Unit 6 Section B Christmas Traditions | ||
Teaching Aims: In this section, students will be able to: 1、get the general idea of Section B 2、learn some reading skills 3、improve their reading ability 4、master the writing of personal letters | ||
Teaching Contents: 1、Vocabulary and phrases Simply, honor, death, attempt, determinate, favor… Not at all, select…as, catch on, hang up… 2、Practical writing | ||
resolve to do sth Teaching Approaches: Task-based Approach; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. | ||
Teaching Aids: blackboard, multimedia, tape | ||
Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings and revision 1、Review the new words and phrases of Section A 2、Review some important sentence structures Step 2 Skimming 1. Ask students to read the text quickly and get the general idea of Section B 2. Ask students to finish the exercises on P103, then checked the answers. Step 3 Language points 1. For millions of people around the world, the very word “Christmas” brings warmth and joy to their hearts and homes. Meaning: For a very large number of people throughout the world, even the word “Christmas” gives them warmth and joy. Notice the word “very” is used before a noun for emphasis. 2. To some, it is a simply a very popular holiday. But for many, it honors the birth of Jesus Christ. Meaning: To some people, it’s only an ordinary holiday, while for many others, it is the time to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. simply adv. 1) only, just 仅仅,只不过 e.g. The whole thing is simply a misunderstanding. 2) in a way that make sth easy to understand 简单地,清楚地 e.g. Can you explain it more simply? 3) in a plain way; without decoration or unnecessary extra things 简朴, e.g. They live simply, with very few luxuries. 4) absolutely; completely 绝对,完全地 honor (AmE) vt. 1) honor sb/sth with sth to show great respect for sth/sb or to give sb honour (BrE) pride or pleasure 向…表示敬意 e.g. I am very honored to have invited Mr. William here to give a speech. n. 1) something that gives pride or pleasure 光荣 e.g. It was a great honor to be asked to speak at the conference. 2) the respect from other people that a person, country, etc gets because of high standards of behaviour and moral character. 崇敬 e.g. to fight for the honour of your country 为祖国而战 in honor of sb/sth; in sb/sth’s honor 为了向某人、某物表示敬意 honourable adj. 体面的;光荣的 3. …Christmas was not celebrated at all. not at all: 完全(不);全然(不) e.g. She pretended not to see anything at all. 她假装什么也没看见。 4. Various attempts were made to determine the date of birth of Jesus, and at first, May 20th became the favored date. Meaning:People tried many times to decide upon the day when Jesus was born, and at the beginning, people chose May 20th. attempt vt. to try to do sth that is difficult 尝试/设法(做困难的事情) e.g. The prisoner was shot while attempting to escape. Don’t attempt to argue with him. 别想同他争论。 n. [C] 1) attempt to do sth/at doing sth an act of trying to do sth 尝试 e.g. They failed in their attempt to reach the North Pole. 2) attempt (on/at sb/sth) an act of trying to beat or attack sb/sth尝试战胜/攻击 e.g. She hopes to make an attempt on the world record in tomorrow’s race. 她希望在明天的比赛中试一试打破世界纪录。 determine vt. 1) to fix/decide sth 决定,确定 e.g. The results of test will determine what treatment you need. 2) to find sth out 出 3) to decide sth firmly 下决心e.g. He decided to give up smoking in the New Year. determined adj. 决意的,坚决的 determination n. 决心,决意,决定 favor vt. (favour BrE) 1) to support sb/sth; to prefer 支持,更喜欢 e.g. Which suggestion did they favor? 他们喜欢哪一个建议? 2)to treat one very well and so be unfair to others 偏袒 e.g. Parents must try not to favor one of their children.父母应尽量避免偏爱任何孩子. n. 1) liking or approval 喜爱;好感;赞同 e.g. In the end, the politician won the crowd’s favor.那位政治家终于赢得了众的支持. 2) something that help sb 对某人有帮助的事; 恩惠 e.g. Would you do me a favor and post this letter for me? favourable adj. 表示喜爱、好感、赞同的; 适宜,有利 be in/out of favor (with sb) 得到/得不到某人的好感/赞同 in favor of sb/sth 赞成某人、某事物 in sb’s favor 对某人有利 5. Many modern Christmas customs, such as having a tree in a house and preparing special meal, came from this ancient celebration. Meaning: Many modern Christmas customs came from the celebration of the Roman sun god (having a tree in the house and preparing special meals) custom n. 1) a way of behaving which a particular group or society has had for a long time.风俗,习俗 e.g. It is a custom to give presents to parents at Christmas. 2) something that one regularly does (某人的)习惯 3) 经常惠顾/光顾 customs n. 海关 special adj. 1) not usual or ordinary; important for some particular reason 特别,有特别重要性 e.g. Are you doing anything special tonight? 今晚你有什么特别的事吗? 2)for a particular purpose 为某种用途/特别目的 e.g. There’s a special tool for doing that. 做那个要用专门的工具。 specially adv. specialist n. 专家 speciality n. 1) (US specialty) 专门研究的范围;专业 2) 有名的产品/服务; 特产 specialize v. 专门研究/从事 n. specialization 6. Let’s decorate the tree decorate v. 1)to add sth in order to make a thing more attractive to look at 装饰 e.g. Decorate the cake with cherries and nuts. 用樱桃及果仁装饰这蛋糕。 2)to put paint and/or doors in a room or building 涂油漆或糊墙纸 e.g. It is time we decorated the living room. 该装饰起居室了。 decoration n. 1) 装饰 2)装饰品;装饰 7. At that time, there was a popular theater play which included a fir tree hung with apples. include v. to have as one part; to contain (among other things) 包括 e.g. the price includes dinner, bed, and breakfast. 价格中包含正餐费,住宿费和早餐费。 fir n. 冷杉 fur 毛;软毛 hang v. 1) hung hung to fasten sth or to be fastened at the top so that the lower part is free or loose 挂; 吊 e.g. Hang the coat on the hook. 2)hanged hanged 吊死,绞死 e.g. She was hanged for murder. hang on 1) to hold sth tightly 抓紧 e.g. Keep hanging on. We are very close to you now. 2) to wait for a short time 等一等 e.g. Hang on a minute. I am nearly ready. 等会儿, 我马上准备好了。 hang up 挂,悬 hanger or clothes-hanger; coat-hanger 衣架 8. The first commercial Christmas card was made in London in 1843. commercial: adj. 1) connecting with buying or selling goods 商业的 e.g. a commercial agreement 贸易协定 2)making a profit 获得利润的 n. (电台,电视台的)广告 commercially adv. commercialize v. 商业化 commercialism n. 赚钱至上的观念,唯利是图,商业化 commerce n. 商业 9. It was a good idea and it soon caught on. catch on 1) become popular or fashionable 流行,受欢迎 e.g. The song caught on a few years ago. 这首歌几年前风靡一时。 2)begin to understand 明白,了解到 e.g. He couldn’t catch on to the English idiom. 他没有领会这个英语习语的含义 10. St. Nicholas was the original Santa Claus or “Father Christmas”. He was widely known as a kind man who loved children. Meaning: St. Nicholas was the person from whom the name “Santa Claus” or “Father Christmas” came. Many people knew that he was a kind man who loved children. original adj. 1) first; earliest 最初,原先,起先 e.g. The original meaning of this word is different from the meaning it has nowadays. 2) new and interesting; different from others of its type 新颖有趣;与众不同 e.g. There are no original ideas in his work. 他的作品没什么新意。 3)made or created first, before copies 原作品的,原版的 “Is that the original painting?” “No, it is a copy.” n. 原件,原文,原版,原件 originally adv. be known as 以…知名;称为 be known for 因…而著名 11. It is believed that St. Nicholas learned about a man who was hopelessly in debt. learn about: learn of; come to hear that 获悉,得知 e.g. She didn’t want her parents to learn about it. 她不想让父母知道这件事。 in debt: the state of owing 负债 e.g. When he was young, he was deeply in debt. 他年轻时负债累累。 Step 4 Exercises Finish the exercises on P104 Step 5 Practical writing Writing personal letters.
Step 6 Homework To 1. To finish the exercises on workbook To 2. To memorize the new words, phrases in Unit 6. To 3. To preview Unit 7. | ||