  经历了一番并购整合之后,综合性提供商开始成为BI行业的主流,IBMSAPMicrosoftOracle取代了专业的BI厂商,大有四分天下的趋势。不过,Red Hat最近对开源BI厂商JasperSoft的一大笔投入,使得开源BI再次引起人们的关注。
  Red Hat公司日前联合芝加哥风险投资公司Adams Street Partners,为开源BI软件厂商JasperSoft提供了一轮总额达到1250万美元的投资,让这家本来名不见经传的开源BI厂商出尽了风头。
  BizgresOpeniPentaho SpagoBI等相对比较知名的开源BI套件开始在用户中形成自己的拥趸。这几种开源BI软件在功能上各有特:BizgresGreenPlum公司主导的开源项目,提供了大负荷的并行计算能力,有卓越的数据处理性能;Openi 是基于Java开发的Web应用,能对关系数据库和数据挖掘服务器进行分析和报表展示,非常易于使用和部署; Pentaho是一个以工作流为核心的、强调面向解决方案而非工具组件的BI套件,Pentaho偏向于与业务流程相结合的BI解决方案,侧重于大中型企业应用,其目标是和商业BI相抗衡;SpagoBI 也是使用java目前行的php开发工具有开发,有很强的扩展能力。
  1、 数据库:BI专业数据库Bizgres,或者大型应用中的高性能服务器Bizgres MPP,能比普通关系数据库快20倍
  2、 ETL工具:KETL
  3、 报表工具:JasperReports
Ease of Use: Bizgres 0.7 includes a commercial-grade installer from InstallAnywhere, which delivers a streamlined, user-friendly, and multi-platform consistent setup for all components. This will make it easier for those new to open source enterprise software to get started testing and using Bizgres.
New Features: JasperReports and KETL, the extract, transform and load (ETL) technology from Kinetic Networks
are now integrated with Bizgres. Developers can now access a tightly integrated, end-to-end software stack capable of supporting all aspects of enterprise-class BI reporting. JasperSoft
, Kinetic Networks and Greenplum have jointly developed a clickstream reporting applicati
on to showcase the capabilities of the new platform and provide a base from which developers can get started on new applications. The new application, Bizgres Clickstream, automates the process of processing log files, populating the warehouse, and producing out of the box reports on web site activity and usage.
"In the 3 months since its launch, Bizgres has burgeoned into an incredibly successful open source project. Bizgres 0.7 is representative of that momentum, demonstrating Greenplum's commitment to working closely with the community to deliver significant performance, ease-of-use, and feature enhancements," said Sam Mohamad, CEO of Greenplum. "At Greenplum, we believe that the open-source development model provides the strongest value to our customers, and we look forward to continuing our work with the community to further establish PostgreSQL as the best open source database for BI."
