Belt Systems &  Belt Products
Belt Terminal Groups
Caterpillar offers two types of belt terminal groups –  pre-engineered and engineered.
Pre-engineered Belt Terminal Groups
Cat ® pre-engineered belt terminal systems are designed to be mobile, modular and flexible. Pre-engineered belt terminal groups are easy to move in the mine and use in different areas, reduce lead times, and can be used in multiple applications.
Engineered Belt Terminal Groups
Cat engineered belt terminal systems are designed for more robust applications with very specific customer requirements in mind, and are designed as a joint effort between Caterpillar ®
engineers and our customer.
Engineered Parallel Drive
Advanced Technology Solutions
Caterpillar offers a full range of rugged belt conveyor systems and products unsurpassed in performance and service life – custom-designed solutions to handle the most demanding bulk-material handling applications, both on the surface and underground.
Cat ® pre-engineered drives are designed for ease of setup, installation and transportation in and around the mine.Engineered drives are designed based upon customer-driven para m eters and requirements and ensure the right fit for customer applications.
Pre-engineered Drive Solutions
Combo Drive
•Discharge, take-up, snub and drive pulley  •Drive and take-up is all on one base
(with heavy-duty welded take-up cylinder)  •Attached boom with ratchet jacks  •Standard take-up carriage travel  •Standard HP hydraulic power pack
•Perfect for short panel runs up to an average  of 1,500 ft (450 m)
Alignment-free Drive
•Drive pulleys with MSHA diamond lagging  •Power modules mounted in transport sleds  •Ridged flange low-speed couplings with guarding  •Heavy-duty primary belt cleaner assembly  •Complete lantern assemblies
Engineered Drive Solutions
Engineered Drives - Parallel & Alignment-free
•Starting technologies include mechanical or  electrical soft starts  • P arallel or alignment-free
•Benefits of alignment-free drives - Ease of setup and installation
Ease of transportation in and around mine - Narrower overall drive width
- Universal mounting (left- or right-hand mounting) - Reduced operating maintenance -  F luid Couplings or Variable Frequency Drive  (VFD) design option  •
Engineered class pulleys
Engineered parallel drive
alignment-free drive
Pre-engineered combo drive
Pre-engineered alignment-free drive
Hydraulic Take-Ups
& Storage Units
Take-ups and storage units apply slack removal and responsive belt tension for all bulk-material handling
conveyor systems.
Pre-engineered Take-Up Systems
•Heavy-duty two-piece frame
•Drum pulleys with MSHA lagging
•20 or 30 ft (6 to 9) of moving carriage travel
•Solid diameter sheaves with brass bushings, pins
and grease fittings
•Non-rotating wire rope and hardware
•Hold-up roller assembly
•Heavy-duty welded hydraulic cylinder
Engineered Take-Up Systems & Belt Storage Units •Hydraulic or electric winch design and hydraulic  cylinder designs
•Active travel length/belt storage per design requirements •Each take-up has a tension-specific, engineered class pulley which is designed for the max force each cylinder  or winch can provide and helps eliminate any weak links in the entire take-up system
Remote Discharges
Designed for in-line 30-, 60- or 90-degree transfer points and efficiently transfers material to the conveyor belt. Pre-engineered Remote Discharge Systems
•Heavy-duty welded base frame
•Discharge pulley with MSHA lagging
•Designed with either fixed or adjustable boom Engineered Remote Discharge Systems
•Available in floor-mounted or roof-hung configurations •Remote A-frame design
•Attached boom design with ratchet jacks
•Include engineered class pulley – snub pulley available, integrated tail pulley available on the A-frame
design Pre-engineered take-up Engineered remote discharge Pre-engineered remote discharge Engineered belt storage unit
Tail Sections
Cat tail sections are designed to accept loading from a variety of haulage equipment and other belt conveyors. Pre-engineered Tail Sections
•Lubrication manifold both sides
•Removable panel guarding
•Return v-plow or side plow
•Spiral-tail pulley
•Moon slider in impact area
•Heavy-duty sloped or flat frame
Engineered Tail Sections
•In-line and offset designs
•Intermediate and tail-loading sections offer either impact-resistant idlers or EXALON® impact slider beds •Rigid heavy-duty engineered loading frame Engineered Class Pulleys
Cat pulleys are designed to meet specific belt con v eyor power and tension needs. Caterpillar offers two types of pulley designs – Turbo Disc and T-bottom.
Turbo-Disc & T-Bottom
•Profile end-discs machined from solid steel plates
- Eliminates welds in high stress concentration areas •Keyless locking elements
- Eliminate unfavorable hub-to-disc-welds
- Eliminates bellows stress in the end-disc
•Static balancing
•Proprietary welding techniques – complete penetration -  O ne bevel groove versus three circumferential
fillet welds
Advantages to Cat® Pulleys
•Full motor HP & full take-up force in pulley design •Machining rims to yield maximum pulley concentricity •Static balancing
•Single, full-penetration weld to connect end-disc – results in fewer stress concentration points for possible failure Pre-engineered tail section
Engineered class pulleys
Engineered intermediate loading section
Underground & Surface Belt Structure & Rolls
Roll Design Elements
•Bearing Geometry  - M odified Geometry bearings allow for greater misalignment  - E nd cap bearing
housing is designed for strength and close fit to the deflector cap  • T riple Testing  - A utomated assembly process includes the
measurement of total indicated run out (TIR), torque or roll drag, and axial end play  •Electronic Quality Tracking  - E very shaft end is coded with day of year, production year, individual serial number  - A utomatic data recording of triple testing measurements for each roller manufactured  •Replacement Roll Compatibility- Retroloc  - A daptor nuts that are mounted onto Caterpillar
standard ISO closed slotted ends and pinned in place for complete retrofitting and replacement capability  •Idler PAL ™
- B earing cavity design allows for extra lubricant capacity (unmatched in the industry) and assures  that grease stays in the bearing  - G rease moves due to taper of rolling elements in  the bearing  - G rease expands due to increased bearing  temperatures in operation  - T he compensator disc moves outward, compressing the wave spring  - W hen rotation stops and grease contracts, the wave spring exerts slight pressure on the compensator disc, ensuring there are no voids in the grease
EXALON ® Rolls (2nd Generation)
•Cat EXALON ® rolls can extend belt life while reducing operating costs
•High abrasion-resistant formulation
•Decrease belt damage – do not expose steel cutting  edges to damage belting  • L ight weight – 20-30% lighter
•Sound dampening – up to 20% reduction in noise levels  •Non-adhesive properties mean they are resistant to material buildup, good for wet conditions
“Greased for Life”: the Idler PAL ™ self- lubricating system
For example, this roll was assembled on the 85th day of 2005 and it was the 35th roll assembled that day.
