1. The sum of the reciprocals of three prime numbers is, so what is the greatest one among the three prime numbers?
2. There is a fraction. If its numerator adds 2, it can be reduced to be; if its denominatorsubtracts 2, it can be reduced to be. So what is this fraction? 
3. A number is divided by,  and  respectively and thequotients are all natural numbers. So whatis the minimum value of this number?
4. There is a bamboo forest. Last year, the non-blooming bamboos were two times and 55 more than the blooming bamboos. With another 100 bamboos blooming this year, the blooming bamboos are four times as many as the non-blooming bamboos. So, how many bamboos are there in this forest? 
5. Take out two fractions from to make the sum of remaining fractionsto be 1. So what are these two fractions?   
6. The sum of an integer and its reciprocal is 20.05, so what is this integer and what is its reciprocal?
7. The sum of four nonzero natural numbers is 38, so what can the minimum product of these four natural numbers be? And what can the maximum product be?
8. It is known that a is a prime number and b is an even number and that a2+b=2008, so what is the result of a+b+1?
9. There is a prime number p, which can make p+2 and p+4 to be prime numbers as well. So what is the result of?
10. There are four different even numbers a, b, c and d, which are all greater than 0. If they should satisfy the equation of a+b+c+d=20, how many groups of such even numbers (a, b, c, d) are there?
11. Add a 0 to the middle place of a double-digit number, so that the new three-digit number is 8 times more than the original number. So what is the original double-digit number?
12. As shown in the picture, how many different ways are there to go from A to B? (One can only walk up or towards left)
13. When doing a calculation in an exam, a careless student made some mistakes. Rather than multiplying a number by 9 and then adding 30, he divided the number by 9 and then subtracted 30, so that the result was 18. If he did the calculation correctly, what would the result be? 
14. There are some balls in a bag and the red balls account for  of the total amount. After adding another 6 red balls into the bag, the red balls account for  of the total amount. So how many balls are there in the bag now?
15. 1567 students stand in a row to play games, speaking “I’m”“the”“best from the head of the row to the end of the row (each student speaks one word at a time) and then speaking these three words from the end of the row to the head of it. So, how many students speak “I’m twice?
1. It takes a boat 5 hours to sail48 km downstream and 16 km upstream. And it also takes the boat 5 hours to sail 32 km downstream and 24 kmupstream. So what is the speed of this boat in still water?   
2. In a school, boy students account for  of all the students. It is known that the number of a
ll the students and the number of boys are both three-digit numbers and the six digits making up these two three-digit numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. So how many students are there in this school?
3. Six children playgames. Each of them writes down an integer on a card and gives the card to a teacher. The teacher adds up any 5 of the six numbers in different ways and gets the following six numbers: 87, 92, 98, 99, 104and 110.So what number on the six cards is closest to the average number?
