127 hours
It 's a very inspiring story pulleysbased on the incredible true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston 詹姆斯·弗兰科 (James Franco)  ,who became trapped alone in a Utah canyon (犹他大峡谷)for days after slipping on a loose rock, and resorted to extraordinary measures in order to make it out of his miserable predicament .In 2003, the experienced hiker and climber Aron Ralston started his travel, he didn't tell anyone where he would be going, confident and determined, he rode on his bike, and peddled to the middle of nowhere. Later, he encountered a pair of young female hikers who have gotten lost while searching for a local landmark; he joyfully showed them a sight that most casual hikers miss before saying goodbye to them and continued on his way. Drifting through the canyons alone, deep in thought, however, the explorer who presumed he was ready for anything quickly discovers just how fast things can get out of control when a rock gives way as he slipped down a crevice(裂缝), and his right hand was pinned (夹进)between the stone and the wall of stone. Over the course of the next 127 hours, Ralston tried everything he can think of to free himself, As an engineer, he tried to create a series of levers (杠杆)and pulleys(滑轮) to
move the rock , he tried wedging (挤进)the rock, and chipped  away at(一点点除掉)the boulder (大圆石)with his only tool, a cheap unitool with a dull blade but all he had done were in vain. He soon ran out of water and resorted to drinking his urine,(尿as his body begins the slow process of shutting down and delirium(神经错乱) began to set in, Ralston began to prepare for his own death, carving his name and what he assumed would be his date of death, then with his video camera he began to record goodbyes to his family and friends. Realizing that the only way out is to leave part of himself behind, the exhausted, delirious(发狂的;神志昏迷的)adventurer drew his cheap made-in-China multi-toolcut off his right hand .Eventually ,he survived successfully.
    I was shocked after watching the film ,every scene of the film was stimulating my nerves .I can't imagine how could one survive after trapping in the canyon for nearly five days without rations (供给),what kept him persist on ?The film presents us the powerful strength of perseverance and stamina as well as the desire for survival in a stunning way. Detroit News commented that the masterpiece will inspire those who are in confusion and despair of life and lead them to go forward .Another very prominent reason for Aron's surviv
al was his love for his family ,when he was going to die ,he thought of his family .It was the love for his family that gave him the confidence to survive and make him made the miracle ,which reminded me of the victims in Wenchuan earthquake .Why could many people persisted on beyond imagination under the rubble until the rescue arrived ?It was their love for their family .In conclusion ,the film is really worthy watching .
127 Hours is the true story of mountain climber Aron Ralston's remarkable adventure to save himself after a fallen boulder crashes on his arm and traps him in an isolated canyon in Utah. Over the next five days Ralston examines his life and survives the elements to finally discover he has the courage and the wherewithal to extricate himself by any means necessary, scale a 65 foot wall and hike over eight miles before he can be rescued. Throughout his journey, Ralston recalls friends, lovers, family, and the two hikers he met before his accident. Will they be the last two people he ever had the chance to meet? Written by Fox Searchlight Pictures
        Outdoor adventurist Aron Ralston believes he's invincible and can do it all alone while
on his outdoor adventures. He considers the great outdoors his second home. On Saturday, April 26, 2003, Aron has gone for an adventure trek alone through the generally secluded Blue John Canyon, and like he has done on many of his other treks, he has not told anyone where he is going. But on this day, he and a small boulder fall down a crevice, he landing near the bottom of the crevice virtually unharmed, but with his right hand wedged between the boulder and the crevice wall. He has access to his gear and his small supply of rations as he tries to move the boulder or chip away at it so that he can get his wedged hand free. As either task seems impossible, he hopes for someone to rescue him. Those most likely candidates are Kristi and Megan, two women he met earlier that day who are the only two who know that he is in the canyon, or his boss Brion, who may list him as missing if he doesn't show up for his scheduled work time on Tuesday (three days away). As time goes on and he deals not only with the boulder and lack of rations but also with the extreme weather conditions, he begins to think about his mortality, his mind often going toward his loving but somewhat distant relationship with his family, or his last broken love with a woman named Rana. As he films himself (as a goodbye message to his family) often
with his mind wandering, he, during his more lucid moments, also thinks about the possibility of trying to sever his arm as he will lose it anyway if he survives this ordeal. Written by Huggo
James Franco stars in director Danny Boyle's inspiring survival drama based on the incredible true story of Aron Ralston, who became trapped alone in a Utah canyon for days after slipping on a loose rock, and resorted to extraordinary measures in order to make it out of his dire predicament alive. An experienced hiker and climber, Ralston (Franco) is very much in his element when he parks his truck by a mountain near Moab, UT, hops on his bike, and peddles to the middle of nowhere. Later, when Ralston encounters a pair of young female hikers who have gotten lost while searching for a local landmark, he jovially shows them a sight that most casual hikers miss before bidding them farewell and continuing on his way. Drifting through the canyons alone, deep in thought, however, the explorer who presumed he was ready for anything quickly discovers just how fast things can spin out of control when a rock gives way as he shimmies down a crevice, and pins his hand to the unforgiving wall of stone. Over the course of the next 127 hours, Ralston tries e
verything he can think of to free himself, flashing back to small but memorable events in his life -- as well as forward to the future that he might enjoy should he manage to wiggle free -- as his body begins the slow process of shutting down. Eventually realizing that the only way out is to leave part of himself behind, the exhausted, delirious adventurer draws his cheap made-in-China multi-tool, and does what it takes to survive. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
