Lesson 95  Tickets. Please!
一 本课重点:
1 时态:一般将来时态
2 When did you/he/she/they……?  I/He/She/They did……(时间段+ago)
  When will you/ he/ she / they……?I/He/She/They will do……(in + 时间段)
二 单词精讲
1  return
  ① return ticket 往返票 single tickets 单程票
② in return 作为回报
      He helped me a lot, and I wish I could do something in return.
  ③ return from 从**回来  He just returned from Austria
  ④ return sth to sb。= return sb。 sth把某物归还给某人
例:Please return the book to me。 = please return me the book.
2  train  by train 乘坐火车
      take the train to sp. 乘火车去某地
platform 站台/讲台
    Platform two 2站台  platform ticket 站台票
  stand on the platform
4  plenty of + 可数名词或不可数名词  只用于肯定句中
      There is plenty of milk in the glass.
      There are plenty of students in the classroom
  plenty of / lots of / a lot of +可数名词或不可数名词
  many +可数名词
  much +不可数名词
5  bar 酒吧/ 条,棒,门闩
6  station 车站/局、所
bus station/ train station/ police station/ TV station/ gas station
7  porter 列车服务员/门童/护工/搬运工
8  catch caught- caught
① 及时赶上,追上  catch a bus
② 捕捉,逮捕  catch a fish
③ 染上,感染  catch a cold
9  miss
① 错过  Hurry up, or youll miss the bus.
② 想念  I miss you so much.
10  exact adj.精确的;确切的;恰好的:
What is the exact time? 确切时间是什么时候?
三 课文祥解
1 Two return tickets to London, please.
  ① return ticket = round—trip ticket 往返票 VS 单程票 single ticket = one-way ticket
  ② 祈使句:是用来表示请求、命令、建议、禁止等。它的特点是通常没有主语, 多以动词原形开始.
What time (=When) will the next train leave (the station)?
  = When is the next train/ fight/ bus? 这是询问火车/飞机/汽车的常用句型。
At nineteen minutes past eight. = At eight nineteen。
Which platform?  -Platform Two.(注意中英语序区别)
Over the bridge。 在天桥那边.
  over 在……另一边  He lives over the bridge。
We've got plenty of time。
①【回顾Lesson 79】have got = have
② 充裕的、足够的、大量的:plenty of + 不可数名词/可数名词复数。
It's only three minutes to eight. = seven fifty—seven。仅仅only。
Let's go and have a drink。
①【回顾Lesson 83】Let祈使句.
  ② Lets go and do sth. 让我们去做某事。例如:Lets go and see a film/movie。
  have a drink [n.] = have something to drink [v.] 喝点什么。
There’s a bar next door to the station.
①【回顾】There be句型:There is/are + sth. + 地点.
  ② bar酒吧 
③ next to …的旁边;next door to …的隔壁.
  例句:Theres a restaurant next door to the supermarket.
10  We had better go back to the station now.
① had better + 动词原形,表示“最好做某事”。缩写为'd better表达某种忠告或建议,用于指现在和将要做的事情,而不是过去时。否定式:had better not do sth。
例句:Wed better be careful.  You had better not go to bed so late。
must则表示“必须"、“一定”,语气比had better强烈。
② go back to.。. 回到…去.
11  Porter: Tickets please.
① 祈使句
② 火车站的售票员:porter  VS  汽车上的售票员:conductor
12  We want to catch the eight nineteen (train) to London.
    ① want to do sth. 想要做某事(不定式).
    ② catch a/the train 赶火车,乘火车.
13  You've just missed it!
① 现在完成时
② miss 错过:miss the train/bus/flight (扩展:You cant miss it!)
14  What! 这里不是疑问,而是感叹、惊讶。
15  That clock’s ten minutes slow.
表示钟表慢了多长时间:The clock is 。。. slow。
表示钟表快了多长时间:The clock is ... fast/quick.
16  -When's the next train?  -In five hours' time! (=The next train will leave in five hour's time。)
① 几点的车What time will the next train leave?
② in +时间段's + time = in +时间段
例如:in a/one days time = in a/one day, in two minutes time = in two minutes
in three weeks' time = in three weeks, in four years time = in four years
was/were, did
yesterday, last month, ten years ago
Was/were + not
加didnt 动词变回原形
shall/will do
am/is/are going to do
tomorrow, next week
in ten hour(s time)
Will 提前
I had lunch an hour ago。
They will fly there in five days time.
—Did they fly to Beijing yesterday?  -Yes, they did。 / No, they didnt.
-Will they fly to Shanghai tomorrow?  —Yes, they will。 / No, they wonlesson复数't.
-When did they fly to Beijing?  —They flew there five days ago。
-When will they fly to Shanghai?  —They will fly there in five days。
Questions about the text:
Who wants to go to London?
When will the next train leave?
How many tickets do they want to buy? Return tickets or single tickets?
Where will the next train leave from?
Which platform will the next train leave?
