China ASEAN Freeloader Area is the first free trade zone which China negotiates with foreign,and it is largest free trade area formed by developing countries,with 1.9 billion people,nearly 6 trillion GDP and 4.5 trillion total trade volume Heft has start in January 1,2010.With the Caftan's establishment and the"early harvest"plan has carried out the two sides continue to improve terms agricultural trade,trade volume increased significantly,showing a strong overall resources-market pattern of the complement,but both the import and export pattern is unequal,the countries of China's exports to ASEAN are scattered,and source of imports are relatively concentrated.China-ASIAN agricultural trade deficit increasing,the area north of the Yangtze River are benefit,while southern region affected.This article is based on this background that has a in-depth study.The purpose of this research is through quantitative and qualitative methods summarized the whichever CAFTA brings to China's agricultural trade,further analysis of China in thereafter how to carry out policy coordination and adjustment,namely,What kind of trade policy and industrial policy should be taken to the foreign.