阅读理解〔30分〕  A
Your first term is sure to be manic (躁狂的),but theres no need to panic. Read the following suggestions on how to make your first months unforgetable.
Wake up
Youve just finished spending the long summer holiday and now is the time to wake up and ready to work hard.
Eat properly
Eat fruit and vegetables every day, eat breakfast and avoid (防止) fatty, salty food; they all lead to a happier and healthier you.
Check stock
Make sure youve got everything you need, such as textbooks, pens, pencils, paper and anything else thats specific to your lessons.
Question everything
Dont be in a “Why am I here? way, but try to get your head around anything youve not sure of. For example, if you dont understand something that has come up in a textbook, ask your teachers.
Write stuff
    Early on its worth making even more notes than you might usually, just to make sure you dont miss anything that you will need later. As you progress youll get a better idea of how many notes you need to make.
Compare notes
Once you have made those notes, why not discuss them with your classmates? Its a good way to get to know them better and make sure you havent missed anything in the process.
Get involved (参与)
When you sign up for all those clubs, dont forget to go along to them! This is a chance to meet new people and learn new things.
Let friends and relatives know how youre getting on, while its also good to hear from the people you love. However, dont go home on your first weekend if you live at the school; settle in your new surroundings first.
1. The underlined word panic in Paragragh 1 can be replaced by _____
A. be enthusiastic  B. be disappointed  C. be amazing      D.be afraid and anxious
2. What’s the writers purpose of giving suggestions to the new students?
A. to make them eat properly. 
B. to make them make as many notes as possible.
C. to make their first term memorable and colorful.
D. to tell them to campare notes with their classmates.
3. What does the underlined word “It〞 in Paragraph 7 refer to?
A. to get to know your lessons better.      B. to discuss your notes with your classmates.
C. to make sure you havet missed anything in the process.  D. to make your notes.
4. Which of the following can be filled in the blank of Paragragh 9?
A. Phone home.        B. Eat out.          C. Go home.      D. Make friends.
I’d like to know about fluency. What can I do to feel better when I’m talking to other people? Do you have some ways to learn it faster? Please help me!
                                                  ---Roberto in Brazil
Roberto wants to know how to become more fluent in English, and this is something you want to be able to do fast.
First, if you get to meet English speakers much, the important rule is to listen not just to native speakers of English, but aslo to very good users of English. If you dont, then listen to the radio, TV or films in English.
The next step is to notice what it is that speakers of English do, which makes them sound fluent. The first trick (诀窍) is to probobly have confidence. Some people think they might make mistakes. Dont worry about that. Your listeners will usually try hard to understand you---a few grammar mistakes arent going to worry them.
What you do need to worry about is pronunciation, especially stress (重音). When you learn a new word or expression, learn it with its stress. Notice how a native speaker says it
or look it up in a dictionary.
Another good thing that speakers of English do is to have a few tricks up their sleeves (袖子) for when they need to give themselves thinking time. Sometimes they use filler sounds like er, um, and so on.
It is also useful to know how to bring other speakers into your conversation so that you keep them interested---and this is often done by asking questions like “What do you think? “How faster怎么读?do you feel about this? and so on.
So, to become a fluent speaker, youll need to put into practice all these kinds of things. And theres the key: practisce, practise, practise.
                                                    ---Susan Fearn
5. Roberto wants to know how to_____
A. learn English  B. speak English fluently C. talk to other people  D. become confident
6. When mentioning pronunciation, Susan pays special attention to_____
