U6 A
To work or not to work - That is the question
Thereare numerous and reliable ways by whichone can measure the impact of employmenton student achievement, and we used several in our research. We compared the grades of students who work a great deal with thosewho work in limited amounts or not at all. We also contr astedworkers with non-workers, on different indicatorsof theircommitmentto education. Additionally, we followed students over time as they increased or decreased theirwork hours, and we assessed how different patterns of employmentaltered school performance and engagement.
less is more 翻译We have simplifiedand classifiedthe data and the results are clear: The stakes are high. A heavycommitmentto a part-time job during the academic year, say, working 20 hoursper week or more, underminesand significantly interfereswith school achievement and commitment. Overall, our studyoffers proofthat students who worke d more than 20 hoursweekly were not comparableto theirclassmates . They earne d lowergrades, spentless time on homework, cut class more often, and cheated more frequently. And they reported lowerlevels of commitmentto school and more modest educational aspir ations.
我们把数据加以简化和归类,得出的结论很明确:学生打工付出的代价很大。在学年中花过多精力兼职打工,比如,一周打工20 个小时或更长时间,会影响和严重干扰学习成绩和学习投入程度。总的来说,我们的研究证明,每周打工超过20 个小时的学生学习成绩不及班上其他同学。他们的分数更低,花在作业上的时间更少,逃课更频繁,作弊更常见。而且据反映,他们的学习投入程度较低,学习志向也不够远大。
On the otherhand, we also detected a different pattern. Working for approximately 10 hoursper week or less seemingly does not take a consi stenttoll on school performanc e. Nevertheless, giventhat half of all employed seniors, aboutone-thirdof all juniors, and aboutone-fifthof all second-year students work abovethe 20-hour limit, indications are that a largenumber of students are at risk of compromising
theirschool careers with theirpart-time jobs.
但是,我们也发现了另外一种不同的模式。每周打工大约10 个小时或更少的时间对学习成绩似乎没有持续的影响。不过,鉴于一半的大四打工学生、约三
分之一的大三打工学生以及约五分之一的大二打工学生的打工时间都超过20 个小时的上限,由此表明,有很多学生面临因打工而危及学业的风险。Whereas it is true that more disengagedstudents are more likely to work long hoursto beginwith, it appears that working makes a margi nal situation worse. In otherwords, over time, the more students work, the less committed to school they becom e. When students withdraw from the laborforceor cut back on theirwork hours, however, the results are striking: Theirinterest in school is generated anew. This then is good news: The negative effects of working on schooling are not permanent.
We uncovered numerous explanations for the undesirabl e effects of working on students' engagemen
tin school. First, owingto their demanding work schedule, working students have less time to devot e to school assignments. One common response to this time pressure is that they cut corners by taking easier classes, copying assignments from otherstudents, cutting class, or refusing to do work assigned by theirteachers. Over time, as thesebecom e established practices, students' commitmentto school is erode d bit by bit.
Second, in orderto work 20 hoursor more each week, many students must work evenings. Evening work interferesnot only with doinghomework, but with both sleepand diet. Studies show that working students get less rest and eat less healthy mealsthan non-working stude nts. Burning the midnight oil makesworking teenagers more tiredin school. Teachers frequentlycomplain aboutworking students falling asleep in class. Nearly a thirdof the students in our studysaid they were frequentlytoo tiredfrom
work to do theirhomework. 第二,为了每周能打工20 个小时或更长时间,许多学生必须要在晚上工作。晚上工作不仅影响做作业,而且影响睡眠和饮食。研究表明,与不打工的学生相比,打工学生的休息时间更少,饮食也不够健康。熬夜让打工的青少年在学校时感觉更疲倦。老师们经常抱怨打工学生在课堂上睡觉。在我们的调查中,将近三分之一的学生说,他们经常因打工太累而不做作业。
Third, it appears that the excitementof earning largeamounts of spending moneymakesschool seem less rewarding and interesting.
第三,挣到数量可观的零花钱所带来的兴奋感似乎让上学显得没意义和乏味。Although mind-wandering during school is characteristic of youngadults, working students report significantly more of it than non-workers. Indeed, the rush from earning and spending moneymay be so strong that students who have a history of intensive employment , thosewho, for example, have been working long hourssincetheir secon d year, are actually at greater risk than theirclassmatesof dropping out befor e graduating.
Finally, working long hourscan be associatedwith increased alcoh ol and drug use. Working students use drugsand alcohol about33% more oftenthan non-working students. Our long-term studyshowsthat working long hoursleadsto increased alcohol and drug use for entertainment and recreationamongworking students. Teenagers with between $200 and $300 of monthly surplus incom e frequentlyhave more moneyto spendthan theirpeers, and oftenthey becom e accustomedto spending theirearnings on drugsand alcohol. According to our study, alcohol and drug use, in turn, may be linke d to disengagement from school, and therefore, is likely to depre ss school performanc e.
最后,长时间打工与饮酒和吸毒的增多有关。打工的学生和饮酒的概率比不打工的学生要高出大约33%。我们的长期研究显示,长时间打工导致打工的学生更多地饮酒和,他们借此来娱乐和消遣。每月多收入200 至300 美元的青少年通常比其他同学有更多的零花钱,而且他们也常常习惯于把自己赚来的钱花在吸毒和饮酒上。我们的研究表明,饮酒和相应地可能造成学习兴趣减弱,因此很可能导致学习成绩下降。
To summarize, conventionhas long held that earlyemploymentbuilds character. Our findings indicate that for many students, worki ng 20 hoursor more a week can contributeto decreased school perfo rmanc e and increased drug and alcohol use. We know that thesefindi ngs may seem controversial to many. To our own surprise, our findings make us question how long we have held on to the convention
al assumptions aboutthe greatvalueof work in our formative years. It's time to abandon this appealing myth! We conclude that students shoul d resolve to work no more than 10 hoursper week if they want to be successfulin school.
总而言之,长期以来的传统观念一直认为,早期的工作经历能锤炼性格。而我们的研究结果表明,对于许多学生而言,每周打工20 个小时或更多时间会导致学习成绩的下滑以及和饮酒的增多。我们知道这些研究结果可能在许多人看来是有争议的。令我们感到惊讶的是,我们的研究结果促使我们质疑,为何长久以来我们一直坚守着那种打工有利于我们成长的传统想法。现在是摒弃
这种诱人的错误观念的时候了!我们的结论是:要想学业成功,学生就应该下决心做到每周打工不超过10 个小时。
U6 B
Earn as you learn?
As the cost of attending universityhas soare d over the last two decades, a frankand vigorous debat e is emerging over who shoul d pay for the cost of higher education. Whilein some countries students h
ave alway s been expected to absor b part or even all of theirtuition coststhrou gh work or borrowing, in othercountries the tremendouscost of attending universityhas been provided by the relevant education authority or by parents. I am proudto be in the smallminority of stude nts who "earn as they learn" and absor b the cost of theirown university education in spiteof the many obstacles.
随着近20 年上大学费用的急剧攀升,高等教育费用应该由谁支付的问题引发了坦诚而激烈的争论。在有些国家,人们总是希望学生通过打工或贷款来承担部分或全部的学费,而在另一些国家,上大学的大笔费用一直由有关教育
As for the remaining majority, I ask myself, "Is it me, or are students these days just lazy?" Collectively, they claimthat they have no capacity to pay for college. I thinkit's more a matter of them simply not wanting to pay or contribute. During college I consistently endured comments from peerswith scholarships and loans, and peerswho had new cars and expensive apartments, who wouldask me, eyes bulging, "You mean your parents didn't help you at all?" "How did you pay for tuition?" My response was simple: "I worke d." They wouldlook at me blankly, as though I had told them I'd gone to
the moon.
As an undergraduate student, I worke d for two solidyearsas a day care provider earning minimum wage. Then I paid for the rest of my educa tion by helping deaf children and working as a tutorin a private school.
Looking back, I'm not sure how I managed to coverall the costsof my education. But I did. And I bought everysingl e textbook and pencil mysel f too.
Sometimes, I did feel a littl e sorryfor myself, especiallywhen I compared mysel f to wealthy students. I once askedanother student if she worke d. "Oh, no!" she said, startled, "I go to school full-time." She was taking only 13 credit hours, and yet was "too busy" to work. She went on to explain that her parents paid for everythingand provided her with everynecessity, and many luxuries too!
有时候,我也有点儿为自己感到难过,尤其是当我把自己跟家境富裕的同学相比时。有一次,我问另一个同学她是否打工。“哦,我不打工!”她说,很吃惊的样子,“我是全职学生。”她只上13 学分的课,但竟然“没有空”去打工。她接着解释道,她的父母负担她的所有费用,为她提供一切日常所需,还有许多奢侈品!Truthfully, I was a littl e envious of her easy life as I took 18 credit hours so that I couldgraduate within four years. Besides, I was working 25 hours a week so I couldpay tuition without futur e loan debt. And here's something amazing: I pulle d straight A's and was at the top of my class!
说真的,我有点儿嫉妒她那轻松的生活。因为为了能在四年内毕业,我得上18 个学分的课。另外,我每周打工25 个小时,这样我才能付清学费,将来不会有贷款债务。而令人难以相信的是:我门门功课都得A,成绩在班里名列前茅!
One day I caught a glimpse of that same girl's report card at the end of the term. She pulle d C’s and
a few B's, low grades, whichdidn't surprise me. Having to work hard and multitask forces you to prioritize, a skillshe hadn't learned.
I am awarethat my work and studychoices are not popular and that