1. 张弓 (zhāng gōng):to draw a bow
Example: 张弓射箭是一项古老的运动。 (Zhāng gōng shè jiàn shì yī xiàng gǔ lǎo de yùn dòng.)
Translation: Archery, drawing a bow and shooting arrows, is an ancient sport.
2. 天之道 (tiān zhī dào):the way of Heaven
Example: 老子的《道德经》阐述了天之道的思想。 (Lǎozi de "Dàodéjīng" chǎnshù le tiān zhī dào de sīxiǎng.)
Translation: Laozi's "Tao Te Ching" expounds the philosophy of the way of Heaven.
3. 犹 (yóu):similar to; just like
Example: 这个问题犹如一道难题,需要仔细思考。 (Zhè gè wèn tí yóu rú yī dào nán tí, xūyào zǐxì sīkǎo.)
Translation: This question is similar to a difficult problem and requires careful consideration.
4. 内容丰富 (nèi róng fēng fù):rich in content
Example: 这本书的内容丰富,涵盖了各个方面的知识。 (Zhè běn shū de nèi róng fēng fù, hángài le gè gè fāngmiàn de zhīshì.)
Translation: This book is rich in content and covers various aspects of knowledge.
5. 用法 (yòng fǎ):usage
Example: 这个词的用法很灵活,可以在不同的语境中使用。 (Zhè gè cí de yòng fǎ hěn líng huó, kěyǐ zài bùtóng de yǔjìng zhōng shǐyòng.)
Translation: The usage of this word is very flexible and can be used in different contexts.
content的中文翻译6. 中英文对照 (zhōng yīng wén duì zhào):Chinese-English parallel comparison
Example: 这本书提供了中英文对照的译文,方便学习者对照学习。 (Zhè běn shū tígōng le zhōng yīng wén duì zhào de yìwén, fāngbiàn xuéxí zhě duì zhào xuéxí.)
Translation: This book provides a translation with Chinese-English parallel comparison, making it convenient for learners to study by comparing.