Lesson 41-42lesson复数练习题
1. ---Can I have____ meat?  ---Sorry, you can't. There isn't ____.
A. any/some    B.some/some    C. any/any    D. some/any
2. There ____ some old people taking a walk in the park.
A. have    B. are    C. has    D.is
3. There ____ some green tea in that red tin.
A. isn't    B. aren't    C. are    D.is
4. There ____ any tobacco or coffee in that bag.
A. isn't    B. are    C.is    D. aren't
5. There ____ a pen, two books and a knife in the case.
A. are    B. isn't    C. aren't    D.is
6. Can you give me ____ of coffee?
A. half pound a    B. a half pound    C.half a pound    D. a pound half
7. There are few ____ in the fridge. Let's go and buy some potatoes, carrots and peppers.
A.eggs    B. vegetables    C. meat    D. fruit
8. There is a lot of____ on the table.
A.oranges    B. apples    C. vegetables    D. food
9. There ____ a lot of meat in the fridge.
A. has    B.are    C. have    D. is
10. The child loves eating ____.
A. cakes and bread    B.cakes and breads    C. cake and bread    D. cake and breads
11. --- Can I help you?  --- I'd like ____ for my twin daughters.
A.two pair of shoes    B. two pairs of shoe    C. two pair of shoe    D. two pairs of shoes
12. We have bought two ____ for the coming party.
A. box of apples    B. boxes of apple    C.box of apple    D. boxes of apples
13. ---How much ____the shoes?  ---Five dollars ____ enough.
A. are/is    B.is/is    C. are/are    D. is/are
14. I'd like some water, but he wants ____.
A. two bottle oranges    B. two bottles of oranges   
C.two bottle orange      D. two bottles of orange
15. Mr. Smith always has ____ to tell us.
A.some good pieces of news    B. some good piece of news
C. some piece of good news      D. some pieces of good news
Lesson 41-42解析
5.解析:there be 句型,谓语动词就近一致。盒子里有一支钢笔,两本书和一把水果刀。
6.解析:半个... 用half a …如:half an hour, half a mile;译文:请给我半磅咖啡。
7.解析:few 几乎没有,修饰可数名词;由后面的词语可以推断出,冰箱里少的是蔬菜。
8.解析:由is 一词可以推断,后面是不可数名词。译文:桌子上有很多的食物。
9.解析:there be 句型,表示‘有’;meat是不可数名词。译文:冰箱里有很多的肉。
11,析:shoe是可数名词,一双鞋是a pair of shoes,复数形式要在量词上体现。
12.解析:apple是可数名词,一箱苹果是a box of apples,复数形式要在量词上体现。
译文:我们为即将到来的聚会买了两箱苹果。13.解析:shoes复数形式,谓语动词也用复数;five dollars是一个整体,所以用单数形式。
14.解析:a bottle of orange一瓶橙汁;orange在此是不可数名词,因此其复数形式只体现在量词bottle上。译文:我想要一些水,但是他想要两瓶橙汁。
15.解析:一条新闻是 a piece of news; 一条好新闻是 a piece of good news, 由此推断,一些好的新闻或消息就是some pieces of good news. 译文:史密斯先生总是有一些好的消息告诉我们。
