Equipment acceptance certificate
合同编号: Contract No.: | 客户名称(需方): Customer name(The Buyer): | ||||
①供方填写(The Supplier to fill in) 安装调试人员(供方)Installation and commissioning personnel(The Supplier) | |||||
姓名(Name): | 电话(Tel): | ||||
验收地点: Acceptance Location: | 完成时间: Completion time: | ||||
验收明细Acceptance specification | 设备名称 Equipment name | 设备型号 Equipment type | 数量 Number | 备注 Remarks | |
customer的中文意思 | |||||
验收确认 Acceptance Confirmation | ②需方填写(The buyer to fill in) in) 以上设备经供方(赢合)安装调试完成,现经我公司(单位)按照合同的要求进行验收。结果如下:设备的品牌、外观、规格型号、数量及配件符合合同及技术协议约定,经安装调试后的设备运行正常,技术资料齐全,初验收合格。 The above equipment installed by the supplier(YINGHE),and it be checked and accepted as our company’s requirements in the contract. The accptance results as below: brand、appearance、specifications and models, quantities and accessories are all in accordance with the contract and Technology agreement, and the equipment being installed and debugged operates normally with complete technical data, passed acceptance inspection. 客户授权代表(签名): 客户(签章): Agent(sign): Customer(Seal): 日期(Date): | ||||
服务评价 Service evaluation | ③需方填写(The buyer to fill in)in) 1、我公司安装调试人员是否按约定时间到达贵司现场进行安装调试,并完成培训? ①是□ ②否□Whether the installation personnel of our company arrives at your site to install、debug and finish training as the appointed time? ①Yes□ ②No□ | ||||
2、请您对我们的服务做出评价:①不满意□ ②满意□ ③非常满意□ Please evaluate our service:①Dissatisfied ②Satisfied□ ③Very satisfied□ | |||||
3、您的意见或建议(Your comments or suggestions): | |||||
评价人(签名): 日期: Appraiser(sign): Date: | |||||