摘 要
Image acquisition system based on FPGA design and implementation
It is the rapid development of science and technology, digital image processing technology has been rapid development in this era and has been widely used in all walks of life, and the maturity of FPGA technology has changed the commonly used parallel computer or digital signal processor (DSP), a special integrated circuit (ASIC) as the embedded processor usage. Programmable logic device (FPGA) with its low cost, high parallel processing speed, flexibility and short development cycle and other characteristics, has its unique advantages in image processing system. The project demand, this paper presents a
solution of image acquisition and processing system based on FPGA, and the use of low cost and high performance of Altera company's CyclonelI series FPGA EP2C8Q208C8N as the core, design and development of integrated system of hardware and software of image acquisition and processing.
In view of the reliability of video image acquisition and real-time performance, this paper describes how to FPGA for video acquisition system control. Using Cyclone Ⅱ EP2C8Q208C8NK chip produced by Altera company, is responsible for receiving and processing video data from the TVP5150 decoding, converts the data into RGB color gamut in the output to the ADV7123 chip. After debugging, the system better generality, and mobile performance is also good.
Keywords:模块电源图片 FPGA;TVP5150;RGB color gamut;ADV7123 chip
目 录
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