First Simple Technical Tutorial, CoupModel
Per-Erik Jansson,
Leila P Kasmaei, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Introduction 1
1)Purpose (1)
2)Interface and Windows in Docking Stations (1)
How to Set up a Model 2
1)Model Installation (2)
2)Create a New CoupModel Document (2)
3)Configuration (3)
How to adjust your document to a specific simulation 4
1)Access to Sheets and Modules (4)
2)Run Info Sheet (5)
3)Switches Sheet (6)
4)Parameters Sheet (10)
5)ParameterTable Sheet (11)
6)Model Files Sheet (12)
7)Outputs Variables Sheet (13)
8)Animation Variables Sheet (13)
9)Review Your Changed Values (14)
10)Running a Model (15)
How to Check Simulation Result 17
1)Summary Table (17)
2)Chart Properties (18)
How to Make a New Runs 19
1)New Simulation (19)
2)Files Created (19)
How to Make Binary Files for Meterological Data 20
1)Input Data of Your Own Study Site (20)
2)Input Data from NOAA (21)
3)Inset a Binary File into a Document Model (23)
How to Use Soil/Plant Database 24
1)Data Base for Soil (24)
2)Data Base for Plant (25)
1) Purpose
The purpose of this tutorial is to show how to start a simple model application by CoupModel
2) Interface and Windows in Docking Stations
Below is a general view of CoupModel interface. Note that this view is the results of your own
organisation of the window. The CoupModel is using a docking station that allow you to have
window within the frame at various positions or outside.
When opening the model, it may look like the below picture at first time.
You could move windows and toolbars to the left side, right side or buttom.
Note that windows could share the same space by being put on the top of each other. Then the
current view will be controlled by a click on window specific tab (Example File View and
Model View in the example above. Windows can also be placed outside the frame or removed.
This tutorial may referto different windows or toolbars, so please note below over views
showing an arragment of interface with different windows and toolbars.
How to Set up a Model
1) Model Installation
Exe package file of CoupModel is available and could be easily downloaded from
Download the model version    4.0 with    a complete set of
This tutorial is written for CoupModel version 4.0. We assume that you have installed the
model using the installation procedure in the program file directory you have the executable
files, i.e: C:\Program Files\LWR - KTH\CoupModel.
In addition, there are important package files containing of database and tutorials and sample
models with the installation file, are placed in your document C:\ Program file\ LWR
By this way, files have been copied to a folder named Samples containing different tutorial and
2) Create a New CoupModel Document
After installation, make a shortcut of Exe file on your computer desktop,open CoupModel and
create a new document.
Go to Simulation File:/ New in the menu bar. A window appears and you could type the namepane
“simple” as your file name and press Open.
Now you have created a document file model.
Note: your simulation set up may differ from the CoupModel default.
The Document you have created with name Simple will get the extension Sim which should be
recognized by the windows system with an icon (SIM).
3) Configuration
After creating a new document file model, you are recommended to check the setup
configurations of your installation.
Open CoupModel, Go to Help:\ User setup
The working directory should be specified to allow easy access to sample input. It is suggested
to use C:\CoupModel\samples for this exercise.
In the User Setup specify the database directory to: C:\CoupModel\samples\. (Please note that
you may change the device specification). Also the user level needs to adjust. We recommend
you to start with the normal level.You may unclick “Continous display of help when
exploring sim document”. This means that you have to press F1 button on when you want to
activate the help system. The help system should be context sensitive to the position of your
cursor with the document.
