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In recent years, we have a very high standard of living. As a result, the growing number of pets, pets are becoming a new member of the family. But most of us don't know much about pets. So the idea that many people have pets has always been so hard to achieve. So, can we rely on the network to provide services to those who want to keep pets ?
Of course, we can also search on the Internet a lot of information and information about this area of pets, but the problem is the pet information scattered, causing the user can not very good for pets are compared and analyzed, so as to raise up more trouble, even waste a lot of time and energy, it may not be able to take their pets.
This platform is to solve the problems above, and design and development. This platform provides a lot about how to raise the article. We will inevitably encounter when pet pet disease problems, but most of them are workers, don't have much time to accompany the pet to the hospital, this platform has a the expert consultation module, can provide users with free consultation service problems. In addition, there are some reminders, popular activities, pet store module.
Key words
Pet website; Expert online; courtship tour; pet pet store; knowledge;
popular activities
innovation point
HTML5 based on the development of a web site, is committed to solve the problem of how to raise a
lot of pets. All kinds of problems related to pet feeding are concentrated on the site.
第一章概述 (3)
1.1设计目的与意义 (3)
1.2选题背景 (4)
第二章需求分析 (5)
2.1 专家咨询模块分析 (5)
2.2 宠物知识分析 (5)
2.3功能分析 (6)
2.4活动功能分析 (6)
2.5商城功能分析 (6)
第三章概要设计 (7)
3.1系统结构 (7)
3.1.1宠物网站的总体设计 (7)
3.1.2宠物网站的总体功能描述 (8)
3.2系统功能 (9)
3.2.1专家在线功能 (9)
3.2.2宠物知识功能 (9)
3.2.3宠物求偶功能 (10)
3.2.4宠物寄养功能 (10)
3.2.5热门活动功能 (11)
3.2.6健康测评和专属提醒功能 (11)
3.2.7宠物商城功能 (12)
第四章系统详细设计与实现 (12)
4.1系统实现工具 (12)
4.1.1 HTML5技术 (12)
4.1.2 Node.js技术 (13)
4.1.2 MYSQL技术 (13)
4.2数据库详细设计 (15)
4.2.1用户表与其关联表的设计 (15)
4.2.2专家咨询的数据库设计 (16)
4.2.3活动页面的数据库设计 (16)
4.2.4宠物求偶的数据库设计 (17)
4.2.5宠物寄养的数据库设计 (17)
4.2.6宠物商城的数据库设计 (17)
4.3系统实现过程 (18)
4.3.1 登录注册 (18)
4.2.2 系统搜索 (19)
4.2.3 系统分页 (19)
4.2.3 系统评论 (20)
第五章系统测试 (20)
5.1测试目的 (20)
5.2测试过程 (20)
5.3测试结论 (21)
