高中英语必修二第五单元重点、难点    Unit Five Music
1 Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music? 你梦想 在音 会上成千上万人前演奏 ,每个人都在拍手,欣 你的音 。
dream of    用法  :
1)渴望;迫切希望I am dreaming of having a car.  我渴望用于一 小 。

The tramp dreams of living in a room tonight.    流浪 迫切希望今晚能在一个房子里
2)做梦也没想到;从未想到    I have never dreamed of becoming a teacher.

睡 。
我从来也没想到我会成 老 。

I haven    t dreamed of meeting you here.想到会在 儿 到你。
即 活用:  I used to want to be a politician.    ---I always dreamed _______ the conductor of an orchestra.
A. to become B. that I will become C. that I become D. of becoming

答案: D

include of 用法
2 Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?
你唱 卡拉  OK
并且假装自己是像宋祖英或刘 一 的大牌歌星 ?
pretend vt.  假装
用法  :
He is always pretending to be an officer.  他 是装得像个干部一 。
Let s pretend we are grown-ups. 咱 来假装我 是大人。
He pretended sleep when his mother called him.    叫他 他假装睡 。
想 展:  pretend to 自称具有;自称 得到
He pretends to great knowledge.
他假装很有知 。
3To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.   ,很多人把名和利看的很重要。 attach to
(1)  使属于;使参加    He attached himself to the group of climbers.    他把自己算在登山者中。
His new firm attached him to the sales division.    他的新公司 他在 售部。
(2)    有( 任) ;(罪 )在  ⋯身上    No blame attaches to him for the accident.    个事故他没有任何 任。
The accident attached to the driver of the truck    事故 任全在卡 司机。
4 The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.
