New Concept English Book
Lesson 1-Lesson3测试题
姓名:             日期:        分数:          
1.    the teacher     at this school last year ? Yes, he did.
A. Did, taught  B. does, teach  C. Did, teach 
2I went to the supermarket and bought a great many    
A tomatoes  B potatos    C meat
3 He      until it stopped raining.
  A waited  B. didn't wait  C. leave
4. The bad news ____ my vacation .
A. take        B. spoiled          C.often
5-Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend?
A  It’s none of your business!  B Dear me!  C  Take it easy.               
6The bus was ten minutes ___.
A. late          B. later          C. latest 
7A young man and a young woman were talking loudly _____ the theatre.
    A. at    B. in      C. on
8He often ________ in bed until lunchtime.
A. stay      B. stays    C. staying    
9.. I’m _______ in that ________ film
A. interesting; interested        B. interested; interesting       
C. interested; interested        D. interesting; interesting
10. She is very lazy and _____________ gets up early at weekends.
A. sometime        B. sometimes    C. some times
11. You have to ___ a decision here and now.
A. take          B. put              C. make
12. _____ a nice watch it is !
A. How      B. What        C. What a
13. I’m coming ________ see you.     
  A. for           B. of         C. to                               
14. She is from ______. 
A. English      B. Japanese        C. China
15. -------_____________?                                       
-------I am Italian.                     
A. What’s your job  B. What’s your name  C. What nationality are you
16. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk. 
A. any, any    B. any, some      C. some, some
17. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat!     
A. runs          B. is running      C. is going to run   
18. I turned to speak to the person standing _____ me .
  a. behind          b. back            c. in the front of
19. -----____ there any milk in the refrigerator?         
----Yes, there____ two bottles in it.                     
  A. Is, is          B. Is, are          C. Are, is 
20. _____ interesting the film is !
a. What        b. What an      c. How
. 句型运用 (2*10=20)
21. Please send me a card.(变同义句)  Please ________ a card _______ me.
22. It is cold.(改为感叹句)
__________ ________ weather it is!
23. Peter always sits in public garden.(用yesterday 改句子)
Peter ________ in public garden___________.
24 Tom is reading now.(用at 8:00 pm yesterday改句子)
  Tom ________ ____________ at 8:00 pm yesterday
25.On the last day , I made a decision.(改为否定句).
On the last day, I ___________ ___________ a decision.
26. 我的假期很快就过去了。 My holiday ____________ ____________
27. 然而我竟成一张明信片也没写成。
I ____________ write a _________ card
28. 外面还很黑。 It was _________ ______________.
29. 这是私人的谈话。 It’s a ____________ ___________
30. 但是他们却丝毫不注意,不理会。
  They did not ________ any _________________________
31He is not very        (friend) towards newcomers(新来的).
32She slammed(砰地挂掉) the telephone down      (angry).
33He made a       (decide) at last
34She works for that restaurant as a       (waiter)
35She is very      (exciting) about winning the first prize.
36Do you get up so       (late)
37In the end , I could not _________ (bear) it.
38She     ___ ( sit) behind me at that moment(在那时).
39“What do you want”She asked       lesson复数  (rude)
40I _________(spend)  the whole day in my room yesterday.
(1) make (过去式)______ (2) bear(同义词)______  (3)polite(反义词)_______   
(4) child(复数)_______  (5)lend  (过去式)_______ (6) have(现在分词)_____   
(7) write (过去式)________(8)buy (过去式) _____    (9)angry(副词)_______
When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai . One day he __1__ a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street . It caught the attention of an___2_ , who asked , “ How much does it cost ?” He said , “500 dollars . “ The foreigner thought it was too __3__ and asked again , “ Can you make it cheaper ?” He answered , “ No ,” Then he tore (撕) it to pieces . In great __4__ , the foreigner said , “Young man , are you angry ?” “No, sir . I’m not angry . I sold it _5__ 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the __6___ . But you wanted a lower price . It means __7__ didn’t think so and it is not good enough . I’ll go on working ___8_ until my customers(顾客)are satisfied . “ At that time . _9___ Liu Kaiqu was
not famous at all , he never _10___ his dream . Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.
