北京通尼科技有限公司Tony Tech Ltd.
General Information
Main Structure and Dimensions 三、安装与调试
Installation and Commissioning 四、操作和故障处理
Operation and Troubleshooting 五、维修保养
General Information:
TDT-16 系列快速提升机是一种固定连续垂直输送设备,属离心卸料型,适用于输送于输送颗粒状物料,该种设备体积小,外型美观输送量大,密封性好等特点,其传动装置采用轴装悬挂式减速器及液力联轴器传动技术,结构紧凑,传动可靠,止逆性能好。
TDT-16 series elevator is a stationary vertical transportation equipment of centrifugal discharge type, which is mainly used for transport of powdery and fine products.  The equipment has the characteristics of small size and good sealing with bulk material.  Due to the suspending reducer and transmission technology of hydrodynamic coupling, its transmission device with compact structure and drive reliability has an excellent stop-reverse performance.
Main Structure and Overall Dimensions
Main structure
The equipment consists of elevator head, elevator boot, elevator housing, transmission device, conveying belt and buckets, etc.
Elevator head consists of head base, head cover, head pulley, head pulley bearing support, sealing rings, etc.  There are 4 observation windows for observation of status of material moving and adjusting  the guard plate and removing debris.
Elevator boot is shaped by high quality steel plate with good tightness and
stiffness. The boot can be classified into 3 types: ordinary, observation and explosive-proof.  There is a vent window made of thin metal plate on the explosive-proof boot to take the protection function. Observation boot is used to observe and repair, can design an active door and inspection windows at required locations as per client.
Elevator housing consists of housing body, bottom pulley axle, bearing support, tension device, inlet hoppers etc. There are normal or reverse inlets at housing body, the hopper can be mounting at any place as per the demand of client. Tension device is used for adjusting relative position between head and bottom pulleys and tight buckets to prevent deflection and slippery.  There are a row of doors on both sides of the housing body for removing the remains inside. The inlet dimensions of the buckets refer to the sampling drawing.
4、传动装置主要由电机,液力耦合器,轴装减速器(内含逆止器)皮带轮,三角带等部分组成,当电机功率较小时,可安装在机头座上,当电机功率超过15KW 是应将电机安装在工作台面或楼面上,以使转动平稳,斗提机控制电路由用户自行配备。根据用户需要,底轮轴上可安装测速或限速的速控装置。
Transmission device consists of motor, hydrodynamic coupling, reducer(including stop-reverse unit) belt pulley, triangular belt etc.  The motor can be mounted at the head base when its power is less than 15kw, otherwise the motor should be set at the working platform or on the floor to make the operation stable. The control circuit should be layout by client itself.  Speed control device can be mounted at the bottom pulley shaft to detect or limit the speed.
Buckets and conveying belt:  the forming of buckets for most models are made of quality whole plate by die stamping.  Firm- belt is applicable with its
joints by belt bolts connection.
Installation and Commissioning
(一) 安装条件:
Installation condition:
1. 设备机座的基础应用混凝土浇铸,其厚度不小于300 mm,要求平整,坚
The base of the equipment housing should be concrete casting with thickness not less than 300mm, meet the requirement of smoothing and firm enough to bear the weight of equipment and operation when loading.
2. 机座基础应预埋地脚螺栓,其位位置及尺寸参见个型号小样图,也可以在基
Anchor bolts should be embedded in advance for elevator housing, their locations and detailed dimensions refer to the sampling drawing. Or to embed a foot plate with larger size than the bottom of the elevator housing at the base.
3. 当设备穿过楼面时,楼板应预留洞孔,
When the equipment get through the floor, holes should be              reserved at the floor.
4. 当设备的机头盖顶部离建筑物(或构件物)应留有足够的空间,其尺寸不小
Adequate space should be maintained between the top of the elevator head and the building (or structural unit). Its size should be no less than 500mm.
5. 观察检修机筒的窗口(中心线)应安排在离楼面或地面1400mm 左右的位
The window (the centerline) for observation and repair should be arranged at the location of 1400mm above the ground or floor for maintenance easily.
a)  安装传动装置的工作台架应尽量安装在楼面(或构件物的平台)上,
The working platform for mounting transmission device should be
installed on the floor (or platform of structural unit) and fixed with
anchor bolts.
Installation Program and Requirements
1. 将机座就位在基础上,以机座法兰面为基准校正水平,并紧固地脚螺栓,
Locate the elevator housing onto the base, correct the level as the housing flange being the benchmark while fasten the anchor bolts or fix the elevator housing onto th e embedded steel plate with pressure plates.
The error of parallel between the upper face of the housing and horizontal plane should be less than 1.2mm.
2. 根据工艺设计要求,将机筒自下而上逐节安装,最后安装机头,头轮轴对
水平面的平行度误差不大于0.3mm:机筒全高的垂直度及扭曲度偏差不大于8mm,底轮轴与头轮轴位同一铅垂面内,其扭曲度不大于7 mm.。如有防爆机筒,其安装位置座靠近机头,窗口向里。
Boot segments are installed from bottom to top as per process design requirements, and the elevator head should be the last one to be installed.
The error of parallel between the head pulley axle and horizontal plane should be less than 0.3mm; the deviation of the verticality and the distortion of the boot entire height should be less than 8mm; the axles of bottom pulley and head pulley should be placed in the same vertical plane with distortion less than 7mm. If explosive-proof boot is installed, it should be located beside the head with window towards inside.
3. 机筒法兰联接处应用橡胶板条(或石棉垫)衬垫,并紧固联接螺栓,法兰
Flange joints of the boots should use the rubber strip (or asbestos mat )  as cushion and be fastened by bolts. The connection edges of flanges shouldn’t show obvious mal-position and cracks.
4. 机头的位置安排应根据工艺流程要求其出料口位置可与进料口在同一侧,
