Python Module Index a
abc Abstract base classes according to PEP 3119.
aifc Read and write audio files in AIFF or AIFC format.
argparse Command-line option and argument parsing library.
array Space efficient arrays of uniformly typed numeric values.
ast Abstract Syntax Tree classes and manipulation.
asynchat Support for asynchronous command/response protocols.
asyncore A base class for developing asynchronous socket handling services.
atexit Register and execute cleanup functions.
audioop Manipulate raw audio data. b
base64RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings
bdb Debugger framework.
binascii Tools for converting between binary and various ASCII-encoded binary representations.
binhex Encode and decode files in binhex4 format.
bisect Array bisection algorithms for binary searching.
builtins The module that provides the built-in namespace.
bz2Interface to compression and decompression routines compatible with bzip2.
calendar Functions for working with
calendars, including some emulation of the Unix cal program.
cgi Helpers for running Python scripts via the Common Gateway Interface.
cgitb Configurable traceback handler for CGI scripts.
chunk Module to read IFF chunks.
cmath Mathematical functions for complex numbers.
cmd Build line-oriented command interpreters.
code Facilities to implement read-eval-print loops.
codecs Encode and decode data and streams.
codeop Compile (possibly incomplete) Python code.
collections Container datatypes
colorsys Conversion functions between RGB and other color systems.
compileall Tools for byte-compiling all Python source files in a directory tree.python新手代码userid
concurrent.futures Execute computations concurrently using threads or processes.
configparser Configuration file parser.
contextlib Utilities for with-statement contexts.
copy Shallow and deep copy operations.
copyreg Register pickle support functions.
cProfile Python profiler
crypt(Unix)The crypt() function used to check Unix passwords.
csv Write and read tabular data to and
from delimited files.
ctypes A foreign function library for Python.
curses(Unix)An interface to the curses library, providing portable terminal handling.
curses.ascii Constants and set-membership functions for ASCII characters.
curses.panel A panel stack extension that adds depth to curses windows.
datetime Basic date and time types.
dbm Interfaces to various Unix "database" formats.
dbm.dumb Portable implementation of the simple DBM interface.
dbm.ndbm(Unix)The standard "database" interface, based on ndbm.
decimal Implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification.
difflib Helpers for computing differences between objects.
dis Disassembler for Python bytecode.
distutils Support for building and installing Python modules into an existing Python installation.
distutils.archive_util Utility functions for creating archive files (tarballs, zip files, ...)
distutilsmand This subpackage contains one module for each standard Distutils command.
distutilsmand.bdist Build a binary installer for a package
distutilsmand.bdist_dumb Build a "dumb" installer - a simple archive of files
distutilsmand.bdist_msi Build a binary distribution as a Windows MSI file
distutilsmand.bdist_packager Abstract base class for packagers
distutilsmand.bdist_rpm Build a binary distribution as a Redhat RPM and SRPM
distutilsmand.bdist_wininst Build a Windows installer Build all files of a package distutilsmand.build_clib Build any C libraries in a package distutilsmand.build_ext Build any extensions in a package
distutilsmand.build_py Build the .py/.pyc files of a package
distutilsmand.build_scripts Build the scripts of a package distutilsmand.check Check the metadata of a package distutilsmand.clean Clean a package build fig Perform package configuration distutilsmand.install Install a package
distutilsmand.install_data Install data files from a package
distutilsmand.install_headers Install C/C++ header files from a package
distutilsmand.install_lib Install library files from a package
distutilsmand.install_scripts Install script files from a package
distutilsmand.sdist Build a source The core Distutils winccompiler
distutils.debug Provides the debug flag for distutils
distutils.dep_util Utility functions for simple dependency checking
distutils.dir_util Utility functions for operating on directories and directory trees
distutils.dist Provides the Distribution class, which represents the module distribution being
distutils.fancy_getopt Additional getopt functionality
distutils.file_util Utility functions for operating on single files
distutils.filelist The FileList class, used for poking about the file system and building lists of files.
distutils.log A simple logging mechanism, 282-style
distutils.msvccompiler Microsoft Compiler
distutils.spawn Provides the spawn() function
distutils.sysconfig Low-level access to configuration information of the Python interpreter.
<_file provides the TextFile class, a simple interface to text files
distutils.unixccompiler UNIX C Compiler
distutils.util Miscellaneous other utility functions
distutils.version implements classes that represent module version numbers.
doctest Test pieces of code within docstrings.
dummy_threading Drop-in replacement for the threading module.