在DirectX 8 中进行2D渲染
I have been reading alot of questions lately related to DirectX 8 and the exclusion of DirectDraw from the new API. Many people have fallen back to DX7. I can understand people using DX7 if they have alot of experience with that API, but many of the questions seem to be coming from people who are just learning DX, and they are stuck learning an old API. People have argued that many people don't have 3D hardware, and therefore D3D would be a bad alternative for DirectDraw. I don't believe this is true - 2D rendering in D3D requires very little vertex manipulation, and everything else boils down to fillrate. In short, 2D rendering in D3D on 2D hardware should have pretty much the same performance as DirectDraw, assuming decent fillrate. The advantage is that the programmer can learn the newest API, and performance on newer hardware should be very good. This article will present a framework for 2D re
ndering in DX8 to ease the transition from DirectDraw to Direct3D. In each section, you may see things that you don't like ("I'm a 2D programmer, I don't care about vertices!"). Rest assured, if you implement this simple framework once, you'll never think about these things again.
Getting Started
Assuming you have the DX8 SDK, there are a couple tutorials that present how to create a D3D device and set up a render loop, so I don't want to spend alot of
time on that. For the purposes of this article, I'll talk about the tutorial found in [DX8SDK]samplesMultimediaDirect3DTutorialsTut01_CreateDevice, although you can add it to anything. To that sample, I'll add the following functions:
假设你已经有DX8 SDK,那儿有一组指南讲述了如何创建一个D3D设备,如何放置渲染循环,因此我不想再在这上面花费时间。按照这篇文章的意图,我将谈论位于[DX8SDK]samplesMultimediaDirect3DTutorialsTut01_CreateDevice目录里的指南,你可能将它放到了任何地方。在那个例子中,我将加入以下函数:
void PostInitialize(float WindowWidth, float WindowHeight)
- this function is called by the app after everything else is set up. You've created your device and initialized everything. If you're following along with the Tutorial code, WinMain looks like this:
- 其他所有事情都设置完之后,这个函数被app调用,你已经创建了你的设备并且所有东西都已经初始化了。如果你跟着往下看指南里的代码,你会看到WinMain 是这样的:
if( SUCCEEDED( InitD3D( hWnd ) ) )
PostInitialize(200.0f, 200.0f); // This is my added line. The values of
// 200.0f were chosen based on the sizes
// used in the call to CreateWindow.
ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT );
void Render2D()
- This function is called each time you want to render your scene. Again, the Render function of the Tutorial now looks like this:
- 这个函数当你渲染你的场景时会被调用,指南里的Render函数现在看起来是这样的:
VOID Render()
if( NULL == g_pd3dDevice )
// Clear the backbuffer to a blue color
g_pd3dDevice->Clear( 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET,
D3DCOLOR_XRGB(0,0,255), 1.0f, 0 );
// Begin the scene
Render2D(); //My
// End the scene
// Present the backbuffer contents to the display
g_pd3dDevice->Present( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
OK, that's our shell of an application. Now for the
Setting Up for 2D drawing in D3D
NOTE: This is where we start talking about some of the nasty math involved with D3D. Don't be alarmed - if you want to, you can choose to ignore most of the details?/I> Most Direct3D drawing is controlled by three matrices: the projection matrix, the world matrix, and the view matrix. The first one we'll talk about is the projection matrix. You can think of the projection matrix as defining the properties
of the lens of your camera. In 3D applications, it defines things like perspective, etc. But, we don't want perspective - we are talking about 2D!! So, we can talk about orthogonal projections. To make a long story very short, this allows us to draw in 2D without all the added properties of 3D drawing. To create an orthogonal matrix, we need to call D3DXMatrixOrthoLH and this will create a matrix for us. The other matrices (view and world) define the position of the camera and the position of the world (or an object in the world). For our 2D drawing, we don't need to move the camera, and we don't want to move the world for now, so we'll use an identity matrix, which basically sets the camera and world in a default position. We can create identity matrices with
D3DXMatrixIdentity. To use the D3DX functions, we need to add:
3D绘制中的属性。为了创建一个正交投影矩阵,我们需要调用D3DXMatrixOrthoLH 函数,它将为我们
#include <d3dx8.h>
and add d3dx8dt.lib to the list of linked libraries. Once that was set up, the PostInitialize function now looks like this:
float up
void PostInitialize(float WindowWidth, float WindowHeight)
D3DXMATRIX Identity;
D3DXMatrixOrthoLH(&Ortho2D, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f);    D3DXMatrixIdentity(&Identity);
g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &Ortho2D);
g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &Identity);
g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &Identity);
We are now set up for 2D drawing, now we need something to draw. The way things are set up, our drawing area goes from -WindowWidth/2 to WindowWidth/2 and -WindowHeight/2 to WindowHeight/2. One thing to note, in this code, the width and the height are being specified in pixels. This allows us to think about everything in terms of pixels, but we could have set the width and height to say 1.0 and that would have allowed us to specify sizes, etc. in terms of percentages of the screen space, which would be nice for supporting multiple resolutions easily. Changing the matrix allows for all sorts of neat things, but for simplicity, we'll talk about pixels for now?
dowWidth/2 到WindowWidth/2和从-WindowHeight/2 到WindowHeight/2。要注意的一件事是,在代码里,宽度和高度都是用象素为单位指定的。这允许我们用象素来考虑所有的事情,但我们也能设置宽度和高度为1.0,然后允许我们用屏幕空间的百分比来指定大小,这样就很容易的支持了多分辨率的情况。改变矩阵就能够支持各种各样的巧妙的事情,但为了简单起见,我们现在将谈论象素。
Setting Up a 2D "Panel"
When I draw in 2D, I have a class called CDX8Panel that encapsulates everything I need to draw a 2D rectangle. For simplicity, and it avoid a C++ explanation, I have pulled out the code here. However, as we build up our code to draw a panel,
you'll probably see the value of such a class or higher level API if you don't use C++. Also, we are about to recreate much that goes on in the ID3DXSprite interface. I'm explaining the basics here to show the way things work, but you may want to use the sprite interface if it suits your needs.
My definition of a panel is simply a 2D textured rectangle that we are going to draw on the screen. Drawing a panel will be extremely similar to a 2D blit. Experienced 2D programmers may think that this is a lot of work for a blit, but that work pays off with the amount of special effects that it enables. First, we have to think about the geometry of our rectangle. This involves thinking about vertices. If you have 3D hardware, the hardware will process these vertices extremely quickly. If you have 2D hardware, we are talking about so few vertices that they will be processed very quickly by the CPU. First, let's define our vertex format. Place the following code near the #includes:
FLOAT x, y, z;
DWORD color;
FLOAT u, v;
This structure and Flexible Vertex Format (FVF) specify that we are talking about a vertex that has a position, a color, and a set of texture coordinates.
Now we need a vertex buffer. Add the following line of code to the list of globals. Again, for simplicity, I'm making it global - this is not a demonstration of good
