1. 现在进行时表示将来主要用于表示按照计划或安排将要发生的动作或事件,常表示最近或较近的将来,有“意图”、“安排”或“打算”,给人期待感,多是转移动词,如:come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay等。
  I’m leaving tomorrow. 我打算明天离开。
  Are you staying here till next week? 你要在这儿待到下个星期吗?
  They’re coming here this afternoon. 今天下午他们要来这儿。
  She is leaving on the New York flight. 她要乘飞纽约的航班去。
  Do you know if he is going to school tomorrow? 你知道明天他上不上学吗?
  What time are you coming back? 你准备什么时候回来?
  I am starting early tomorrow morning. 我打算明天一早就动身。
  The delegation is arriving this afternoon. 代表团将于今天下午到达。
2. 进行时表将来还可以用于一些非位移动词,如do, buy, meet, have, play, spend等,此时句中一般要有表示将来的时间状语。
  What are you doing next Sunday? 下周日你要干什么?
  My mother is buying me a bike soon. 我妈妈很快要给我买一辆自行车。
  We are playing football this afternoon. 今天下午我们要踢足球。
  We’re probably spending the coming Easter with the Greens.
  I’m meeting Janet later this evening. 今晚我会与珍妮见面。
3. 现在进行时偶尔也表示较远的将来。
  When I grow up, I’m joining the army. 我长大了要参军。
4. 表示将来的现在进行时有时含有“决心”的意思,多用于否定结构中。
  I’m not going there. 我不去那儿了。
  I’m not waiting for her any longer. 我不会再等她了。
1.My parents and I _________ the Architecture Museum this weekend.
A.visit    B.are visiting    C.are visited    D.have visited
2.At the moment, the foreign friends you referred to _________ forward to _________ ar
ound our university.
A.are looking, being shown    B.are looking, showing
C.look, being shown    D.look, showing
3.Food supplies in this area________ out. We must act now before there is none left.
A.are running    B.will run    C.have run    D.run
4.--- We ______ this afternoon.
--- We’d better set off at 3 pm. The train ______ at 5 pm.
A.will see him off; will leave    B.are to see him off; left
C.are going to see him off; is leaving    D.are seeing him off; leaves
5.One of the firms I applied to has offered me a job, but I ______ my options open until I hear from others.
A.have kept    B.am keeping    C.will have kept    D.keep
6.--- Alan, it’s late. Why not go to bed?
--- Jenny hasn’t come back yet. I ________ for her.
A.waited    B.have waited    C.am waiting    D.was waiting
7.He as well as his parents ________for Shanghai soon.
A.are leaving    B.is leaving    C.leave    D.leaves
8.—Why is Tom in such a hurry?
—He ________ for Beijing to attend an important meeting.The flight ________ at 6∶00.
A.leaves;leaves    B.is leaving;leaves
C.will leave;has left    D.leaves;is to leave
9.Ladies and gentlemen, we ________ at Changzhou Station. Please get ready to get off the train.
A.are to arrive    B.are arriving    C.are going to arrive    D.will arrive
10.The boys ________ school next Monday.
A.starts    B.is starting    C.started    D.are starting
11.He _______ for London in two hours.
A.left    B.is leaving    C.has left    D.leave
12.We ________ the train, ________ the day before the October Holiday begins.
A.are taking; leaving    B.will take; leave
C.are taking; left    D.will take; left
13.“The day of my birthday ________soon, Dad. What gift will you give to me this time?”
Tom asked his father excitedly.
A.is coming    B.came    C.was coming    D.has come
14.Sam ________ advanced literature next term.
A.has taken    B.is taking    C.took    D.was taking
15.The old couple are very excited because they ______ Europe next month.
A.visit    B.are about to visit
C.are visiting    D.are going to visiting
16.—We________our money,so I’m afraid we’ll have to end our trip next week.
—What a pity!
A.are running out    B.have run out
C.are running out of    D.have run out of
17.—Why is that old man smiling?
—Perhaps he is ________ his childhood.
A.looking into    B.looking back on
C.looking ahead    D.looking through
18.I must be off now. I ________ my friends at the railway station.
A.meeting    B.met
C.am meeting    D.was meeting
19.My family ________ for a picnic next Sunday.
A.went    B.go    C.are going    D.is going to
20.Frank, rather than his two sisters, ________London next morning by train which ________at 8:30.
A.is leaving to; will leave    B.are leaving to; leaves
C.is leaving for, leaves    D.will leave for, will leave
【详解】考查动词时态。句意:我的父母和我将要在这周末去参观建筑博物馆。根据this weekend可知,此处表示将来发生的动作,可以使用现在进行时,表示将来打算要做的事情。故选B。
【详解】考查动词。句意:目前,你提到的外国朋友们都期待着参观我们的大学。根据时间状语At the moment可知,用现在进行时;非谓语动词show和主语之间是被动关系,故用其动名词的被动式作介词宾语。故选A项。
【详解】考查时态。句意:这个地区的食物供应不足。我们必须现在就采取行动,否则就会一无所有。根据后文We must act now before there is none left.可知表示将要用完,应用现在进行时表将来,故选A。
