book - books  desk -desks  flower- flowers
2.以-s, -sh, -ch-x,结尾的加-es
class-classes        dish - dishes
bench- benches      box - boxes
family-families    baby→babies
4.以ffe结尾的名词,改 f 或 fe 为 ves
knife-knives    wife-wives  half-haves
negro-negroes        hero-heroes
tomato-tomatoes    potato-potatoes
1. 名词复数的规则变化
在清辅音后读 [s]    在元音及浊辅音后读 [z]    [s] [z] [dʒ] 结尾时读 [iz]
2. 名词复数规则变化
sheep 绵羊    fish 鱼    deer 鹿    Chinese 中国人    Japanese 日本人       
ox-oxen 牛    child-children 小孩
man - men 男人  woman - women 女人    foot - feet 脚    goose - geese 鹅    tooth - teeth 牙齿  mouse-mice  老鼠
一. 名词单数变复数填空
1.orange            text          bed              cake       
  computer          apple          house            quilt       
  plane            tree            lesson          banana   
  shirt              month          cup          parent     
2.piano            photo          radio              zoo      tomato          potato          hero            negro       
3.class            fox              watch          glass        dress            brush            box          bus         
4.shelf            knife             wife            life          leaf        clothes和clothing      thief            wolf       
5.family          country          army              city       
story        baby           butterfly       
6.toy             day            key             boy     
7.sheep          fish            deer            Chinese          8.child            ox            man            woman         
foot              goose            tooth          mouse       
二.代词/ be动词单数变复数
this ______  that _________  I _______  you ________
she_______ he ________ it ________ am _____  is _______
1.key      2.boy          3.family          4.case       
5.backpack          6.dictionary            7.watch        
8.computer            9.game          10.notebook         
11.bag        12.math          13.alarm        14.video     
15.tape          16.hat        17.pear          18.egg         19.apple          20.carrot          21.vegetable           
22.star        23.sock          24.shirt          25.shoe     
26.skirt         27.sweater          28.clerk         
29.store            30.shop_________
1.This is a book. .    __________________________
2.That is an eraser.  ___________________________
3.It is a red apple.    ____________________________
4.I am a boy.      ______________________________
5.He / She is a teacher.  __________________________
6.What’s this?  _________________________________
1:Those are my friends._________________________
2: They are English boys. __________________________
3: They are some erasers.  ________________________
4: These are dictionaries. ___________________________
5: we are students. ___________________________
6: what color are your books ? ______________________
1:________(this) are my English books.
2: The two boys are my _________(cousin)
3: ---- _________those your parents?
  ----Yes, they _________.
4: ---Who are the man and the woman in the picture?
----They are my __________.
5: My aunt Jane and my mother are ___________.
6: They are my __________(姨)。
7: I have two ___________(watch). They are on the desk.
8: I have some __________(photo) of my family.
9: Do you like these ____________(dictionary)?
10: Are those your _________(bus)?
1.Some English ________ are on the table.
Aradio    Bbooks    Cdog    Dtape
2.I don’t like eating ________, but I have two ________.
Achickens; chicken    Bchickens; chickens    Cchicken; chickens    Dchicken; chicken
3.―A dog usually has some _________ every year.
You are right. And I think the ________ dogs are very cute.
A.baby; baby    B.babies; baby    C.babies; babies
4.— How far is it from your home to school?
About ________ walk.
A.20 minutes    B.20 minute’s    C.20 minutes’    D.20 minute
5.These ________ my ________.
A.are;boxes    B.is; box    C.is; boxes
6.We need one baseball and two ________.
