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Keyboard Shortcuts and Special Mouse Clicks
Commands that are new or have changed in Finale 2011 are marked by a bullet (·).
File menu Graphics Tool Page Layout Tool Special Tools Tool Edit menu Hand Grabber Tool Playback Staff Tool Window menu HyperScribe Tool Repeat Tool Text Tool
View menu Transcription Mode Resize Tool Tuplet Tool Utilities menu Lyrics Tool Selection Tool Zoom Tool Articulation Tool Measure Tool Simple Entry Tool General
Chord Tool Mirror Tool Simple Entry Laptop
Clef Tool Note mover Tool Smart Shape Tool
Expression Tool Ossia Tool Speedy Entry Tool
File menu
Command Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click
delete inLaunch Window Command-Shift-N
New (default new action)Command-N
Open Command-O
Close Command-W
Close All Option-Command-W
Save Command-S
Save As Command-Shift-S
Save All Option-Command-S
Print Score Command-P
Quit Command-Q
Edit menu
Command Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click Undo Command–Z
Redo Command–Y
Undo/Redo List Command-shift–Z
Cut Command–X
Cut to Clip File Press Command–option-X
Copy (to the Clipboard)Command–C
Insert Command–I
Copy to Clip File Press Command–option-C
Insert From Clip File Press option when choosing Insert or press Option-Command-I
Insert and Filter Shift-Command-I
Insert and Filter from Clip
Paste Command-V
Paste Multiple (from the
Paste (paste from a Clip
Press Command–option-V
Paste Multiple using the one-click method Highlight the source measures. Press Control-Option and click the destination measure. The Paste Multiple dialog box appears.
Paste and Filter Shift-Command-V. The Edit Filter dialog box appears where you can choose which items you would like to paste.
Use Filter Command-Option-F
Edit Filter Command-Option-Shift-F
Paste and Filter from Clip Files Command-Option-Shift-V. The Edit Filter dialog box appears where you can choose which items you would like to paste.
Delete Measure Stack Delete (with a stack selected) Select All Command-A
Update Layout and remove
measure groupings
Clear All Items Clear (Laptops Fn-6)
Set SmartFind Source
Deselect SmartFind Source
Apply SmartFind and Paint Command-Shift-F
Utilities menu Command Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click Update Layout Command-U
Transpose Command-6 through 9
Program a Transposition Command-Shift 6 through 9
Lock Systems Command-L (Or, with the Selection Tool selected, press L to lock Systems).
Unlock Systems Command-Shift- U (Or, with the Selection Tool selected, press U to unlock Systems).
Apply Note Spacing Command-4 (Or, with the Selection Tool selected, press 4)
Apply Beat Spacing Command-5 (Or, with the Selection Tool selected, press 5)
Fit Measures Command-Shift-M
Implode Music  1 (With Selection Tool selected)
Explode Music  2 (With Selection Tool selected)
Check Elapsed Time  3 (With Selection Tool selected)
Window menu
Command Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click Show/Hide Main Tool Palette Command–T
Switch between open windows (OS X)Command-‘
Open/Close Mixer Command-Option-M
View menu Command Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click Page View Command-E (see also Page View) Scroll View Command-E
Studio View Command-Shift-E
End Position control D, or End key
Redraw Screen Command–D
Zoom In Command–+ or hold down Command-Shift and right-click
Zoom Out Command–- (minus) or hold down Command-Oprion-Shift and click
Custom Zoom 2Command–2 Custom Zoom 1Command–1 Custom Zoom 3Command–3
View At X %Command–0
Fit Width Command-Option–] Fit in Window Command-Option–[ Add Bookmark Command–B
Define a Staff Set Command option–control-1 through option–control-8 (in Scroll View or Studio View)
Show All Staves control-zero
Show Staff Set 1—8control-1 through control-8
Show/Hide Rulers Command-R
Change layers Option-Command-layer number (1-4)
General Keyboard Shortcuts
Command Keyboard Shortcut or Mouse Click
OK all open dialog boxes Command-return, or Command-click the OK button
Cancel all open dialog boxes Command-esc, or Command-click the Cancel button
Show Master Tool Palette dialog box Command-option-ctrl-click anywhere on the screen
Apply a Metatool Press a number (0-8) or letter and click the score Program a Metatool Press shift-number (0-8) or shift-letter
Program a keyboard equivalent for a tool Option–control–F through option–control–' (apostrophe)—the center row of keys
Switch to a tool you’ve programmed Control-F through control-' (apostrophe) Select Yes or No in dialog
boxes Type N for “No” and Y for “Yes”
Open Document Options Command-Option-A
Move up a full screen (page view)PageUp
Move down a full screen (page view)PageDown
Move to previous page (page view)Command-PageUp
Move to next page (page view)Command-PageDown
Advance one increment up vertically Option-PageUp
Advance on increment down vertically Option-PageDown
Move left one screen (page view)Home
Move right one screen (page view)End
Move to beginning (page view)Command-Home
Move to end (page view)Command-End
Move to the top/left of the leftmost
viewable page
Move to the bottom/right of the
rightmost viewable page
Advance one increment right
horizontally (page view)
Advance one increment left horizontally
(page view)
Move forward screenfull of measures
(scroll view)
Move backward screenfull of measures
(scroll view)
Move to beginning of score (scroll
