如何阅读java源码    英文回答:
    Hammer line marking indicators are essential in source code formulas. These indicators help developers identify specific sections of code and make it easier to navigate through complex programs. The use of these indicators improves code readability and maintainability.
    One common indicator used in source code is comments. Comments are lines of code that are ignored by the compiler or interpreter and are meant for human readers. They provide explanations, descriptions, or instructions about the code. Comments are usually denoted by special characters or keywords such as "//" or "/ /" in languages like C, C++, Java, and JavaScript.
    For example, in a Java program, I can use comments to explain the purpose of a method:
    // This method calculates the sum of two numbers.
    public int calculateSum(int num1, int num2) {。
        return num1 + num2;
    Another indicator commonly used is indentation. Indentation refers to the spacing at the beginning of lines of code to visually represent the structure and hierarchy of the code. It helps in identifying code blocks, such as loops or conditional statements. Different programming languages have different indentation styles, but the most common one is using spaces or tabs.
    Here's an example in Python:
    def print_numbers():
        for i in range(1, 10):
            if i % 2 == 0:
    In this example, the indentation clearly shows that the "for" loop and the "if" statement are nested within the "print_numbers" function.
    Another indicator is variable naming conventions. By following consistent naming conventions, developers can easily identify the purpose and scope of variables. For example, using prefixes like "is" or "has" for boolean variables, or using descriptive names for variables that represent specific data types or objects.
