeth, that you turned 13 just last month.  我听说伊丽莎白  你上个月刚13岁
Actually, I'm fift--  其实我已经...
Yes, that's right, I'm 13.  对  没错  我13岁
Such a wonderful age.  花季少女  真好
Elizabeth has performed well in all of her schoolwork.  伊丽莎白的所有课业都遥遥领先
She is at the top of her class in reading and arithmetic.  她在班上阅读和算术第一
That's very impressive.  真厉害
Beth is also a very strong student in science and geography,  贝丝在科学和地理上也很优秀
and has been kindly assisting Miss Lonsdale with chapel,  过去几年一直在热心帮助朗斯代尔小
for several years now.  打理礼拜堂
She is the model Methuen girl.  她是位模范梅休因女孩
I can see that.  我能看出来
I will leave you three to get acquainted.  我让你们三人熟悉一下
They call you Elizabeth?  他们叫你伊丽莎白
Or is it Betty?  还是贝蒂
You should go pack.  你该回去了
I can't find my book.  我不到书了
Which book we talking about? You read like a hundred of them.  你说哪本书  你读的书有一百多本
Modern Chess Openings.  《现代象棋开局》
Beats the shit out of me.  我哪知道
I left it right here.  我就放在这里了
- You didn't see it, did you? - Watch who you go accusing.  -你没看到  对吧  -说话小心点
I got no use for no book like that.  那种书对我来说没用
Anyway, you don't need no book.  再说你也用不着书
Just say, "Yes, sir," and "Yes, ma'am," and you'll do all right.  只需要说"好  先生""好  女士"  一切都会好的
Tell them you're grateful to be in a Christian home like theirs.  说你很感激能被他们那样的基督教家庭领养
Maybe they'll put a TV in your room.  或许他们会在你的房间装电视
Jolene?  乔琳
I'm sorry.  抱歉
About what?  干什么道歉
That you didn't get adopted.  你没能被领养
Shit.  妈的
I make out just fine right here.  我在这住着就很好
Be a good girl, Elizabeth.  你乖乖的  伊丽莎白
Off we go!  我们走吧
We're so glad to have an older child.  我们很高兴有个年纪较大的孩子了
Shall We?  进屋吧
Home sweet home.  到家了
Those are Rosa Bonheur prints.  那些是罗莎·博纳尔的画
Not originals, of course.  当然不是原作
Do you like animals?  你喜欢动物吗
I do, I love them.  我非常喜欢
Allston is allergic to most pet dander, though,  但是奥斯顿对多数宠物过敏源都过敏
so I'm not allowed to-- -  所以我不能养
I bet you'd like to see your room.  你肯定想看看自己的房间吧
This is the master bedroom, where Allston and I sleep.  这是主卧  奥尔顿和我睡在这
Over here is the bathroom,  这边是厕所
and this is you.  这是你的房间
You have no idea how hard it is to find good maple furniture.  你都不知道现在枫木制的好家具有多难
This is all mine?  这些都是我的吗
Of course it's all yours.  当然都是你的
The whole room?  整个房间
The whole room.  整个房间
All right.  好了
I will let you unpack and get settled in.  你收拾下  好好休息吧
Just give a holler if you need anything.  需要什么就说
Home sweet home.  到家了
I don't understand.  我不理解
I don't know exactly what there is to understand.  有什么好理解的
- Why can't they send someone else? - It's only for two weeks.  -为什么他们不能派别人去  -只是两周
You've only been home for two days.  你才回家两天
Gives you some time to get to know your new companion.  正好让你有时间和新伙伴增进感情
I doubt there's much to know.  不过大概没什么可聊的
Girl doesn't seem to have a heck of a lotto say.  那女孩看起来话不多
Do you have to take the car?  你要把车也开走吗
How am I supposed to get around without a car?  没有车我怎么通勤
I don't know, you could rent one.  不知道  你可以租车
