thermodynamics 热力学        internal energy内能
butane丁烷                  ethane乙烷                methane甲烷
Isentropic等熵                Compressible flows可压缩流体      combustion燃烧            british thermal unit英热单位control volume控制体
Inflammability limits可燃范围 Laminar flow层流       condensation凝结
Reynolds number雷诺数 convection heat transfer对流换热  kinetic energy 动能         
Isothermal等温          potential energy势能        heating value热值                      
isolated system孤立系统    surroundings环境
isothermal process等温过程 iso-baric process等压过程 isometric process等熵过程
specific volume比容          cycle循环 
saturation temperature饱和温度                    subcooled liquid过冷液体  expressed翻译compressed liquid压缩液体      flame火焰
thermal efficiency热效率  cycle efficiency 循环效率 physical quantity物理量                  fluid mechanics流体力学
flow field流场              pathlines迹线
lower calorific value低热值
net calorific value净热值
viscous flow/ inviscid flow粘性、非粘性流体
velocity gradient速度梯度
steady flow/ unsteady flow稳定、非稳定流
boundary layer边界层   
heat transfer热传递                          heat-transfer rate传热速率temperature gradient温度梯度 proportionality constant比例常数
thermal conductivity热传导Celsius degree摄氏度 conduction heat transfer导热            convection heat transfer对流换热radiation heat transfer辐射换热blackbody黑体
emissivity发射率          view factor 角系数
heat exchanger热交换                        condenser冷凝器     
absolute pressure绝对压力 absolute temperature绝对温度
air-fuel ratio空燃比
combustion air助燃空气temperature difference  温差                  combustion products燃烧产物excess air过剩空气 
exothermic reaction放热反应       
fuel gas loss燃气损失   
heat efficiency 热效率              ignition temperature点火温度inches of water column英寸水柱lower heating value低热值 perfect combustion完善燃烧              complete combustion完全燃烧 specific gravity比重
water gas水煤气          natural gas天然气     
coal gasification煤的气化                     
molecular weight分子量        specific heat比热
compressibility factor压缩因数 viscosity粘度
latent heat of vaporization气化潜热        boiling point沸点  gross heating value高热值 gas-air ignition limit点火极限
normal pressure标准压力
kitchen Ventilation厨房通风minor Losses局部损失/较小损之
reversible process可逆过程 viscous effect粘滞作用          fuel gas燃气
primary air一次空气              secondary air二次空气

13页 第二段 332行The flow regime depends on three physical parameters describing the flow conditions.流动状态依赖于三个描述流动条件的物理参数。
15页 第二段When a temperature gradient in a body,experience has shown that there is an energy transfer from the high-temperature region to the low-temperature region. We say that the energy is transferred by conduction and that the heat-transfer rate per unit area is proportion¬al to the normal temperature gradient: . When the proportionality constant is in
where q is the heat-transfer rate and  is the temperature gradient in the direction of the heat flow. The positive constant λ is called the thermal conductivity of the material,and the minus sign is inserted so that the second principle of thermodynamics will be satisfied;i. e.,heat must flow downhill on the temperature scale. Equation (1-3) is called Fourier's law of heat conduction after the French mathematical physicist Joseph Fourier,who made very sig¬nificant contributions to the analytical treatment of conduction heat transfer. It is important to note that Equation (1-3) is the defining equation for the thermal conductivity and that λ has the units of watts per meter per Celsius degree in a typical system of units in which the heat flow is expressed in watts. 当物体内部存在温度梯度时,经验表明,就有能量从高温区向低温区传递。我们说,此时的能量通过传导进行传递,单位面积上的传热速率与法向温度梯度成正比,即q/A~ T/ x。引入比例系数,则有  其中q是热流量, T/ x是热流方向上的温度梯度,正常数 称为材料的导热系数。方程中插入的负号表示热传导过程应满足热力学第二定律,即热量必须沿温度降低的方向传递。式(1-3)称为傅立叶导热定律,以法国数
理学家约瑟夫 傅立叶的名字命名,傅立叶在导热的分析处理方面做出了极其重大的贡献。值得注意的是,式(1-3)也是导热系数的定义式,在典型的单位体系中,当热流量q的单位为W时, 的单位为W/(m )
56页 最后一段(不包括57页)
Gas appliances are so flexible in design that they give satisfactory operation under all average pressures (Table 9-10 and 9-11) listed. Many appliances are equipped with pressure regulators and are therefore nearly independent of gas line pressure variations. In cannot be assumed, however, that in appliances without regulators satisfactory operation will be obtained at high and low extremities if fluctuations from the average adjustment pressure are as much as ±50 percent. Operation will be satisfactory as long as pressure is maintained close to that at which the appliance was adjusted. 气体电器设计灵活,在所有列出的平均压力(表9和9 - 11)下都可顺利运行。许多电器配有压力调节器,使其近独立于气体管路压力变化。然而,如果平均调整压力的波动达±50%,我们不能假定,在没有监管机构顺利地操作下的系统将会达到或高或低两个极端。只要压力保持在该装置调整的压力,操作将是令人满意的
