命令名修改工具键菜单Accept All Changes In Doc 接受Accept All Changes Shown 接受Accept Changes Selected
Activate Object
All Caps Ctrl+Shift+ A
Annotation Edit
App Maximize Alt+ F10
App Minimize
App Move
App Restore Alt+ F5
App Size
Apply Heading1 Alt+Ctrl+ 1
Apply Heading2 Alt+Ctrl+ 2
Apply Heading3 Alt+Ctrl+ 3
Apply List Bullet Ctrl+Shift+ L
Auto Fit Content
Auto Fit Fixed
Auto Fit Window
Auto Mark Index Entries
Auto Scroll
Auto Summarize Close
Auto Summarize Percent Of Original
Auto Summarize Toggle View
Auto Summarize Update File
Auto Text
Automatic Change
Bold Ctrl+ B
Bold Ctrl+Shift+ B
Bold Run
Border All
Border Bottom
Border Horiz
Border Inside
Border Left
Border Line Color
Border Line Style
命令名修改工具键菜单Border Line Weight
Border None
Border Outside
Border Right
Border TLto BR
Border Top
Border TRto BL
Border Vert
Bottom Align
Bottom Center Align
Bottom Left Align
Bottom Right Align
Browse Next Ctrl+ Page
Down Browse Prev Ctrl+ Page
Up Browse Sel Alt+Ctrl+ Home
Cancel  Esc Cell Options
Center Align
Center Para Ctrl+ E
Change Byte
Change Case Shift+ F3
Change Kana
Char Left  Left Char Left Extend Shift+ Left
Char Right  Right Char Right Extend Shift+ Right
Char Scale
Check Box Form Field
Clear Form Field
Clear Formatting 清除Close Pane Alt+Shift+ C
Close Preview
Close Reading Mode
Close Up Para
Close View Header Footer
Column Select Ctrl+Shift+ F8
命令名修改工具键菜单Comma Accent
Context Help
Continue Numbering
Control Run
Convert Object
Convert Text Box To Frame
Copy Format Ctrl+Shift+ C
Copy Ink As Text
Copy Text Shift+ F2
Create Auto Text Alt+ F3 Create Subdocument
Create Table
Create Task
Css Links
Decrease Indent
Decrease Paragraph Spacing
Default Char Border
Default Char Shading
delete inDelete All Comments In Doc 拒绝Delete All Comments Shown 拒绝Delete All Ink Annotations
Delete Annotation
Delete Back Word Ctrl+ Backspace Delete Hyperlink
Delete Style
Delete Word Ctrl+ Del Demote List
Demote To Body Text
Diacritic Color
Display Details
Display Final Doc 显示标记Display For Review
Display Original Doc 显示标记Display Shared Workspace Pane 工具Distribute Column
Distribute General
Distribute Para Ctrl+Shift+ J
命令名修改工具键菜单Distribute Row
Do Field Click Alt+Shift+ F9
Do Not Distribute
Doc Close Ctrl+ W
Doc Close Ctrl+ F4
Doc Maximize Ctrl+ F10
Doc Minimize
Doc Move Ctrl+ F7
Doc Restore Ctrl+ F5
Doc Size Ctrl+ F8
Doc Split Alt+Ctrl+ S 窗口Document Actions Pane
Dot Accent
Dotted Underline
Double Strikethrough
Double Underline Ctrl+Shift+ D
Draw Align
Draw Callout
Draw Disassemble Picture
Draw Duplicate
Draw Insert Word Picture
Draw Menu Shadow Color
Draw Menu3 DColor
Draw Reset Word Picture
Draw Reshape
Draw Select Next
Draw Select Previous
Draw Snap To Grid 绘图Draw Text Box
Draw Toggle Layer
Draw Unselect
Draw Vertical Text Box
Drop Down Form Field
Edit Auto Text
Edit Bookmark Ctrl+Shift+ F5 插入
Edit Clear  Del
Edit Convert All Endnotes
Edit Convert All Footnotes
Edit Convert Notes
Edit Copy Ctrl+ C  Edit Copy
Ctrl+ Insert  Edit Copy As Picture
Edit Cut Ctrl+ X  Edit Cut Shift+ Del  Edit Find
Ctrl+ F  Edit Find Reading Mode
Edit Go To Ctrl+ G 编辑 Edit Go To  F5 编辑 Edit Hyperlink    Edit IMEReconversion    Edit Links  编辑 Edit Object
Edit Office Clipboard
Edit Paste Ctrl+ V  Edit Paste
Shift+ Insert  Edit Paste Append Table    Edit Paste As Hyperlink  编辑 Edit Paste As Nested Table    Edit Paste From Excel    Edit Paste Option    Edit Paste Special    Edit Picture Edit
Edit Redo
Alt+Shift+ Backspace  Edit Redo Or Repeat Ctrl+ Y 编辑 Edit Redo Or Repeat  F4 编辑 Edit Redo Or Repeat Alt+ Return 编辑 Edit Replace Ctrl+ H 编辑 Edit Select All Ctrl+ A 编辑
Edit Select All Ctrl+ Clear (Num 5)
编辑 Edit Select All Ctrl+ Num 5 编辑 Edit Swap All Notes    Edit TOACategory
Edit Undo Ctrl+ Z  Edit Undo
Alt+ Backspace  Edit Update IMEDic  编辑 Edit Wrap Boundary    Email Attachment Options    Email Check Names
