My mother likes to laugh. She smiles beautifully. She is like a diligent gardener, who takes pains to cultivate me. My mother worries about me, works hard for me, and constantly encourages me. I only hope that one day, I can become an extraordinary person. In short, my mother's efforts and love for me are hard to measure.
My father has many hobbies. He likes cooking, reading, playing basketball and running. Every time I see my father doing what he likes, a happy smile always appears on his face. I hope my father will be happy forever.
My sister is very fat. She is very tall and has big eyes, but she loves makeup and shopping. During my holiday, she mostly goes shopping with her. She gets up at dawn, draws eyebrows, puts on lipstick, wears a princess dress, sandals and princess crystal shoes. At dawn, she is dressed up, wearing a princess dress, and What's the good thing to do with the name calendar? When she got to the street, she just walked over to see if there were clothes for sale. At one o'clock, I was starving, and she said, "Let's go for dinner." When we arrived at
the hotel, we ordered a plate of Chinese dumpling, but I didn't have%.
My sister is very fat. She is very tall and has big eyes, but she loves makeup and shopping. During my holiday, she mostly goes shopping with her. She gets up at dawn, draws eyebrows, puts on lipstick, wears a princess dress, sandals and princess crystal shoes. At dawn, she is dressed up, wearing a princess dress, and What's the good thing to do with the name calendar? When she got to the street, she just walked over to see if there were clothes for sale. At one o'clock, I was starving, and she said, "Let's go for dinner." When we arrived at the hotel, we ordered a plate of Chinese dumpling, but I didn't have.
