原味牛油 Plain Butter
咸味牛油 Salted Butter
植物牛油 Magrin
橙味果酱 Orange Jam
草莓果酱 Strawberry Jam
蓝莓果酱 Blueberry Jam
蜂蜜 Honey
芝士粉 Cheese Powder
橄榄油 Olive oil
辣椒粉 Pepper Flakes
辣椒仔 Tabasco
酸梅酱 Plum Sauce
香草汁 Herbal Sauce
寿司酱油 Sashimi Soy Sauce
柠檬角 Lemon Wedges
甜蛋黄酱 Mayonnaise
番茄沙司 Ketchup
醋 Vinegar
基围虾 Shrimp
雪蛤 Scallop
水果塔 Fruit tower
绿茶口味 Green tea Flavor
香草口味 Vanilla Flavor
草莓口味 Strawberry Flavor
蓝莓口味 Blue Strawberry Flavor
哈密瓜口味 Hami melon
法 汁 French dressing
酸奶酱yoghurt dressing
腌肉串 Bacon skewer
曲奇饼干 Cookie
青口 Mussels
深井烧鹅 Roasted Goose
白切鸡 Boiled Chicken
辣椒酱 chili sauce
香草汁 vanilla sauce
芒果汁 Mango juice
沙丁鱼 Sardine
白粥 plain congee
绿豆粥 green bean congee
皮蛋粥 preserved egg congee
菠萝(罐装)Canned pineapple
杂果(罐装)canned mixed fruit
凉拌花菜 Tossed broccoli
酱牛肉Marinated beef in brown sauce
辣萝卜条Marinated radish in chili sauce
凉拌猪耳朵Tossed pig‘ear
黄瓜 Cucumber
酸奶 Yogurt
炸薯饼 Deep fried sweet potato
炒长豆角 Fried long bean
炒荷兰豆 Fried Holland bean
甜甜圈 Sweet roll
小米粥 Millet
面条 Noodles
马拉糕 Steamed corn cake
黑米糕 Steamed black cake
糖饺 Sugar noodles
芝麻球 Deep fried Sesame
李子 Plum
巧克力喷泉 Chocolate
圆火腿 ham
红豆Red beans
小番茄cherry tomatoes
甜玉米粒Sweet corns
面包岛 bread island
牛角包 plain flavor croissant
chocolate flavor croissant
白吐司 white toast
全麦吐司 whole wheat toast
黄梅果丹麦包 apricot danish
蓝莓丹麦包 blueberry danish
苹果丹麦包 apple danish
提子玉桂卷 rasin cinnamon rolls
香蕉包banana bread
软包soft rolls
法包french bread
黑麦包rye bread
谷物岛 cereal island
甜粟米片 sweet cornflakes
卜卜米 rice crispies
全麦维 all bran
甜麦圈 honey rings
瑞士麦片 muesli
可可米 cocoa rice pops
With dry rasin, almond
Pine nuts, slice of dried banana
Hazel nuts, plums
红茶 Black tea
现磨咖啡 Freshly Brewed coffee
肠仔 chicken/pork sausages
圆火腿 ham
焗豆 baked beans
炒面 fried noodles
炸薯饼-配番茄酱 deep fried potato cake with ketchup
煎饺 pan-fried dumplings
炒时蔬(中式)wok-fried vegetable
春卷 spring rolls
炒饭 fried rice
炒米粉 fried rice noodles
煮鸡蛋 hard boiled eggs
法式吐司 french toast
甜玉米 sweet corn
蛋档 egg station
烟熏肉 bacon
火腿 ham
洋葱碎 onion
番茄 tomato
蘑菇 mushrooms
甜椒 bell pepper