ZXR10#sh run
! ZXR10>en
ZXR10#conf  ter
ip dhcp enable                #开启dhcp功能
ip dhcp server dns   #设置分配给客户的dns地址
ip dhcp server leasetime 18000
ip dhcp server update arp
ip dhcp-client disable
urpf log off
ip local pool conflict-ip 10
ip local pool dhcp  #配置地址池,地址池名字为dhcp,等下在接口下引用这个名字
interface null1
interface fei_0/1                                  #连接公网的接口
  ip address        #配置公网口ip地址
  negotiation auto
  ip nat outside                                  #做为nat的outside口
  ipv6 nat enable
interface fei_0/2                                  #连接内网的接口
  ip address                #配置内网接口ip地址
  peer default ip pool dhcp                          #确定内网pc机使用哪个地址池,地址名字为dhcp
  negotiation auto
  ip dhcp mode server                              #在接口下使能dhcp功能
  ip dhcp server gateway                  #配置分配的默认网关地址
  ip nat inside                                    #座位nat的insdie接口
interface fei_0/3
  negotiation auto
reference clock local
ip nat max-entry-number 64
ip nat start                                #启用nat功能#   
ip nat inside source list 1 interface fei_0/1      #配置允许内网地址进行nat转换,并且转换后的地址为外网口接口fei_0/1地址
ip nat translation timeout class a 20
ip nat translation timeout class b 60
ip nat translation timeout class c 150
ip nat translation timeout class d 300
ip nat translation timeout class e 1200
ip nat translation timeout protocol icmp a
ip nat translation timeout protocol ip d
ip nat translation timeout protocol tcp port 80 a
ip nat translation timeout protocol tcp d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4000 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4001 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4002 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 4003 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 8000 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp port 8001 d
ip nat translation timeout protocol udp c
ip nat translation maximal default 65535
ip route            #添加一条默认出口路由(公网网关)
voice class service                20100510
ipv6 nat enable
ipv6 nat translation tcp-time-out 300
ipv6 nat translation udp-time-out 300
ipv6 nat translation icmp-time-out 60
ipv6 nat translation max-dynamic-entries 32773
acl standard number 1                          #配置访问列表,用于允许哪些地址进行nat转换,在上面被引用
  rule 1 permit
acl standard number 2
  rule 1 permit any
ip tcp intercept mode intercept
ip tcp intercept drop-mode oldest
ip tcp intercept watch-timeout 30
ip tcp intercept finrst-timeout 5
ip tcp intercept connection-timeout 86400
ip tcp intercept max-incomplete high 1100
ip tcp intercept max-incomplete low 900
ip tcp intercept one-minute high 1100
ip tcp intercept one-minute low 900
version V4.8.01.B.01
nvram mng-ip-address
nvram boot-username target
nvram boot-password target
nvram boot-server
nvram imgfile-location local
hostname ZXR10
forward re-fragment time 6
enable secret level 15 5 bDo8dPdlz3ZwZrNNt7F+kA==
username zxr10 password zsr
username quanyou password quanyou privilege 15配置一个远程管理用户
user-authentication-type local
user-authorization-type local
line console 0
  no login authentication
banner incoming @
              Welcome to ZXR10 ZSR Serial Router of ZTE Corporation
lfap disable
lfap max-send-fun-size 100
lfap update-interval 60
lfap server-retry-interval 60
lfap message-response-interval 60
lfap ka-interval 60
lfap flow-expired-time 600
snmp-server location No.68 Zijinghua Rd. Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, China
snmp-server contact +86-25-52870000negotiation auto
snmp-server packetsize 1400
snmp-server engine-id 830900020300010289d64401
snmp-server view AllView internet included
snmp-server view DefaultView system included
logging on
logging buffer 200
logging mode fullcycle
logging console notifications
logging level notifications
