Http Status Codehttp响应状态码
Http Status Code/Http response Status Code
100 the Continue
Indicates that the client should continue the request. The return sent to the client is received and is not rejected by the server.
The client should continue sending the remaining request data or the request has been completed, or the data is ignored. The server must send
The last return is after the request.
101 Switching separate Protocols
The server changes the application protocol for the current connection, using the Upgrade header information, as requested by the customer service request. The server will change the protocol immediately based on the Upgrade header
At the end of the 101 return to the empty line.
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resolved是什么状态200 OK
The request to the customer service is successfully received,
resolved, and accepted.
201 Created
The request has been completed and a new return resource is created. The resource created may be a URI resource, which is typically specified in the Location header. The reply should contain an entity data
It also contains the resource features and location to select the appropriate method through the user or the user agent. The entity data format specifies the content-type header by the coal type. Initial server
The specified resource must be created before returning the 201 status code. If the behavior is not executed immediately, the server should return 202.
202 Accepted
The request has been accepted for processing. But the process is not complete. The request may or may not be executed at all because the processing may be rejected.
203 Non - Authoritative Information
204 No Content
The server has accepted the request and does not need to return the entity data, and may need to return the update information. The return message may contain new or updated information
presented by the entity - headers.
205 Reset the Content
The server has accepted the request and the user agent should reset the document view.
206 Partial Content
The server has accepted the part of the request to GET the resource. The request must contain a Ran
ge header to indicate that the access scope may have to contain the if-range header information to set up the request condition.
For example, there are two things in the world
300 Multiple Choices
The request resource conforms to any presentation.
301 version Permanently
The requested resource has been given a new URI.
302 Found
Request a temporary file of the resource through a different URI.
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
If the customer service has completed a conditional request and the request is permitted, but the document has not changed, the server should return 304 status codes. 304
The status code must not contain the information body, which usually ends with the first blank line after a header field.
305 Use Proxy
The requested resource must be accessed through the agent (specified by the Location field). The Location resource gives the proxy's URI.
306 Unused
307 Temporary Redirect
Client Error
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400 Bad Request
Because the wrong syntax causes the server to fail to understand the request information.
401 Unauthorized
If the request requires user validation. The echo should contain a www-authenticate header field to specify the permissions for the requested resource.
402 Payment Required
Keep a status code
403 who
The server accepts the request but is rejected.
404 Not Found
The server has found any resources that match the request-uri.
405 Menthod Not Allowed
The request-line Request is not allowed to pass the specified URI.
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 the request Timeout
The customer service side does not submit any request to the server for processing time.