基于HTML5与Nodejs 开发实时性网
The Development of Battle City Web Page
Game Based on HTML5and Nodejs
影响我们来研究它。服务器端采用的Nodejs(一种Javascript程序语言框架,可以在服务器端运行Javascript 语言)这种新型的框架来开发,Nodejs使用Javascript语言来开发,使整个应用从客户端到服务器端编程都是使用Javascript,大大的减少学习成本和开发成本,并且Nodejs 性能强大,有很大的研究价值。
With the increasing development of the Internet technology and the constantly rising of the computer performance,users also begin to enjoy the Internet in the constantly changed ways.More and more application can be directly use in the way of opening the browser,data are stored in the clouds,and therefore it’s more safe and reliable and continent for users to share data.In the same time of various application continuously tends to be more webified,a new standard of technology is produced,which is HTML5.HTML5is the most giant leap of Web standards in nearly10years and it is different from the
previous version.HTML5is not only used to express the content of the Web,meanwhile,its mission is to bring the Web into a mature application platform,on which the video,audio,image and animation,and the interaction of computers are all standardized.That is to say that through the opening technology and standards HTML5achieves a no plug-ins model of client.The client can be operated in the mobile terminal,PC or other places which have the network.Therefore,it has significance to study and boldly practice the HTML5.
The contents of the subject topics is to use the HTML5create a Web edition of"tank war"game application based on the environment of Web.The game operates the Canvas, WebSocket,Audio and some latest technology.At present,the standards of HTML5have not yet mature and some points are still in the variation and API still is not very stable,so it can't be completely commercial or in a good popularization.However,we can still have a good study of it.The server is used Nodejs,a new Javascript framework,to develop.Nodejs is used Javascript to develop,which makes whole application,from the client to the server,using Javascript to program,greatly reduce the cost of learning and development costs.Meanwhile, Nodejs has the strong function and have the great value to study.
After the operation of the game,users can directly open it through the browser and against with other
players,with a simple,effective,voiced and data transmission of real-time. Users can use the keyboard to control their tanks and to attack another team to win the game with his teammates in the map.The whole game has a strong sense of interesting.
Keywords:HTML5;i nternet real-time communications;Nodejs;online games
摘要................................................................................................................................II 第1章引言.. (1)
1.1课题的目的和意义 (1)
1.2国内外发展现状 (2)
1.3课题主要的内容和功能介绍 (4)
1.3.1课题主要的内容 (4)
1.3.2坦克大战游戏功能介绍 (5)
第2章相关技术及开发方法简介 (6)
2.1相关技术简介 (6)
2.1.1HTML5标准简述及意义 (6)
2.1.2网络实时性技术及WebSocket (7)
2.1.3Nodejs简介 (11)
2.2开发工具及运行环境 (13)
2.2.1Web开发工具和Aptana简述 (13)
2.2.2浏览器发展和Chrome浏览器介绍 (14)
第3章游戏玩法设计和需求分析 (17)
3.1游戏玩法设计 (17)
3.2需求分析 (17)
3.2.1系统角 (17)
3.2.1用例分析 (17)
第4章总体设计及程序功能分析 (18)
4.1程序总体功能设计 (18)
4.1.1程序功能模块分析 (18)
4.1.2地图读取及共享分析 (19)
4.1.3声音的控制分析 (19)
4.1.4联网对战分析 (19)
4.2程序流程 (20)
4.3模块及对应的方法 (22)
第5章详细设计 (26)
html网页设计论文5.1服务器端设计 (26)
5.1.1服务器端的运行环境 (26)
5.1.2服务器端的设计 (26)
5.1.3服务器端部分代码 (27)
5.2地图功能模块 (28)
5.2.1读取地图 (28)
5.2.2绘制地图 (28)
5.2.2地图模块部分代码 (29)
5.3坦克模块的设计 (31)
5.3.1读取服务器端信息 (31)
5.3.2控制坦克 (31)
5.3.3绘制画面 (31)
5.3.4坦克模块的部分实现代码 (31)
5.4炮弹模块的功能 (35)
5.4.1读取服务器端信息 (35)
5.4.2碰撞检测 (35)
5.4.3击毁功能 (35)
5.4.4绘制画面 (35)
5.5客户端与服务器端通信 (35)
第6章结论 (37)
参考文献 (38)
致谢 (40)
