Lesson 46    Expensive and uncomfortable  既昂贵又受罪
unload  vt. 卸货,解除负担
wooden  adj. 木质的
extremely  adv. 极端,非常
occur  v. 1.发生 2.出现 3.(to) 想起,想到
astonish  vt. 使惊讶,使惊恐
pile  n. 一堆,一叠  vt. (…) 堆积
woollen  adj. 羊毛制的
goods  n. 1.货物,商品 (常用复数)2.财产
discover  v. 发现,暴露,显示
admit  v. 1. 进入,接纳 2. 承认
confine  v. 1.限制在(某范围内)2.管制,禁闭
normal  adj. 1.正常的,普通的 2.正规的,标准的
a number of 许多
account for  说明原因,解释……
occur to……  想起……
on top of 之上
admit doing sth. 承认做某事
1. When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes, which contained clothing.
2. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy.
3. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the      box.
4. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. 
5. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.       
介词动词由“动词+介词”构成,常与动词搭配的介词有:with, to, at, for等。以下是对Lesson25—Lesson48中出现的介词动词作的归纳总结:
be surprised/ astonished at…  感到吃惊
sympathize with sb.  同情某人
arrive in/ at 到达        complain of/ about 抱怨
speak of 说到            put up 举起/ 搭建
put out 扑灭            wake up 叫醒
believe in 信任          call out to…  大叫
call for 要求            call on/ at 拜访
laugh at 嘲笑            make out 辨认
make up 编造            wrap up 包裹
find out 查明              set out/ off for 出发前往
set about doing 着手从事    worry about 担心
pick up 捡到            be amused at 感到好笑/开心
look forward to 盼望      dream of 梦想
settle down in… 定居    think of 想到
operate on 动手术    succeed in doing… 做某事成功
ask for sb. 要求见某人      enquire about 询问
remind sb. of… 使某人想起…    run into 撞上/遭遇到
admit to doing 承认            catch up with赶上
account for 解释理由        be confined to 局限于
turn on/ off 打开/关上        give away 背叛;赠送
1. When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airport, workers began to unload a number of wooden boxes, which contained clothing.
clothes:是个没有单数形式的可数名词。前面不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用some, these, those, many, few等词修饰。
正:those clothes/ few clothes/ many clothes
误:a clothes/ two clothes/ three clothes
e.g. Our clothing protects us against the cold.
We are well provided with food and clothing.
e.g. He spent a lot of money on clothes(clothing).
2. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heavy. 其中有只箱子特别重,可谁也弄不清是怎么回事。
account for
e.g. He could not account for his foolish mistake.
e.g. Who will have to account for the misprints in the dictionary?
on account of = because of; for the sake of:由于;因为。
e.g. We got married on account of the baby.
take into account = to take into consideration; allow for:考虑;顾及
e.g. They had to take the baby into account when they wanted to go out.
on no account = under no circumstances:决不,绝对不
e.g. We must on no account miss the chance.
1. 从性质上区别
2. 引导词的区别
a. 有些引导词如how, whether, what可以引导同位语从句,但不能引导定语从句,如:
That question whether we need it has not been considered. 我们是否需要它这个问题还没有考虑(同位语从句)
b. 引导词that引导定语从句时,在从句中一般作主语或宾语(指物时还可以用which代替),并且作宾语时常常省略。That引导同位语时,不充当任何成分,但不能省略,也不能用which来代替,如:
The order that we should send a few people to help the other groups was received yesterday. (同位语从句,是对order的具体解释,that虽不作成分,但不能省略)
The order that we received yesterday was that we should send a few people to help the other groups.(定语从句,是名词order的修饰语,that在从句中作received的宾语,可以省略)。
3. 先行词的区别
同位语从句前面的名词只能是idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestions, proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order等有一定内涵的名词,而定语从句的先行词可以是名词、代词。
3. It suddenly occurred to one of the workers to open up the box。突然一个工人想到打开一个箱子看看。
sth. occur to sb. 表示“某人想到某事”,主语为事,宾语为人。
e.g. A good idea suddenly occurred to me.clothes和clothing
在文中it 在句中为形式主语,代替不定式to open up the box
e.g. It suddenly occurred to me that I have left the book at home.
It occurred to me to visit my teacher.
It never occurred to me that he might be in trouble.
It didn’t occur to him that she would refuse his invitation.
  词汇辨析:take place, happen, occur, come about
1) take place 表示“发生,举行,举办”一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”。
e.g. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.
2) happen 作“发生,碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。
e.g. What happened to you?
  I happened to see him on my way home.
= It happened that I saw him on my way home.
3) occur作“发生”解,其意义相当于happen。而此外,occur还有“想起”的意思。
e.g. What has occurred? (= What has happened?)
  It occurred to me that she didn’t know I had moved into the new house.
4) come about 表示“发生,产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定。
e.g. When mother woke up, she didn’t know what had come about.
    Do you know how the air accident came about?
4. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. 此人被逮捕后,承认他是在飞机离开伦敦前躲进箱里的。
admit doing sth. 表示“承认做某事”。
e.g. He admitted robbing the old man.
★四级词汇辨析:admit, acknowledge, confess
e.g. I admit that she is right.
2acknowledge 指公开承认。
e.g. With so much evidence against him, he had to acknowledge his error.
e.g. He has confessed his crime.
