  The design involves a long spiral drill hammers and its main features are: including the rod with a hole in the wall above the outer rod with a spiral line. When the burrow into the ground, the staff in vitro under the bar direct measurement of the wall of the spiral rotation of the drill bit and vertical road conditions at any time to adjust the vertical speed and rotational speed of the road, the road to reach the speed of rotation and vertical synchronization, to ensure The lanes are helical piling,hammer drill bits need to be replaced or repaired when the drill tip and the drill-ho, you do not use Dianqi Han-ho, the drill tip or drill bit from cutting the substrate, just loosen the drill tip and the drill-ho of the connecting bolts, can easily the drill tip and the drill bit matrix-ho from disassembled, replace or repair, replacement and maintenance of drill point, drill-ho for a short time, greatly improving the operating ratepile-column, and its features are: the column for the upper column and lower column sub-structure, the upper column and lower column by connecting the device is connected as one. Transport in the transition, only the upper column to remove the pin as a fulcrum to bend, that road transport does not meet the requirements of ultra-high, no need to remove the whole column saves time and effort, impr
ove work efficiency,pulley improved by increasing the guide wheel, with swing pulleys, wire rope and pulleys reduce wear and prolong the service life and improve economic efficiency.
绪论 ........................................................ 2
    1.1  概述 ................................................... 2
    1.2  课题的研究背景 ......................................... 2
    1.3  打桩机工作原理 ......................................... 2
    1.4  打桩机的种类和发展情况 ................................. 3
2  钻头的设计 .................................................. 4
    2.1  钻头的工作原理 ......................................... 4
pulleys    2.2  钻头长出现的问题 ....................................... 4
    2.3  钻头的设计方案 ......................................... 4
3  钻杆的设计 .................................................. 7
    3.1  钻杆的作用及其结构 ..................................... 7
    3.2  打桩过程中钻杆常见问题 ................................. 7
    3.3  解决方法 ............................................... 8
    3.4  钻杆设计的具体实施方法 ................................. 8
4 立柱的设计 ................................................... 10
    4.1  立柱的工作原理 ......................................... 10
    4.2  立柱存在的问题 ......................................... 10
    4.3  解决的方案 ............................................. 10
    4.4  具体设计方法 ........................................... 10
5 顶部滑轮组的设计 ............................................ 15
    5.1  滑轮的作用和类型 ........................................ 15
    5.2  滑轮组 .................................................. 17
    5.3  国内外滑轮组的背景资料 .................................. 21
    5.4  滑轮组的改进案 .......................................... 21
结论 ........................................................... 23
参考文献  ..................................................... 24
