A small plane from Kunming flew over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong
Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves and by dim lamps.
(3)永远记住你(always remember you)真遗憾(that's too bad/it's a shame)小心台阶(mind the steps)我感到很痛(I feel great pain)亚洲四小龙(the Four Little Tigers of Asia)百里挑一(one in a thousand)干杯!要一饮而尽。(Cheers! Bottoms up.)
My husband has bought two film tickets for us tonight, because you’re laid off and have to cut your expenses.
John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.
(6)华尔街是个残酷的地方。(Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place.)
Translation is an activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language.
Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in an
other language.
(10)翻译的本质是释义,是意义的转换.Translation is always meaning-based.
translation is a kind of science because it has a whole set of rules governing it and certain objective laws to go by in the process of translating just as other sciences do.
translation is also an art, a bilingual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language.
besides, it’s also a craft, because in translation, certain skills and technique are needed in
order to attain clearness of style, and fluency in language.
(12)半斤八两(Six of one and half a dozen of the other)隔墙有耳(Walls have ears.)鱼米之乡(a land of milk and honey)白马王子、梦中情人(Mr./Mrs. Right; Prince Charming)拆东墙补西墙(Rob Peter to pay Paul)儿童票价减半(half-price fare for children)一次专访(an exclusive interview)必须引起密切注意(require immediate attention)身体状况良好(in good shape)走错了路(be on the wrong track)一目了然(see with half an eye)一模一样(as alike as two peas)三言两语(in a few words; in one or two words)三心二意(to be in two minds)三思而后行(look before you leap)三三两两(by ones and twos)四面八方(all directions)七嘴八舌(all talking at once)十之八九(ten to one)十全十美(be perfect in every way)
(13)张衡还创造了世界上第一台观测气象的仪器——expressed翻译候风仪anemograph 。他还制作了已经失传的指南车。这种车不管怎么转弯,车上的木制小人总是把手臂指向南方。
Zhang Heng also created the world's first meteorological instrument —— anemograph. He made a pointing-south cart with a wooden figure always pointing southward no matter what
direction the cart was moving in. The cart has since been lost.
The eternal universe sometimes comes to an end, but my unceasing complaint knows no limit.
Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can win a hundred battles.
Conquer the desires,or they will conquer you