AAD(Analo gue t ape/A nalog ue mi xing-editi ng an d Dig italtaperecor der u sed d uring)
Analo g Ana log D igita l (au dio C D rec ordin g for mat,recor ding/mixin g/mas terin g)
A nalog ue ta pe re corde r use d dur ing s essio n rec ordin g and subs equen t mix ing a nd/or
edit ing;digit al ta pe re corde r use d dur ing m aster ing.
A/B试听比较(A/B c ompar ison)
Thi s inv olveA/B a uditi on to comp are a nd co nfirm what is b etter. Typ icall y, ch angeone c ompon ent a t a t ime t o fin d out what is a bett er co mbina tion.
A-B rep eat
Repe titiv e cyc le br oadca st or usefromA toB.
ABC(a uto b asean d cho rd)
a bsolu te po larit y 绝对极性
A C lin e-con ditio ner 电源净化器
Anew A C lin e con ditio ner w ith h igh i nputpower fact or an d cle an AC outp ut vo ltage s for isol ating thelinea r ornonli nearloads is i ntrod uced. An A C/DCrecti fierwithswitc h-cla mpedtopol ogy i s ado ptedto dr aw th e bal anced sinu soida l lin e cur rentfromthe A C sup ply s ystem. A t hree-leg i nvert er wi th sw itch-clamp ed to polog y isadopt ed in the
syste m toprovi de cl ean A C out put v oltag es to thecriti cal o r sen sitiv e
loa ds. E xperi menta l res ultsshowthe v alidi ty an d eff ectiv eness of t he pr opose d con trolstrat egy.
aco ustic abso rbed吸声材料
acous tic d iffus er 声扩散器
ac ousti c fee dback声反馈
acou sticpanel abso rber吸声板
Man y app licat ionshavebeenfound forthe m icrop erfor atedpanel (MPP) abs orber, onwhich theperfo ratio ns ar e red ucedto su bmill imete r siz e sothattheythems elves will
prov ide e nough acou sticresis tance andalsosuffi cient ly lo w aco ustic mass reac tance
nece ssary fora wid e-ban d sou nd ab sorbe r. Th e mos t imp ortan t par amete r ofthe M PP is foun d tobe th e per forat e con stant k wh ich i s pro porti onalto th e rat io of theperfo ratio n rad ius t o the visc ous b ounda ry la yer t hickn ess i nside theholes.
Thi s, to gethe r wit h the rela tive(to t he ch aract erist ic ac ousti c imp edanc e inair)
acous tic r esist ancer and thefrequ encyf0 of maxi mum a bsorp tionof th e MPP abso rber, deci des t he en tirestruc tureof th e MPP abso rberand i ts fr equen cy ch aract erist ics.In
ot her w ords, theMPP a bsorb er ma y bedesig ned a ccord ing t o the requ iredabsor bingchara cteri stics in t ermsof th e par amete rs k, r, a nd f0. For mulas andcurve s are pres ented towa rd th is en d.
It is s hownthatthe M PP ab sorbe r has trem endou s pot entia l for wide-band abso rptio n upto 3or 4octav es an d for low-frequ encyabsor ption with a ca vityof de pth s mallcompa red t o the wave lengt h. Te chniq ues o f mak ing m inute hole s (of 0.1–0.3 m m, sa y)
ha ve to be d evelo ped,thoug h.
Th e pan el re sonan ce al waysaffec ts th e abs orpti on ch aract erist ics o f mic roper forat ed-pa nel (MPP)absor ber.In th is pa per,t he th eoret icalanaly sis o f the effo rt is made. And
thro ugh l ots o f exp erime nts o f MPP, dif feren t mat erial s, di ffere nt di amete r of
perfo ratio ns, d iffer ent p ercen tageof pe rfora ted a rea,under inte rmedi ate f reque ncy a nd
lo wer f reque ncy s tandi ng tu bes,the r ulesof th e eff ort a re di scuss ed. S o som e pra ctica l sol ution s are obta ined.
paneAc ousti c col oring声染
声染(col orati on)指在音响系统中,由某一音响器材所引起的声音的改变。有声染的音箱便不能精确地重放出加给音箱的声信号。比如,有声染的音箱可能会重放出过多的低音,而在高音方面则有所欠缺。
T he no tionof th e mor ningragamay t hen b e tho ughtof as an a uralmetho d ofcolor ing t he mi nd of theliste ner,throu gh acombi natio n ofvario us ac ousti c.
Acous tic C ouple r 声偶合
A coust ic Co upler
1.An in terfa ce de vicefor c oupli ng el ectri cal s ignal s byacous tical mean s--us ually into andout o f a t eleph one i nstru ment. An a coust ic co upler is a hard waredevic e tha t ena blesa mod em (a devi ce th at co nvert s sig nalsfromanalo g todigit al an d fro m dig italbackto
an alog) to c onnec t toa voi ce ci rcuit. A h andse t ada pteris us ed to rece ive m odemtones thro ugh t he ha ndset's mo uthpi ece,and t he ea rpiec e isusedto tr ansmi t the se to nes t o the mode m.
2. A t ermin al de viceusedto li nk da ta te rmina ls an d rad io se ts wi th th e tel ephon e net work. Note: The link is a chiev ed th rough acou stic(soun d) si gnals rath er th an th rough dire ct
el ectri cal c onnec tion.
声像 Acou sticimage
A coust ics,T he ge ometr ic sp ace f igure that is m ade u p ofthe a coust ic fo ci of an a coust ic le ns, m irror, orother acou sticoptic al sy stemand i s the acou sticcount erpar t ofan
ex tende d sou rce o f sou nd. A lso k nownas im age.
声学(acous tics)
Aco ustic s - T he br anchof sc ience andtechn ology that is d evote d tothe p roduc tion,
tran smiss ion,contr ol, p roces sing, tran sform ation, rec eptio n, an d eff ectsof so und,
longi tudin al wa ves,parti cular ly as vibr ation, pre ssure, orelast ic wa ves a nd
sh ock p henom ena i n mat erial medi a.
Activ e lou dspea ker 有源音箱
Wha t isan ac tivespeak er?
An ac tivelouds peake r inc orpor atesone o r mor e int ernal powe r amp lifie rs AN D
sig nal p roces singelect ronic s tooptim ize t he si gnal. Alth oughthe t erm ―power ed‖ i s
oft en us ed in terch angea bly,we co nside r a p owere d spe akerto be mere ly aregul ar
sp eaker with an a mp bo ltedon th e bac k. Atrueactiv e spe akerlikeour L Q-P S eries
incl udesequal izati on, a n ele ctron ic cr ossov er, p haseand t ime d elaycompo nents that cansigni fican tly i mprov e the soun d ofthe s ystem.
ht tp://www.c rest-perfo rmanm/loud speak ers/w hyact ive.c fm
杜比数字(D D)5.1声道数字环绕声格式原先的叫法。1994年,日本先锋公司宣布与美国杜比实验室合作研制成功一种崭新的环绕声制式,并命名为―杜比AC-
3‖(Dol by Su rroun d Aud io Co ding-3)。1997年初,杜比实验室正式将―杜比AC-3环绕声‖改为―杜比数码环绕声‖(Dolb y Sur round Digi tal),我们常称为Dolby Digi tal
杜比A C-3提供的环绕声系统由5个全频域声道和1个超低音声道组成,被称为5.1声道。5个声道包括左前、中央、右前、左后、右后。低音声道主要提供一
AC-3(Activ e Cod ing-3) Dol by'sthird digi tal a udiocodin g tec hnolo gy ba sed o n
a p ercep tualcodin g met hod.It is more adva ncedthanAC-2and p rovid es si x cha nnels
of a udioin le ss sp ace t han t wo-ch annel ster eo CD. AC-3 and "Dol by Di gital" are
syno nymou s. Se e Dol by Di gital.Dolb y Dig ital, or A C-3,is th e com mon v ersio n
con taini ng up to s ix di scret e cha nnels of s ound, with five chan nelsfor n ormal-rang e
spe akers
Activ e Sub woofe r 有源超重低音音箱
典型的低切频率从150Hz下潜到20Hz。在选用特殊的低音扬声器情况下频率可能下潜到1Hz。通常典型的落地式(fl oorst andin g)或书架(book shelf)箱(lo udspe akers)发出80Hz之下的低音频率就变得越来越困难,因为他们不能推动足够大的空气位
司(Mille r & K reise l Sou nd Co rpora tion)的总裁肯-恺瑞(Ke n Kre isel)在洛杉矶发明成功。恺瑞与他的商务伙伴乔纳斯-米勒(Jonas Mill er)在洛杉矶拥有了一家高档的音响商店,专门买些高端静电扬声器。2001年迁厂到加利福尼亚州的查兹沃斯市
(Ch atswo rth),现在M&K工厂有6100 平米的面积,并且建立了两条完整的生产线,每一条生产线都各自拥有精密的音频测试仪器与试音室。
A s ubwoo fer r efers to e ither a wo ofer, or a comp letelouds peake r ded icate d to
the r eprod uctio n ofbassaudio freq uenci es, t ypica lly f rom 150 Hz down to 20 Hz. In t he ca se of a ro tarywoofe r, it is p ossib le to repr oduce freq uenci es do wn to 1 Hz. Bas s
fre quenc ies b elowabout 80Hz beco me in creas ingly diff icult fortypic al fl oorst andin g orbooks helflouds peake rs to repr oduce at h igh p layba ck le vels(100dB or more) bec ausetheydo no t hav e
lar ge en oughdrive rs to gene ratethe r equir ed am ountof ai r dis place ment. Ther efore, sub woofe rs ar e use ful f or au gment ing m ain l oudsp eaker s byprovi ding
playb ack o f low bass freq uenci es at high leve ls. H istor y The firs t sub woofe r was
deve loped duri ng th e 1960s by KenKreis el, c urren tly p resid ent o f Mil ler &
Krei sel S oundCorpo ratio n inLos A ngele s. Kr eisel's bu sines s par tner, Jona s Mil ler,owned a hi gh-en d aud io st ore i n Los Ange les,and c ustom ers b uying some of t he hi gh
en d ele ctros tatic spea kerscompl ained abou t a l ack o f bas s res ponse in t he
el ectro stati cs, c ompar ed to conv entio nal l oudsp eaker s; Kr eisel's so lutio n was to d esign a po wered loud speak er th at wo uld r eprod uce o nly t hosefrequ encie s tha t wer e too low
for t he el ectro stati c spe akers to c onvey andthere by fi ll in themissi ng
so nic i nform ation.[1]. Infi nity's ful l ran ge el ectro stati c spe akersyste m ofabout thesametimealsouseda sub woofe r tocover thelower freq uency rang e the elec trost aticarray s did nothandl e ade quate ly.
The f irstuse o f a s ubwoo fer i n a r ecord ing s essio n was formixin g the Stee ly Da n
alb um Pr etzel Logi c whe n rec ordin g eng ineer Roge r Nic holsarran ged f or Kr eisel
to b ringa pro totyp e ofhis s ubwoo fer t o Vil lageRecor ders. Furt her d esign modi ficat ions
weremadeby Kr eisel over thenextten y ears(andconti nuing to t he pr esent day), and
in t he 1970s a nd 1980s b y eng ineer John P. D'Arcy; rec ord p roduc er Da nielLevit in
se rvedas aconsu ltant and"gold en ea r"(金黄耳) fo r the desi gn of thecross overnetwo rk (u sed t o par titio n the freq uency spec trumso th at th e sub woofe r wou ld no t att emptto
re produ ce fr equen ciestoo h igh f or it s eff ectiv e ran ge, a nd so that themain
speak ers w ouldnot n eed t o han dle f reque ncies toolow f or th eir e ffect ive r ange).
Su bwoof ers c ame i nto g reate r pop ularconsc iousn ess i n 1974 wit h the movi e
Ear thqua ke wh ich w as re lease d inSensu rroun d. Se nsurr oundwas i nitia lly i nstal led i n 17U.S.theat ers.Six v ery l argesubwo ofers were driv en by a pa ir of 1600w amp lifie rs th at we re tr i
gger ed by cont rol t onesprint ed on oneof th e aud io tr ackson th e fil m. Fo ur of thesubwo ofers were posi tione d infront of t he au dienc e und er (o r beh ind)the f ilm s creen andtwo m ore w ere p laced toge therat th e rea r ofthe a udien ce on a pl atfor m. En ergyin th e
ran ge of 5 Hz to 40Hz w as ge nerat ed at thelevel of 110-120 dB. Much publ icity wasgiven to t he ne w low freq uency ente rtain mentmetho d and thefilmwas a boxoffic e
suc cess. More Sens urrou nd sy stems were asse mbled andinsta lled. By 1976 t herewerealmos t 300 Sens urrou nd sy stems leap frogg ing t hroug h sel ect t heate rs. F urthe r fil ms to usethe e ffect incl ude M idway in 1976 a nd Ro llerc oaste r in1977.
Acti ve an d pas sive有源和无源(音箱)
Gene ratin g hig h out put a t low bass freq uenci es is a de mandi ng ta sk, s o the driv er(推动器), e nclos ure(填充物),and a mplif ier(放大器) a re de signe d toworktoget her a s
a p ackag e. Th ese s ubwoo ferswitha bui lt-in ampl ifier(固定放大器) ar e cal led A ctive
or p owere d sub woofe rs. T he am plifi ers i n the se un its h ave b uiltin cr ossov er, p hase, andsomet imesequal izercapab iliti es.
Someampli fiers incl ude a n adj ustab le lo w-pas s cro ssove r(可调低通分频器), whi ch
li mitsthe r angeof th e sub woofe r tolow f reque ncies. For exam ple,if aliste ner's main spea kersare u sable down to 80 Hz, then thesubwo ofercross overcan b e set so t he
su bwoof er on ly wo rks b elow80 Hz. The cros sover sect ion m ay al so in clude a hi gh-pa ss "i nfras onic" filt er(高通亚音频滤波器) th at pr event s the subw oofer driv er fr om
re produ cingfrequ encie s bel ow it s cap abili ties. Thesubwo oferphase cont rol a llows a
li stene r toadjus t the phas e (ti me) a lignm ent o f the subw oofer syst em re lativ e to
the m ain s peake rs. D oingso el imina tes o r min imize s the acou sticcance llati on be tween thesubwo ofersyste m and main spea kers, theresul t ofthemnot b eingin ph ase w ithin thecross overregio n asheard at t he li stene r's e ar. P hasesetti ngs m ay be a tw o-pos ition
swit ch (0° or180°) or a cont inuou s adj ustme nt be tween thes e two valu es.
Somesubwo ofers arebuilt with thei r own inte rnalampli fier(内置放大器). De signe rs of this type canadd a degr ee of corr ectiv e equ aliza tionto en sureoptim um pe rform ance. Some also incl ude a user-adju stabl e equ alize r tha t all ows b oostor cu t out put a t cer tainfrequ encie s, an d the se va ry fr om asimpl e "bo ost"switc h, to eleg ant p arame tric
equal izers fordetai led s peake r and room corr ectio n. So me ev en in clude a