drop into造句柯林斯词典
柯林斯词典是一本广受欢迎且权威性强的英语词典,其中包含了丰富的词汇解释和语法用法。其中一个常用的词组是"drop into",指的是突然或偶然进入某个地方或状态。下面将以柯林斯词典为背景,展示一些关于"drop into"这个词组的用法。
1. When I was passing by the bookstore, I decided to drop into browse through the latest bestsellers.
2. Peter always drops into my office during his lunch break to have a quick chat.
3. I can't wait to drop into my favorite coffee shop and get my usual latte.
clothes造句4. Sarah was feeling down, so her friends suggested she drop into a yoga class to relax and destress.
5. The famous musician decided to drop into the local pub and surprise everyone with an impromptu performance.
6. My sister often drops into my room to borrow clothes without asking for permission.
7. We were planning to go out for a walk, but it started raining, so we dropped into a nearby café instead.
8. I occasionally drop into my old neighborhood to reminisce about my childhood memories.
9. Tom decided to drop into the local library to find some books on gardening.
10. We were driving back home when we suddenly dropped into a deep sense of sadness.
"Drop into"这个词组在柯林斯词典中有着广泛的应用。它表示突然进入某个地方、状态或情绪。正如上述的例句所示,这个词组可以用于描述进入商店、房间、课程,以及涉及情绪、心情等方面。通过使用"drop into",我们可以准确地表达我们进入某个地方或状态的行为和感受。
