1. Explain why an economy’s income must equal its expenditure.
2. Which contributes more to GDP—the production of an economy car or the production of a luxury car? Why?
3. A farmer sells wheat to a baker for $2. The baker uses the wheat to make bread, which is sold for $3. What is the total contribution of these transactions to GDP?
4. Many years ago Peggy paid $500 to put together a record collection. Today she sold her albums at a g
arage sale for $100. How does this sale affect current GDP?
5. List the four components of GDP. Give an example of each.
6. Why do economists use real GDP rather than nominal GDP to gauge economic
7. In the year 2001, the economy produces 100 loaves of bread that sell for $2 each. In the year 2002,
the economy produces 200 loaves of bread that sell for $3 each. Calculate nominal GDP, real GDP, and the GDP deflator for each year. (Use 2001 as the base year.) By what percentage does each of these three statistics rise from one year to the next? 三个数据的百分比分别提高多少?
答:名义GDP      实际GDP    GDP平减指数
2001年  200元        200元        100
2002年  600元        400元        150
增长%    200%        100%          50%
8. Why is it desirable for a country to have a large GDP? Give an example of something that would raise GDP and yet be undesirable.为何说一国有高的GDP是合意的?举出一例,说明增加GDP,但不合意。
1. What components of GDP (if any) would each of the following transactions affect? Explain.
a. A family buys a new refrigerator.-消费
b. Aunt Jane buys a new house.-投资
c. Ford sells a Thunderbird from its inventory存货中.-消费GDP增加,因为有人买了汽车,但是,福特的投资减少了(存货作为投资计算)。相抵为零。
d. You buy a pizza.-消费
e. California repaves Highway 101.-政府购买
f. Your parents buy a bottle of French wine.-消费增加,净出口减少。相抵为零。
g. Honda expands its factory in Marysville, Ohio.-投资
2. The “government purchases” component of GDP does not include spending on transfer payments such as Social Security. Thinking about the definition of GDP,
explain why transfer payments are excluded.
3. Why do you think households’ purchases of new housing are included in the investment component of GDP rather than the consumption component? Can you
think of a reason why households’ purchases of new cars should also be included in investment rather than in consumption? To what other consumption goods
might this logic apply?
4. As the chapter states, GDP does not include the value of used goods that are resold. Why would including such transactions make GDP a less informative measure of economic well-being? 如果将二手货交易计入GDP,会弱化GDP对福利衡量?
5. Below are some data from the land of milk and honey.
YEAR    OFMILK    OFMILK        HONEY            OF HONEY
2001      $1        100 qts.      $2              50 qts.
2002      $1        200          $2                100
2003      $2        200          $4                100
a. Compute nominal GDP, real GDP, and the GDP deflator for each year, using 2001 as the base year.
b. Compute the percentage change in nominal GDP, real GDP, and the GDP deflator in 2002 and 2003 from the preceding year. For each year, identify the variable that does not change. Explain in words why your answer makes sense.
c. Did economic well-being rise more in 2002 or 2003? Explain.
6. Consider the following data on U.S. GDP:
YEAR              (IN BILLIONS)    (BASE YEAR 1992)
1996                7,662                110
1997                8,111                112
a. What was the growth rate of nominal GDP between 1996 and 1997? (Note: The growth rate is the percentage change from one period to the next.)
答:名义GDP的增长率(8111-7662)/ 8111= 5.54%
b. What was the growth rate of the GDP deflator between 1996 and 1997?
c. What was real GDP in 1996 measured in 1992 prices?
d. What was real GDP in 1997 measured in 1992 prices?
答:按照1992年价格计算,1997年实际GDP=8111/(112/100)= 7242 (十亿)
e. What was the growth rate of real GDP between 1996 and 1997?
答:从1996年到1997年,实际GDP的增长率=(7242-6965)/6965= 4%
f. Was the growth rate of nominal GDP higher or lower than the growth rate of real GDP? Explain.
7. If prices rise, people’s income from selling goods increases. The growth of real GDP ignores this gain, however. Why, then, do economists prefer real GDP as a measure of economic well-being? 如果价格上升,人们从出售物品中得到的收入增加了。但是实际GDP不考虑这种好处,那么,为何经济学家喜欢用实际GDP衡量经济福利?
8. Revised estimates of U.S. GDP are usually released by the government near the end of each month. Go to a library and find a newspaper article that reports on the most recent release. Discuss the recent changes in real and nominal GDP and in the components of GDP. (Alternatively, you can get the data at www.v,
the Web site of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.)
9. One day Barry the Barber, Inc., collects $400 for haircuts. Over this day, his equipment depreciates in value by $50. Of the remaining $350, Barry sends $30 to the government in sales taxes, takes home $220 in wages, and retains $100 in his business to add new equipment in the future. From the $220 that Barry takes home, he pays $70 in income taxes. Based on this information, compute Barry’s contribution to the following measures of income: 理发店理发收入400元,期间设备折旧50元,剩下350元,交给政府销售税30元,220元作为工资带回家。剩下100元添加新设备。220
a. gross domestic product
