二、翻译技巧从句的译法1、名词从句2、定语从句3、状语从句1、名词从句英语名词从句包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。引导名词从句的连接词有:*从属连词:that : 无词义if 和whether:是否*连接代词:what, which, who, whom, whose, whoever, whatever, whichever 等,它们既起连接作用,本身有词义又在从句中起代词的作用。*连接副词:when, where, why, how 等,它们既起连接作用,本身有词义又在从句中起副词的作用。1)主语从句的译法英语主语从句有两种形式:a. 从属连词、连接代词和连接副词引导的主语从句,从句在主语谓语之前方法:一般可以按原语序译出Whether the materials could stand the test is still a question. 这些材料能否实验合格,还是个问题。EX. Who will preside at the seminar has not yet been decided. 由谁来主持这次研讨会还没有决定。我们的计划如有任何改变,将另行通知。Whatever changes we make in our plan will be announced later. b. 以it 作形式主语引出的主语从句方法1:it 不译出来,顺译为无人称句。It is reported that a new-type computer is coming to the market very soon. 据报道,一种新型计算机将很快进入市场。方法2:it 如表示强调可译出,否则不必译出。如:It doesn’t seem likely that he will be here. 他来的可能性似乎不太大。It is a fact that the United States always interferes in the internal affairs of other countries. 美国总是干涉别过内政,这是事实。2)宾语从句的译法方法1:英语的大多数宾语
从句在汉译时,一般按原句的语序译出。Clinical observation showed that acupuncture treatment for eczema has a better therapeutic effect than Chinese drugs. 临床观察表明针灸湿疹比中药的疗效好。方法2:宾语从句有时也可逆着原文语序译出,一是可以使译文通顺,二是可以强调宾语。Heredity alone cannot explain why some people are left-handed and some people are right-handed. 为什么有些人惯用左手而有些人惯用右手,单靠遗传学也不能作出解释。方法3:以it 作形式宾语的句子,that 引起的宾语从句一般采用顺译法,it 不译。We have made it clear to the whole world that we’ll never behave like a superpower. 我们已向全世界表明,我们永远不做超级大国。新闻发布会取消了,我们都感到很遗憾。We all thought it a pity that the press conference should have been cancelled. 3)表语从句的译法标语从句的位置总在系动词之后,由that, what, why, how, when, where, whether 等连词、连接代词和连接副词引导。方法:和大多数宾语从句一样,表语从句一般按原句的语序译出。我们想要知道的是我们何时能有一个多媒体实验室。What we want to know is when we can have a multimedia laboratory. 4)同位语从句的译法同位语从句是用来说明它前面的某个名词(先行词)的内容,通常由连词that 引导的从句。需要指出的是,that 引导的同位语从句与that 引导的定语从句有以下区别:*先行词的不同定语从句或同位语
从句前面都有先行词。引导定语从句的that 是用来指代表人或务的先行词,但引导同位语从句的that 所指的只是一些表示抽象概念的名词。如:answer, assumption, conclusion, concept, doubt, evidence, fact, hope, idea, notice, observation, problem, proof, question, rumor, suggestion, thought, truth * 两个that 词性不同引导定语从句的that 为关系代词,它的作用是连接主句和从句,并代表先行词在从句中充当一个句子成分。而引导同位语从句的that 是连词,只起连接住句和从句的作用,它不充当任何成分,也不能被which 所代替。*两种从句句法功能不同定语从句是形容词性的,它的功能是修饰先行词,描述它的性质或特征,而同位语从句是名词性的,它的功能是对所说的词语作进一步补充性的解释。方法1:一般情况下,同位语从句可按原语序译出。This experience leads to the conclusion that unlike charges attract each other. 这个实验导致这样一个结论:异性电荷相吸。她表示希望再到北京来访问。She expressed the hope that she would come over to visit Beijing again. 方法2:有些同位语从句,可以采用逆序译法,先把从句译成独立的句子放在句首,再译主句。The marvel at the fact that a man in Scandinavia lived for 300 days on only spuds covered with a bit of margarine. 在斯堪地纳维亚,有个人整整300天只吃涂上少许人造黄油的土豆而健康地活着,这个事实使他们感到惊讶。EX. 自动化能提高工作效率,这是毫无疑
问的。There can be no question about the fact that automation can raise working efficiency. 方法3:除that 外,引导同位语从句的还有whether 和where 。e.g. 这时就产生了这样一个问题:我们到哪儿去所需要的工具。Then arose the question where we were to get the tools needed. 2、定语从句Attributive clauses are widely used in English. In many cases, sentences are made very long because of attributive clauses. Hence it is important to have a correct comprehension and an accurate translation of attributive clauses. Different attributive clauses may express different meanings such as purpose, concession, result and so on. An attributive clauses follows the word it modifies. This is different from Chinese. In Chinese, there is no post-position attributive, and there can’t be too many modifies preceding the modified word. All this causes changes in translating some sentences which contain attributive clauses. 定语从句一般有关系代词that, which, who, as, but 等和关系副词when, where, how, why 等引导,用来修饰主句中的某个名词(先行词)。1)限制性定语从句的译法限制性定语从句是用来限制其先行词范围的,它与主句的关系密切,通常不用逗号与主句分开。其译法主要有两种。方法1:前置法较短的限制性定语从句可译成带“的”的定语词组,用来修饰先行词。Examples: Information protection is a subject o
n which many computer experts are working now. 保护信息是许多计算机专家正在研究的一个课题。我认识刚才做报告的哪个人。I know the man who made the report just now. 方法2:后置法如果限制性定语从句较长,可采用后置法翻译,往往可以译成后置的并列分句,重复先行词。如:He made the sound of sympathy which comes so readily from those who have an independent income. 他发出了同情之声,这种同情是那些有独立收入的人最容易脱口而出的。EX. 1 The United States has long been known as a “melting pot”, because many of its people are descended from the settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land. 美国历来以“民族熔炉”著称,因为许多美国人是移民的后裔,当年这些移民从世界各地来到这快新土地上安家落户。EX. 2 Students in these schools, however, as well as those in private colleges, must pay tuition, but the state schools are much less expensive than private ones, particularly for students who are residents of the state. 但是这些学校的学生以及私立学校的学生都得付学费,不过州立学校的学费比私立学校便宜得多,对于是本州居民的学生来说,尤为便宜。EX. 3 请你把我书桌上的杂志拿走。我仍然记得我们中学时期的幸福<a name=baidusnap0></a>时光</B>。我们在北京时住的那家旅馆既便宜又舒适。告诉我们你拒绝合作的理由。He who flatters one to t
he face will surely speak ill of one behind oneexpressed翻译’s back. Reference version Would you please take away the magazine which is lying on my desk? I still remember those happy days when we were in the middle school. The hotel where we stayed while in Beijing was both cheap and comfortable. Tell us the reason why you refuse to cooperate. 当面奉承的人必定背后诋毁。2)非限制性定语从句的译法非限制性定语从句是用来对其先行词或对整个主句加以补充说明。因此,通常可采用后置法译出。非限制性定语从句,无论是由关系代词还是关系副词引导的,一般都译成并列分句,用以补充说明先行词的信息。Examples: The Prime Minister will visit the town in October, when he will open the new hospital. 总理将于十月访问该市,届时他将主持新医院的落成典礼。The meeting was cancelled, which was exactly what we expected. 会议取消了,这正是我们所希望的。方法1:重复先行词It is he who received the letter that announced the death of your uncle. 就是他接到的那封信,信中说你叔叔去世了。方法2:不重复先行词After dinner, the four key negotiators resumed their talks, which continued well into the night. 晚餐后四位主要谈判者继续谈判,直至深夜。方法3:译成偏正复句中的分句,表示条件、原因、目的、转折、结果等关系。He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter. 他想写一篇文章,以
引起公众对此事的关注。The computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 计算机虽有许多优点,但却无法进行创造性活动,也无法取代人的工作。3. 由“名词(代词)+ of+which”引导的从句译法(1)在这种从句中,“名词(代词)+ of+which”中的名词(代词)是从句中的主语。而of which 则是该名词(代词)的定语。译成汉语时,一般都把of which 译成“其”,“它(们)的”。整个从句译成汉语的独立句,其位置在主语之后。Examples: 1 Gas is a substance, the volume of which is determined by the temperature and pressure. 气体是这样一种物质,其体积取决于温度和压力。Examples:2 A survey was carried