模块化设计的产品举例Nowadays, the development of robots is advancing by leaps and bounds. Robot service has covered all aspects of people's life, work and entertainment. With the increasing demand of human beings, the exploration of robot field is more and more far away. Robot modularization technology has been widely used in product research and development in various fields. Compared with the traditional robot, modular robot is more flexible, self repairing ability, high flexibility, and good fault tolerance and low cost. The modular structure is simple, easy to process, each module can replace each other, and the assembly is quick and easy. Because of the reconfiguration of modular robot structure and function, it has a strong adaptability to task and environment. Modular technology is beneficial to the maintenance and maintenance of robots, and shortens the time of robot design. Therefore, this paper will use modular method to develop a new robot system, in the hope of improving the complexity of robot control, low universality and tedious operation. This paper is divided into six parts, the first part is the introduction mainly summarizes the modular robot research background, significance and research status quo
of inside and outside of the modular robot, the second part discusses the design principle and method of modular robot, the third part mainly discusses the design of robot control system, the fourth part of the analysis of the master-slave robot control strategy. In the fifth part, the configuration of robot is summarized, and finally a brief summary is made.
Key words: robot; modularization; system design; configuration
第一章 绪论
国内外学者在模块化机器人方面的研究成果较丰富,尤其是国外,很多机器人系统已经商业化了,如瑞士的Omega 7.0机器人,法国的MPB Techn机器人,美国研发出的phantom Desktop,以及gies公司生产出的Freedom6S机器人和Haptic Technologies公司开发的Excalibur机器人等。早先研发出的这些机器人在构型上都是固定的,比较死板,无法按照任务要求在构型上作出相应的变化;机器人的自由度完全是固定的,不利于保证主从控制的实时性与稳定性;当实际任务发生改变时,由于主机器人无法胜任工作,必须重新研发其他机器人,造成成本和工作量的增加。可见,主机器人的通用性问题是研发机器人要解决的重要问题。