TASK DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE 任务及其目的 | MML-command MML命令 | Actions Needed 具体措施 | |
1. | Print out active alarm daily 输出每日告警 | ZAHO; (MSC&MSS) ZAAP;(MGW) | ∙Check if any new alarms exist without acceptable reason. 检查是否有不明 原因的新告警 ∙Try to resolve the alarm by referring Alarm Manual. 根据告警手册消除告警 ∙Three star alarms require immediate user actions. 三星告警需要用户立即处理 ∙Only need to cancel the alarm if the system does not detect the faulty has been corrected. 只能将那些系统不能监测到的告警进行清除 ∙If unable to resolve the alarm, contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果不能解决,向Help Desk 求助 |
2. | Check Alarm history 检查 告警历史记录 | ZAHP; (MSC&MSS /MGW) | ∙Check the alarm history data, including all alarm events: alarm and cancellations of alarms, disturbances and notices and save in a log file. 检查告警历史数据,包括所有告警事件:告警、告警清除、扰动和通知,并保存成日志文件 ∙Display the alarm history on the basis of the object unit, alarm class, or alarm number, furthermore, you can use the date and time to define the period to be printed out. 可以基于单元,告警级别和告警号码输出告警,也可以定义日期和时间来输出告警 ∙Try to resolve the notices/disturbances by reffering Alarm Manual. 根据告警手册 解决notices/disturbaces ∙If unable to solve the Alarm, contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果无法解决,向Help Desk求助 |
3. | Check Unit Status 检查单元状况 | ZUSI; (MSC&MSS /MGW) | ∙Check if any Unit is in abnormal state without reason. 检查是否有不明原因的异常状况发生 ∙Not recommend to change unit status by force. 不建议用强制更改单元状态 ∙Diagnose the concerned unit. 诊断相关单元 ∙Change the faulty PIU then diagnose. 更换故障单元板件然后诊断 ∙If unable to solve the problem, contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果无法消除告警,向Help Desk求助 |
4. | Check association status 检查关联状态 | ZOYI::A; | ∙检查association set 和association 的状态. ∙检查主,备用IP地址是否与信令单元一致. |
5. | Check VMGW status 检查虚拟MGW状态 | ZJGI;(MSS) ZJVI:VID=0&&49;(MGW) | ∙检查VMGW 状态是否正常. ∙检查 相关的IP地址是否与信令单元一致 |
6. | Check Trafficability Performance. 检查话务完成情况 | ZTUT:SER; (MSC/MSS) | ∙Check if “NOT ANSWERED CALLS” is more than 40%. 检查是否无应答呼叫超过40% ∙If it is more than 40%, check the individual Clear Code groups. 如果无应答 率超过40%,检查每个释放码组 ∙Check if there is huge number for a Clear Code without acceptable reason. 检查是否有大量不明原因的释放码组 ∙Check the Clear Code explanation in Maintenance Manual and try to resolve. it.根据维护手册检查拆线代码,并尝试解决 ∙If unable to solve the problem,contact Nokia Help Desk.如果无法消除告警,向Help Desk求助 |
7. | Check the WDU working states in computer units and R/W operation. 检查各单元硬盘的工作状态和读写操作 | ZISI:,OMU; (MSC&MSS) ZIHI;(MGW) ZISI:,STU; (MSC&MSS) ZISI:,CHU; (MSC&MSS) ZISI:,HLRU; (HLR) ZISI:,ACU; (HLR) ZIWX (MSC&MSS /HLR) | ∙Check if the state of any of WDU is other than WO-BU. 检查是否有任何WDU不在WO-BU 状态 ∙If there is any, try to change the state to WO-BU and try to list the directory of the disk using ZIWX::::%,%; command. 如果有,试着使其改变到 WO-BU 状态,并用 Z” 命令检查磁盘目录 ∙If the problem still exists, diagnose the concerned disk unit (Maintenance Manual Ref./1/). 如果问题仍然存在,诊断相关的磁盘试着解决该问题 ∙If diagnose is OK, please record the G-List/P-List (Service Terminal command: ZMBLG/ZMBLP), then format WDU again after change it into TE-EX. If G-List value change, it’s strongly recommended to change another WDU. 如诊断正常,请使用ST指令记录硬盘的G-List/P-List值,然后更改成TE-EX状态后格式化硬盘,如G-List值发生变化,强烈建议更换硬盘。 ∙Physically check the Disk and SCSI cables. 手动检查磁盘及SCSI电缆 ∙If the problem still exists, Contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果还有问题,向Help Desk求助 |
8.状态 | Check the Signalling Netowork status. 检查信令网络的状态。 信令链路状态; 信令链路集状态; 信令路由状态; | ZNET; ZNLI; ZNEL; ZNSI; ZNES; ZNRI; ZNER; (MSC&MSS / MGW/HLR) | ∙Check if all signalling entities are Normal. 检查是否所有信令单元都是正常 ∙If any Signalling link is not WO-EX, try to lock and unlock the link. 如果有链路不是WO-EX,试着lock及unlock 这条链路 ∙Check corresponding CCSU/SIGU, ET, PCM etc. Swap CCSU/SIGU s. 检查 CCSU/SIGU 的状态,并倒换 CCSU/SIGU ∙If the problem still exists, Contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果还有问题,向Help Desk求助 |
9. | Check the SCCP Subsystem Status. 检查SCCP子系统状态 | ZNHI:NA0; ZNFI; ZNGI; (MSC&MSS / MGW) | ∙Check if all SCCP Subsystems are WO-EX. 检查是否所有SCCP子系统都是WO-EX状态 ∙If any Subsystem is not WO-EX, try to lock and unlock the subsystem.如果有子系统不是 WO -EX 状态,,试着lock及unlock 这个子系统 ∙If the problem still exists, Contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果还有问题,向Help Desk求助 |
10. | Check the data channels status. 检查数据信道的状态。 | ZQSI; ZQCI; (MSC&MSS /HLR) | ∙Check if all the channels are UNL-ENA/ACT.检查是否所有信道都是UNL-ENA/ACT 状态 ∙If any channel is not UNL-ENA/ACT, investigate the reason. 如果有信道不是 UNL-ENA/ACT 状态 ,查原因 ∙Try to lock and unlock the channel. 试着锁定与释放该信道 ∙Check corresponding BDCU state, ET state, physical cabling etc. 检查BDCU状态,电缆等 ∙If the problem still exists, Contact Nokia Help Desk. 如果还有问题,向Help Desk求助 |
11. | Check the amount of subscribers in VLR and HLR. 记录在VLR 和 HLR 内的用户总数。 | ZMVI; (MSC&MSS) ZMII; (HLR) ZMAI; (HLR) | ∙Record the data in rush hour. 记录下忙时的系统VLR和HLR/AUC数据 |
12. | Check the Synchronisation status (MSC/HLR) 同步状态(MSC/HLR) | ZDRI; (MSC&MSS/HLR) ZDYI;(MGW) | ∙Check if the Synchronisation working mode is Hierarchical and Oscillator Control Mode is normal, Check the OSCILLATOR control word value. 检查同步工 作模式是否主从同步,震荡器控制模式是否正常,检查控制字是否基本一致 ∙If not, check the corresponding PCM link and the Clock Synchronisation Unit. 如果不是,检查对应PCM 链接和同 步时钟 单元 ∙If not OK, delete the synchronization input, and create it again and modify the priority (1~10) parameter, and check it again. 如果不是,删除同步输入,然后再重新创建并修改同步等级,检查之 |
13. | Check charging unit status and charging file status 检查计费单元和文件状态 | ZUSI:CHU; ZIFO:CHU:GSMCHA:1; (MSC&MSS) | ∙Check the charging unit’s work status. 检查计费单元工作状态 ∙Check charging file working status, if charging file status is “Transferred” or “Full”. 检查计费文件状态是否为“已传送”还是“已满” ∙If transfer time patch to 3000 year, then check if charging file can be fetched from BC by using ZIRO MML command. 如果传送时间已经被标记成3000年,则需要用ZIRO检查计费中心是否及时读取文件。 |
14. | Check TDM trunk statu 检查TDM中继状态 | ZCEL:NCGR=XX; ZRCI; ZCRI; (MSC&MSS) | ∙Check TDM trunk status. 检查中继电路状态 ∙Check external group status. 检查外部电路组状态 |
15. | Check ATM status 检查ATM状态 | ZYDI; ZYAI; ZLCI; ZLAI; (MGW) | ∙Interrogate physical layer trail terminatin point. 检查系统PHYTTP的配置 ∙Check alarm of NIS1. 检查是否有ATM的相关告警(如3902 LOSS OF FRAME) |
16. | Check LAN switch status. 检查LAN交换设备的状态 | ZYFM (MSC&MSS) | ∙Check the Lan Switch port type, software version and configuration. 检查LAN Switch的端口类型,软件版本和配置 |
17. | Check CPU load, MB load, Signalling unit’s load 检查CPU,消息总线和信令单元的负荷 | ZTLC ZTLH ZTLS (MSC&MSS) | ∙Set object under observation. 设置基于观察的对象 ∙Define the observation characteristics. 定义观察的属性 ∙Activate load observation. 激活负荷观察 ∙Connect the logical files to the desired object. 链接逻辑文件到设备上 |
18. | Interrogate Signalling load 查询信令负荷 | ZOLT (MSC&MSS) | ∙Generally speaking, signaling load period is defined into 30 min. 通常信令负荷周期被定义为30分钟 ∙ It’s need to add signaling links when Signalling load of both way exceed 0.4 Erl. 如果双向信令负荷超过0.4Erl则需要增加信令数目 |
19. | Output trafficability performance of exchange 输出系统话务表现情况 | ZTUT (MSC&MSS) | ∙Check the total trafficability performance using ZTUT:SER; 检查系统接通率 ∙Check clear code distribution. 检查释放代码的分布情况 ∙Any abnormal CC and a mass of CC need to be monitored. 需要密切注意任何不正常或大量出现的释放代码 |
20. | Interrogate the reserved call records 查询呼叫记录 | ZMCJ (MSC&MSS) | ∙Output the all information based on PCM-TSL, IMSI, and target unit etc. 可以输出基于PCM, IMSI 和目标单元的呼叫信息 |
21. | System safecopying and DAT/Optical disk copying 系统备份和磁带/光盘拷贝 | ZWQO ZWQB ZWKS ZWKI (MSC&MSS /MGW/HLR) | ∙Interrogate/verify package information by ZWQO/ZWQB. 查询并校验系统软件包 ∙Start FALLBACK copying. 生成一个备份包 ∙Display a log file generated during fallback copying. 显示备份包生成的日志文件,即备份历史情况查询 ∙Start BACKUP copy task. 开始一个备份包的拷贝任务(通常为硬盘到磁带/光盘) ∙If FALLBACK failed, check software configuration resource by ZWXI and release resource reservation by ZWXF. 如果备份不成功,检查软件配置资源情况并用人机指令做释放操作。 ∙If not OK, Check if SOMAFI file keep consistency in each unit, overwrite SOMAFI file in other’s units by copying /SCMANA/SOMAFIGX.IMG in OMU unit. 如果不行,则检查各个单元的SOMAFI文件是否保持一致, 必要时备份后用OMU单元下的系统文件/SCMANA/SOMAFIGX.IMG覆盖其他单元的相同文件 |
22. | Check MB (Message Bus), SBUS (System Bus), Clock Unit (CLS) status. 检查消息总线,系统总线和时钟单元的状态 | ZUSI:MB; ZUSI:SBUS; ZUSI:CLS; (MSC&MSS / MGW/HLR) | ∙Check MB, SBUS and CLS working status. 检查消息总线,系统总线和主时钟单元的状态 ∙Basically, keep MB-0, SBUS-0 and CLS-0 into WO-EX. 一般情况,保持MB-0,SBUS-0和CLS-0为主用工作状态 ∙Keep same side of each computer unit&MB, SBUS, CLS into WO-EX. 保持各单元和MB,SBUS,CLS为同一侧工作 ∙Check the alarm history for MB, SBUS and CLS. 检查是否有MB, SBUS和CLS的告警历史 |
23. | All working OMU,SPMU,CM,CACU restart in MGW is forbidden strictly 严禁对MGW的主用侧OMU,SPMU,CM,CACU做重启操作 | ZUSU:OMU,0; (MGW) | ∙Because OMU,SPMU,CM,CACU units are master units in MGW, so working OMU,SPMU,CM,CACU restart will cause system restart, so this action is forbidden for daily work. 因为OMU,SPMU,CM,CACU为MGW的Master单元,所以主用重启会导致系统重启 |
24. | Display alarm blocking data 显示闭锁的告警 | ZABO; (MSC&MSS) ZAFP:A; (MGW) | ∙Check if some alarm is need to be blocked/unblocked any more. 检查是否存在可以关闭/解锁的告警 |
25. | Checking date and time 检查日期与时间 | ZDCD/ZDCS (MSC&MSS /MGW/HLR) | ∙Check the date and time if synchronized with standard time. 检查日期与时间是否与标准时间同步 ∙Set time in the low traffic hour. 在低话务量下设置时间 |