冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 8 随堂小测
一、单项选择(共 30 分)
1.—How many ________ of books do you have?
—Sorry, I haven’t ________ them yet.
A.sort; sorted    B.sorts; sorts    C.sorts; sorted    D.sorts; sort
less is more是谁提出的
考查一词多义。sort种类,名词;sort分类,动词。根据“How many”可知,其后接名词复数形式,第一空填sorts;第二空应用动词作谓语,且用过去分词形式,与haven’t构成现在完成时,故选C。
2.He found ________ very difficult ________ great progress.
A.it’s; make    B.that; to make    C.it’s; making    D.it; to make
考查代词及非谓语用法。本句考查句式:find it+adj.+to do sth.“发现做某事是怎么样的”,it作形式宾语,to do sth.作真正的宾语;可用宾语从句转化为find (that) it is+adj.+to do sth.,本句主句是一般过去时,从句is应改为was,选项中it’s=it is,排除A、C选项。故选D。
3.Though Jiao Yulu is ________, he will live in our heart forever.
A.dead    B.death    C.dying    D.died
4.The sea ________ England from the continent of Europe.
A.is divided    B.divided    C.divide    D.divides
考查一般现在时。“把……和……分开”,该句中主语the sea与谓语动词divide之间是主动关系,且是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,所以填divides。故选D。
5.Please _____ the water when you brush your teeth.
A.take down    B.turn up    C.take away    D.turn off
句意:当你刷牙的时候, 请关闭水源。
考查动词短语辨析。take down取下; turn up调高; take away带走; turn off关掉。根据常识可知,故选D。
6.Everyone should pay attention to ________ the environment.
A.protect    B.protecting    C.protected    D.protects
考查to作介词用法。pay attention to doing sth.“注意做某事”,to作介词,故选B。
7.There is some rubbish on the ground. Let’s ________.
A.pick up them    B.pick it up    C.pick them up    D.pick up it
考查动副短语和代词的用法。pick up them是错误选项;pick it up把它捡起来;pick them up把它们捡起来;pick up it是错误选项。rubbish为不可数名词,应用it来指代,them指代的应是名词的复数形式。pick up为动副短语,当宾语为代词时,应该用其宾格形式且放在pick和up之间。故选B。
8.—Mike, is that new bike ________?
—Yes. My mother bought it for me yesterday.
A.you    B.your    C.yours    D.yourself
句意:——迈克,那辆新自行车是你的吗? ——是的,我妈妈昨天给我买的。
9.The shop assistant showed her some T-shirts and she chose ________ expensive one.
A.less    B.least    C.the less    D.the least
考查最高级。根据“some T-shirts”可知,有范围,用最高级,expensive是形容词,最高级前有the,the least expensive“最不贵的、最便宜的”,故选D。
10.—David, could you tell me _________?
—Every four years.
A.when the 2014 World Cup will finish
B.how often the World Cup takes place
C.how many teams take part in the World Cup
D.who may score the most goals in the World Cup
考查宾语从句。根据“Every four years.”可知此处是对频率提问的,故选B。
二、完形填空(共 30 分)
March 22 is World Water Day. It started in 1993. It not only makes us think about the importance of water, but  also calls on(号召)us to___11___and protect water. Today, we're facing terrible water problems. Among them, the wastewater problem is rather ___12___, And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”.
What is wastewater? It is used water.  Usually, wastewater comes from homes,___13___, hospital and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activities, including washing machines, taking showers and using kitchens. The rain also___14___wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm. No matter where it comes from, this kind of water is sure to have___15___harmful in it.
___16___must we treat(处理)wastewater? Wastewater has a big influence in our lives. It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment. We must care for our environment and our own___17___.
