Ingredients / 材料:
∙ 300 g Pork belly ∙ 1 stalk Scallion ∙ 1 clove Garlic, sliced ∙ 4-5 Ginger slices ∙ 1/2 tsp Szechuan peppercorns ∙ 150 g Leeks ∙ 1/2 Red bell pepper Sauce: ∙ 1 tbsp Oil, cooked ∙ 1 tbsp Hot bean sauce ∙ 1/2 tbsp Sweetened fermented flour paste ∙ 1 tsp Black beans ∙ 1 tsp Jiafan rice wine ∙ 1 tsp Dark soya sauce ∙ 1/2 tsp Sugar ∙ 1/3 tsp Salt ∙ 1/3 tsp Chicken bouillon | ∙ 300克 猪五花肉 ∙ 1支slice中文 葱段 ∙ 1粒 蒜片 ∙ 4-5片 姜 ∙ 1/2小勺 花椒粒 ∙ 150克 青蒜 ∙ 1/2个 红椒 调料: ∙ 1小勺 熟油 ∙ 1大勺 辣豆瓣酱 ∙ 1/2 大勺 甜面酱 ∙ 1小勺 豆豉 ∙ 1小勺 加饭酒 ∙ 1小勺 老抽 ∙ 1/2小勺 白糖 ∙ 1/3小勺 食盐 ∙ 1/3小勺 鸡精 |
Method / 做法:
1. Fill a pan with some water with ginger, onion and garlic. Add in the well-rinsed pork belly and bring it to the boil over medium heat and then simmer at a gentler heat until just cooked, about 20-30 minutes. Remove the pork and rinse under the running water. Thinly slice the meat into 5-cm length. Prepare the leek into chunks and red bell pepper into smaller pieces. 2. Heat the skillet warm and add in cooked oil together with sliced pork. Stir-fry until the fat has melted out and they are toasty and slightly curved. Add in hot bean sauce, fermented flour paste and black beans. Stir-fry until the oil is richly red and smells fragrant. Add in red bell pepper, rice wine, dark soya sauce and white sugar, seasoning with salt and chicken bouillon. Finally, add the leeks and toss until they are just cooked. Turn on to a serving dish and serve immediately. Details => Forum | 1. 锅入适量水,加入姜葱蒜。五花肉洗干净后放入锅里。中火烧开后,调低火势,继续煮至肉熟皮软,大约20-30分钟。捞出肉,用凉水冲洗干净后切成5厘米左右长薄片。青蒜洗净切成斜切段,红椒切成块状。 2. 锅烧至四成热,将熟油和肉片一块放入熬炒至肉出油卷起。放入豆瓣,甜面和豆豉翻炒出香味。放入红椒,淋入加饭酒,老抽和白糖翻炒片刻。加入鸡精和食盐调味,最后放入青蒜段炒至断生后即可出锅。 |