Role play就是三问五答,三问中译英考查的是瞬间翻译造句能力
I. 中译英翻译步骤如下:出三问句子中的中文关键词,套用哪种句型,时态语态,助动词和疑问词的选择。
一、意味着, 是什么意思=mean
clothes什么意思1. 特殊疑问句
1) 2011B, 你说的学习风格是什么意思?What do you mean by learning styles?
2) 2011E, 你什么意思呢? What do you mean?
3) 2016C, 那是什么意思呢?What does that mean?/ What do you mean?
4) 2017A, 那是什么意思呢? What does that mean?/ What do you mean?
5) 2018D, 那是什么意思? What does that mean?/ What do you mean?
6) 2019D, 慢旅行”是什么意思?What does “slow travel” mean?
2. 一般疑问句
1) 2018A, 那意味着我们应该多睡觉吗?Does that mean we should sleep more?
2) 2018C, 那意味着我们可以穿任何衣服吗?Does that mean we can wear any clothes?
二、有=there be=have/has
1. 某处有某物=there be sth +定语(介词短语等)
某处有某物吗?=Are there any sth +定语(介词短语等)
某处还有某物吗?=Are there any other sth +定语(介词短语等)
1) 2016D, 什么成功的秘诀吗?Are there any secrets to success?
2) 2018A, 睡眠好还其他什么好处吗?Are there any other benefits of good sleep?
3) 2018D,这栋大楼里还其他新设计吗?Are there any other new designs in this building?
2. 某人有某物=sb have/has sth. Do you have any +sth+定语(介词短语等)?
你有某物吗?=Do you have any+sth+定语(介词短语等)?
你还有某物吗?=Do you have any other+sth+定语(介词短语等)?
1) 2016D, 你什么成功的秘诀吗?Do you have any secrets to success?
2) 2011A, 你还别的困难吗?Do you have any other problems?
3) 2013D,你们晚上哪些活动?What activities do you have in the evenings?What are your evening activities?主谓宾和主系表
4) 2015C, 好老师什么特点?What features do good teachers have?
5) 2016E, 他们在行为上什么差异?What differences do they have in their behaviors? What are the differences in their behaviors?
6) 2017A, 你很多空闲时间旅游吗?Did you have a lot of free time for traveling?
7) 2017C, 你什么建议给家长呢?What advice do you have for parents? What is your advice for parents?
8) 2017D, 网络医生看病的弊端是什么?What are the disadvantages of seeing an e-doctor?
(同义)网络医生看病哪些弊端?What disadvantages does it have to see an e-doctor?
9) 2018B, 你们哪些活动?What activities do you have?
二、某人/物是怎样的?=what is sth like?=how is sth? 用来询问别人的看法
1) 2016A, 在大家庭中成长是怎样的?What was it like growing up in a big family?
/ How is growing up in a big family?
2) 2016B, 你12岁时,学校是怎样的?What was the school like when you were twelve?
/How was the school when you were twelve?
3) 2017E, 丝绸工业的现状是什么?What is the silk industry like now?
What’s the current situation of silk industry? =How is the current situation of silk industry?
1) 2012A, 为什么你不直接与他们谈一谈?Why don’t you have a talk directly with them?
2) 2012B, 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车? Why can’t I drive with my friends?
3) 2014F, 为什么你不买些京剧DVD作为礼物?Why don’t you buy some Beijing Opera DVDs as gifts?
4) 2014E, 你不是说你想当一名语言教师吗?Didn’t you say you wanted to be a language teacher?
5) 2015F, 穿同样的衣服不烦吗?Isn’t it boring to wear the same clothes?
Don’t you feel bored to wear the same clothes?
1. 能/可以=could/can, Could you do sth?
2011B, 你再多说点吗?Could you please speak a little more?
2011C, 你说说英国人吗?Can you talk about English people?
2012D, 我一次可以借几本书呢? How many books can I borrow at one time?
2012D,我可以借多长时间呢? How long can I keep the books?
2017F, 为什么运动使我们更聪明?Why can sports make us smarter?
2. 应该/该/要=should
2011D, 那我做什么呢?What should I do?
2011D,我还需要(该)注意什么吗?What else should I pay attention to?
2013E, 我去别人家吃饭时,我要(应该)带些什么?What should I take if I go to others’ house for dinner?
2013F, 我应该知道的下一个重要事情是什么?What is the next important thing I should know?
2013F, 如果我不记得某一个英语词,怎么办呢?What should I do if I don’t remember an English word?
2017B, 如果我们被机器人取代了怎么办?What should we do if robots take place of us?
2018A, 那意味着我们应该多睡觉吗?Does that mean we should sleep more?
1. How=如何,怎样=in which way,以……的方式
2012A, 你和你的室友相处得如何?How do you get along with your roommates?
2012C, 报纸怎么评论这本书?How do the newspapers comment on this book?
2012E, 你是如何发展出对历史的兴趣的?How do you develop an interest in history?
2013A, 将来学生如何参加考试?How will students take exams in the future?
2013B, 作为领导,我应该怎样对待团队成员呢?How should I treat my teammates as a leader?
2013F, 我怎样才能留下良好的印象呢? How can I leave a good impression?
2014A, 颜怎样影响我们的购买行为?How do colors affect our buying decisions?
2014B, 你们怎么解决老人的健康问题?How do you solve old people’s health problem?
2014D, 你们是如何训练这些狗的?How do you train these dogs?
2014E, 你第一天教课感觉如何?How do you feel the first day of teaching?How was your first day of teaching?
2015B, 颜怎样影响我们的情绪?How do colors affect our moods?
2015G, 大学课程是怎样安排的?How are the university classes arranged?
