0麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu
1家常豆腐Home style sauteed Tofu
2煎豆腐Fried Tofu
3豆腐花Bean curd
4臭豆腐Stinky tofu
5酸辣土豆丝Potato silk
6土豆泥Pan fried potato
7香煎土豆Pan fried potato
8土豆焖豆角Braised beans with potato
9地三鲜Fried Potato, Green Pepper & Eggplant 10薯条French fries
11鱼香茄子Yu-Shiang Eggplant
12蒜泥茄子Mashed garlic eggplant
13肉末茄子Eggplant with mince pork
14辣白菜Spicy cabbage
15醋溜白菜Sour cabbage
16上汤娃娃菜Steamed Baby Cabbage
17手撕包菜Shredded cabbage
18蚝油生菜Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce
19炒青菜Saute vegetable
20炒空心菜tumis kangkung
21蒜蓉油麦菜Lettuce with smashed garlic
22清炒菠菜Sauteed spainch
23炒豆芽Sauteed bean sprouts
24炒蚕豆Sauteed broad beans
26蚝油西兰花Broccoli with Oyster Sauce
27香煎藕盒Deep Fried lotus root
28莲藕Lotus root
29凉拌西红柿Tomato salad
31凉拌木耳Black Fungus in Vinegar Sauce
32口水黄瓜Cucumber in Sauce
34凉拌海带丝Seaweed salad
35拔丝山药Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee
36清炒山药Fried Yam
37干煸豆角Fried beans
38蚝油杏鲍菇Oyster mushroom
39酿苦瓜stuffed bitter melon
40炒苦瓜sauteed bitter melon
41虎皮青椒pepper with tiger skin
42凉拌腐竹Yuba salad
43炒花菜fried cauliflower
44松仁玉米Sauteed Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts
45香菇青菜Sauted Chinese Greens with Mushrooms 46椒盐蘑菇Spiced mushroom
47芹菜香干Celery and tofu
48西芹百合Sauteed Lily Bulbs and Celery
49韭菜炒香干Leak and tofu
50西红柿炒鸡蛋Scrambled egg with tomato
51韭菜炒鸡蛋Scrambled Egg with Leek
52黄瓜炒鸡蛋Scrambled Egg with cucumber
53鸡蛋羹Steamed egg custard
54猪肝Pork liver
55猪耳朵Pig ears
56叉烧roast pork
57粉蒸排骨Steamed pork with rice powder
58糖醋排骨Sweet and sour spareribs
59海带炖排骨Braised spareribs with kelp
60可乐鸡翅Cola Chicken wings
61泡椒凤爪Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers
62红烧鸡爪Chicken Feet with black bean sauce
63口水鸡Steamed Chicken with Chili Sauce
64烤鸭烧鹅Roast goose
65白斩鸡Boiled chicken
66大盘鸡Saute Spicy Chicken
67香菇蒸鸡Steamed Chicken with Mushroom
68黄焖鸡chicken braised with brown sauce
69豉油鸡Soy sauce chicken
70辣子鸡Spicy Chicken
71宫保鸡丁Kung Pao Chicken
72三杯鸡Stewed Chicken with Three Cups Sauce
73鸡丝、鸡丝面Shredded chicken
74炸鸡腿Fried chicken drumsticks
75啤酒鸭Beer duck
76腰花Scalloped pork or lamb kidneys
77红烧肉Braised pork
78红烧牛肉Braised beef
79酱牛肉Beef Seasoned with Soy Sauce
80西红柿牛腩Sirloin tomatoes
81土豆炖牛腩Stewed sirloin potatoes
82杭椒牛柳Sauteed Beef Fillet with Hot Green Pepper 83梅菜扣肉Pork with salted vegetable
84回锅肉Double cooked pork slices
85猪肉炖粉条Braised Pork with Vermicelli
86水煮肉片Boiled Shredded pork in chili oil
87糖醋里脊Fried Sweet and Sour Tenderloin
88咕噜肉Cripsy sweet & sour pork slices
89锅包肉Pot bag meat
90农家小炒肉Shredded Pork with Vegetables
91培根金针菇卷Tiger lily buds in Baconic
92京酱肉丝Sauteed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce 93豆角肉丝Shredded pork with bean
94酱焖猪蹄Braised pig feet with soy sauce
96青椒肉丝Shredded pork and green pepper
97鱼香肉丝Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork
98木耳炒肉丝Braised Fungus with pork slice
99木须肉Sauteed Sliced Pork,Eggs and Black Fungus 100莴笋肉丝Lettuce shredded meat
101蚂蚁上树Sauteed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork 102孜然羊肉Fried Lamb with Cumin
103羊肉串Lamb shashlik
104葱爆羊肉Sauteed Sliced Lamb with Scallion
105红烧狮子头Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
106酸菜鱼Boiled Fish with Picked Cabbage and Chili 107烤鱼grilled fish
108糖醋鲤鱼Sweet and sour fish
109松鼠桂鱼Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish
110红烧带鱼Braised Hairtail in Brown Sauce
111剁椒鱼头Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers 112水煮鱼Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil
113清蒸鲈鱼Steamed Perch
114芝士虾球Cheese Shrimp Meat
115虾仁西兰花Shrimp broccoli
116油焖大虾Braised Shrimp in chili oil
117香辣虾Spicy shrimp
118香辣小龙虾Spicy crayfish
119水晶虾饺Shrimp Duplings
120蒜茸粉丝蒸虾Steamed shrimp with garlic and vermicelli 121清炒虾仁Sauteed Shrimp meat
122皮皮虾Pipi shrimp
123扇贝Scallop in Shell
130扬州炒饭Yangzhou fried rice
132小笼汤包Steamed Bun Stuffed
133烧麦Steamed Pork Dumplings
134家常早餐鸡蛋饼egg omelet
135土豆鸡蛋饼Potato omelet
136鸡蛋灌饼Egg pie cake
137卤蛋Marinated Egg
138荷包蛋Poached Egg
139葱花手抓饼Pine cake with Diced Scallion
140芝麻烧饼Sesame seed cake
141肉夹馍Chinese hamburger
142韭菜盒子Leek box
143南瓜紫薯馒头steamed bun with purple potato and pumpkin 144馒头steamed bun
145包子Steamed stuffed bun
146南瓜饼Pumpkin pie
148油条Deep-Fried Dough Sticks
149炸酱面sauteed noodles with minced meat
150重庆酸辣粉Chongqing Hot and Sour Rice Noodles
151凉拌凉面Cold noodles
152西红柿鸡蛋面Noodles with egg and tomato
153肉酱意大利面spaghetti with meat sauce
154茄汁拌面Noodles with tomato sauce
155凉皮Cold Rice Noodles
156担担面Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce
157臊子面Qishan noodles
158炒面fried noodles
160玉米棒Corn Cob
161红烧牛肉面Braised beef noodle
162河粉fried rice noodles
163肠粉Steamed vermicelli roll
164鲜肉小馄饨Pork wonton
165煎饺Fried Dumplings
167小米粥Millet congee
168红薯粥Sweet potato porridge
170皮蛋瘦肉粥Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg 171大米粥Rice porridge
173紫菜包饭Laver rice
174石锅饭Stone pot of rice
175乌鸡汤Black bone chicken soup
176鲫鱼豆腐汤Crucian and Bean Curd Soup
177疙瘩汤Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup 178酸辣汤Hot and Sour Soup
179萝卜排骨汤Pork ribs soup with radish
180西红柿鸡蛋汤Tomato and Egg Soup
181西湖牛肉羹West Lake beef soup
182莲藕排骨汤Lotus Root and Rib soup
183紫菜蛋花汤Seaweed and Egg Soup
184海带豆腐汤Seaweed tofu soup
185玉米排骨汤Corn and sparerib soup
186菠菜猪肝汤Spinach and pork liver soup
188银耳汤White fungus soup
189冬瓜汤White gourd soup
190酱汤Miso soup
191毛血旺Duck Blood in Chili Sauce
192夫妻肺片Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce
193麻辣香锅Spicy pot
194黄金如意肉卷Golden meat rolls
195蛋糕Chiffon Cake
196蛋挞Egg Tart
202苏打饼干Soda biscuit
203双皮奶Double skin milk
204冰激凌ice cream
205鸡蛋布丁Egg pudding
206冰糖雪梨Sweet stewed snow pear 207水果沙拉Fruit salad
