Unit 4
Art of Life
Word Bank
audio-:与听力有关<->visualaudible (able->ible): adj.    that is heard or that can be heard可听见的
(basis->base: n./ vt.以为基础/根据; be based on sth.) basement: n. the lowest habitable story (可居住的楼层) of a building地下室
beneath: prep. lower than; below低于,在下方
betray(->betrayal/ treason): v. the act of committing treason against背叛
bust: n.    a sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest半身像
callus: v. to form or develop a hardened tissue结痂(茧)
cast: v. to form (liquid metal, e.g. ) into a particular shape by pouring into a mold铸造; broadcast广播
choke: v. to have difficulty in breathing, swallowing, or speaking哽塞
dab: v. to apply with short, poking strokes轻拍; pat
dimensional: adj. having, or seeming to have, length depth, and height空间的,维度的
(dwindle->) dwindling: adj. decreasing; becoming less    流逝的
estranged: adj. being (alien外星人->alienate->) alienated or made distant疏运的
flick: v./ n.    to touch or hit with a light, quick blow轻拍,轻击
hibiscus: n. (US) a tropical plant with large brightly colored flowers芙蓉,木槿
knead: v. to squeeze, press, or roll with the hands轻柔,按摩
lotion: n. a (medical->) medicated liquid for external [apply(1)申请;应用] application洗剂
massageresolve to do sth: (US)    to rub parts of the body to aid (circulate-)) circulation or relax the muscles按摩
necktie: n. a narrow fabric band of varying (different) length (wear->) worn around the neck and tied in a knot close to the throat领带; tie: vt. ~ a horse to a big tree.
(patriot->爱国者) patriarch: n. a man who rules a family, clan (家族), or tribe (部落)族长(酋长); arc-/arch-穹顶
(proud=) prideful: adj. arrogant (->arrogance); disdainful傲慢的,轻蔑的; be proud of sb./sth.=pride (vi.) on sb./sth.=take pride (n.) in sb./ sth.以某人或某物而感到自豪;
reconcile: v.    to settle or resolve调停,决绝, 和解; council议会;consult咨询->consultant顾问
(relief->) relieve: v. to cause a lessening or (alleviate->) alleviation of减缓; to relieve sb.=go to sb.’s reflief.=to rescue sb. 解救某人
sculpt (->sculpture): v. to shape, mold, or fashion (imitate模仿) especially with (precise->) precision雕塑
shrug: v. to raise (the shoulders)耸肩
snore: n. /vi. the act or an instance of snoring打鼾
splatter: v. to spatter (v.溅污n.滴落), especially to move or fall so as to cause splashes飞溅 [dwell居住;~on sth.老在想…]
squeeze: v. to press gently, as in affection挤,捏
(stubborn) stubbornness: n. firmness倔强; bear->bore->born
tissue: n. a soft, absorbent piece of paper used as toilet paper, a handkerchief, or a towel纸巾
toenail: n. the thin, horny, transparent plate covering the upper surface of the end of a toe脚趾甲; nail: n./ vt.钉子/指甲
tuft: n. a short cluster () of hair, or grass一族,一从
vanity: n. excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments虚荣;Vanity Fair名利场
vengeance: n. infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed报复,复仇;revenge: n./vi
volunteer: n./vi. to offer to give out of one's own will (意志/ 遗嘱)志愿
whimsical: adj. erratic (n./ adj. 不稳定的, 奇怪的) in behavior or degree of    unpredictability反复无常; predict预测;dict-: speak. dictionary词典/ 字典
wiggle: v. to move or cause to move from side to side with short irregular (<->regular) twisting motions扭动,摆动
Phrases and Expressions
at the far end of: at the distant end of在另一边
get in touch with: to maintain (=keep) contact with保持联系[contact sb. by the (telephone) number]
hold (->held->held) on to: to continue to do something; persist坚持/ 抓住; hold on (=wait for a moment)<->hang up挂断电话
in an attempt to: try to do sth./ making an effort to do sth.力图,试图
make peace: to maintain or observe (遵守/ 观察) a state of quietness without conflicts维和
ff: to raise shoulders as a show case of distain (使变,弄脏,伤害名誉) 耸肩表示不屑; stain (n./ vt)污渍
Reading Comprehension
I. Choose the best for each of the following.
1. "It was another of the things I had watched his helpers do for months, and now, in an attempt to hold on to what I could of him, I had volunteered to do it myself" (Para. 3) Here t
he word "another" refers that  (  D  )
A. "Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others."
B. they were callused and curled, and his toenails were yellow.
C. Morrie liked being held and touched. And at this point, anything I could share with him to make him happy, I was going to do.
D. I had a small jar of lotion, and I squeezed some into my hands and began to massage his ankles.
